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Scar's 40k and Pre heresy Painting log

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Haha thank you guys!! :)


Been away for a bit painting fantasy models but im back with 40k!

Incoming Space wolves army commission!

This is a half painted army done by another studio who disappeared into thin air with my clients money and half of his models.

I think it is really sad these things happen and thank my client for his trust in my studio.

Now onto some pictures!


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Great stuff! The Ultramarines look excellent, particularly the command squad.


Quick question on the Wolves commission- would you consider that a "table top" paint job? Or one step up from that?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Everyone!

Thanks geektom! :)
In between all the fantasy project i have atm i have managed to paint these 5 drop pods for a client.
They needed to match his current crimson fist army.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Superb stuff!


I have a question: on that Iron Hands Sicaran, did you use an ice blue for the highlights?


It's an interesting idea and looks really cool, I'm still trying to figure out how to highlight my black Heresy Dark Angels. Because Black is never truly "pure black" the color is always fiddly. Any tips or suggestions?

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Thanks everyone!

Its turquoise from vallejo game color mix with black.
For the edge highlights its turquoise and final highlight with white mixed with turquoise.
After all the weathering it gets like this :smile.:

Edited by Whitescar
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  • 3 weeks later...

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