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List of all future Horus Heresy Releases


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Added two more


One is from the Chapbook of GD France - there was a HH exclusive story that was't published anyhwere else:


Les Portes de Terra

Les forces du Maître de Guerre Horus se frayent un chemin au travers de la galaxie, leur but n’étant autre que Terra elle-même. Le capitaine Arcadese des Ultramarines est affecté à la défense du Récif Ardent. Alors qu’il est aux commandes d’une plateforme d’artillerie orbitale, le Vengeful Spirit fait son apparition, et avec lui une gigantesque flotte de vaisseaux rebelles. Sous le regard acéré de Rogal Dorn et de Malcador le Sigillite, Arcadese prendra-t-il la tête de ses hommes pour un glorieux baroud d’honneur, ou la pression sera-t-elle trop forte même pour un tel vétéran ?





Has ayone read that story?



And there is a anthology confirmed as HH Weekender Only. One character that was presumed dead has an ecounter with someoe who was also thought dead. Loken meets Tarik?? Or maybe finally Tarvitz, Rylanor and the others contact Garro - this would be the greatest thing to happen ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...

And there is a anthology confirmed as HH Weekender Only. One character that was presumed dead has an ecounter with someoe who was also thought dead. Loken meets Tarik?? Or maybe finally Tarvitz, Rylanor and the others contact Garro - this would be the greatest thing to happen msn-wink.gif

Too good to be true.

This is new though...


Thiel looks /SICK!/

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All I want is for the original paperback versions to return - I see nothing on the horizon in this regard wallbash.gif

Um. I think the paperback for Angel Exterminatus is out this month or next. Mass-market paperbacks for the HH series aren't going anywhere, and there's no delay in HH novel releases. The hardbacks are released six months early.

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I actually MUCH prefer the Hard backs, i have all the soft backs in my collection and they look dog eared as I read them so often, the hard backs look invincible and the extra artwork is nice.


@ADB, Betrayer was awesome dude, thanks so much :)

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Thanks Aaron - I haven't seen any news about Angel Exterminatus being released in the immediate future in the old paperback style. It seems an age since I have had a new HH book to read, so your news is definitely good news.


So, what's the difference between the 'original' paperbacks we started off collecting and the 'Trade' paperbacks listed on the BL website? (apart from the price that is)!

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Thanks Aaron - I haven't seen any news about Angel Exterminatus being released in the immediate future in the old paperback style. It seems an age since I have had a new HH book to read, so your news is definitely good news.


They talk about it a lot on the Facebook page, but yeah, they really could make the process a lot clearer. It conforms much closer to the standard book trade deal now, except it's much faster (rather than waiting a year between hardback and paperback, it's only 3-6 months) and the book trade is increasingly leaning towards abandoning mass-market paperback as a format, altogether. 


So, what's the difference between the 'original' paperbacks we started off collecting and the 'Trade' paperbacks listed on the BL website? (apart from the price that is)!


It goes like this:


  • Limited Edition hardback, available only through GW stores and BL.com - six months early.
  • Trade paperback, available three months after the ltd. edition hardback. (This is the format most bookstores and the book trade are starting to favour, and in BL terms, it's the format of the Space Marine Battles books.)
  • Mass-market paperback, the traditional format, released as usually scheduled - and about six months after the ltd. edition version.

But, as I hoped to convey with the mighty power of my "Um" in the previous post, I'm not a scheduling guy. This is the plan as I understand it, and as it seems to be playing out so far, but don't lay siege to GW HQ with my confused face on your war banner.

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Thanks Aaron - I haven't seen any news about Angel Exterminatus being released in the immediate future in the old paperback style. It seems an age since I have had a new HH book to read, so your news is definitely good news.


They talk about it a lot on the Facebook page, but yeah, they really could make the process a lot clearer. It conforms much closer to the standard book trade deal now, except it's much faster (rather than waiting a year between hardback and paperback, it's only 3-6 months) and the book trade is increasingly leaning towards abandoning mass-market paperback as a format, altogether. 


>So, what's the difference between the 'original' paperbacks we started off collecting and the 'Trade' paperbacks listed on the BL website? (apart from the price that is)!


It goes like this:


  • Limited Edition hardback, available only through GW stores and BL.com - six months early.
  • Trade paperback, available three months after the ltd. edition hardback. (This is the format most bookstores and the book trade are starting to favour, and in BL terms, it's the format of the Space Marine Battles books.)
  • Mass-market paperback, the traditional format, released as usually scheduled - and about six months after the ltd. edition version.

But, as I hoped to convey with the mighty power of my "Um" in the previous post, I'm not a scheduling guy. This is the plan as I understand it, and as it seems to be playing out so far, but don't lay siege to GW HQ with my confused face on your war banner.


I was compelled.


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  • Trade paperback, available three months after the ltd. edition hardback. (This is the format most bookstores and the book trade are starting to favour, and in BL terms, it's the format of the Space Marine Battles books.)

Now why on earth could book retailers and publishers possibly be starting to favour a format which allows them to increase the price over the mass-market format by 47% while increasing their costs by a tiny fraction of that I wonder? whistlingW.gif

Mind you, I don't pay any more than I used to, I just started buying the books online rather than at a GW store, which has the added benefit that I don't have to endure well-meaning but annoying sales patter wink.png

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  • 1 month later...

Took out nearly half of the list, but the only addition was The Imperial Truth, so the forecast gets smaller. So no new novels on the BL outlook until August...maybe after the Weekender The Unremembered Empire will be added....

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Not on topic but just airing a thought (I will move it to its own thread if you so desire). We know the image of Macer Varren was ment to be the astartes form of Gerard Bulter. Now to anyone on this thread familiar with the Spartacus tv programme is it just me or is Sargent Thiel in that picture the astartes Gannicus?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think the only missing stories are now the following:


The Lion and the Wolf

The Iron Warriors bombing of Olympia

Space Battle Alpha Legion vs. White Scars / Space Wolves

Corruption of the Death Guard in the Warp

War of the Webway


Did I miss any?

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Space Battle Alpha Legion vs. White Scars / Space Wolves???


what story is this?



from the Collected Visions.


THe White Scars, on their way to Terra, come across the Wolves being attacked by a larger AL fleet. The Wolves are surviving due to adopting hit and run tactics, and when Russ sees the Khan's fleet he immediately asks for his aid. The combined Scar/Wolf fleet would easily outnumber the AL.


The Khan wants to fight, and sends a desparate commuication to Dorn asking to delay his return to Terra. Dorn says no, and orders Khan to return and for Russ to do what he can to lead the AL away from Terra. The Khan regretfully leaves Russ behind, while Russ promises to show how dangerous the cornered Wolf can be.

Russ eventually drives off the AL fleet with aid from an "unexpected ally"



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The Alpha Legion defeats the SW on Yarant and the White Scars on Tallarn. Maybe something happens between the Ultramarines and the Alpha Legion on Eskrador.

Mortarion and the Death Guard become Nurgle followers thanks to Typhus' betrayal in the Warp.

The Sons of Horus do... something I guess. Because at this point I don't really understand what they're doing.

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Vesper, Eskrador should be after the heresy though. And AL on Tallarn is something I remember from older fluff, isn't it supposed to be IW mowadays?
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