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Scar's 40k and Pre heresy Painting log

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Those scouts are awesome, the scion heads make the models look much more "spec ops" compared to the original heads.

Once again you've nailed the glow effect on your models, it actually looks like small LED's behind the eye lenses :tu:

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Thanks Koriel,
Conversions are made by the client so cant take credit for those but i agree the helmets are way better than the normal faces.

Tomorrow a Landspeeder storm and Storm raven and the commission is finished.
Group shot and little video are going to made then. 
Here are the devastators, command squad, attack bikes and thunderfire cannon.
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Thanks Chaeron!

But please don't let my painting intimidate you but let it push you in the right direction instead!
I came from a very low standard once and never gave up to get this far and i'm still not finished learning and pushing myself further! 

Here is a side project im working on atm, to push my limits and trying new things:


Edited by Whitescar
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  • 2 weeks later...

That is absolutely jaw droppingly beautiful.


The little bits of osl are so well done and add little points of contrast that work superbly.


If I may be so bold to ask, how do you do your osl?

Edited by TearsOfTheRaven
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Thanks Tearsoftheraven!
With an airbrush, colors i use are:
Vallejo game color: hawk turquoise then mix that with white and final stage pure white!

And here the Falchion to go with the 30k space wolf army i'm going to paint up in a couple of months!
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Thanks guys!

Atm im really busy painting fantasy armies for clients but after that there will be some marines!

How did you paint the blue armour of the Ultramarines? They're gorgeous and I must have that recipe (please) :biggrin.:

Ultramarines are up next ill answer your questions then and post some WIP's for you! :)

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