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Angels Sorrowful WIP (01/04/17 update: Sanguinor WIP)

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@Jonke -- pretty basic, I just took the "High Elf" formula out of the How to Paint Citadel Miniatures book. Basically this set of paints: https://www.games-workshop.com/en-CA/High-Elves-Paint-Drop applied in the order they appear, although I didn't bother with the Etherium Blue highlight or Guilliman Blue glaze.


@marine731200 -- the sword actually looks a lot better in real life. I'll try taking another picture with natural light, but for some reason the layers/highlighting do not show up in the photo I took last night. The Bloodletter glaze perhaps did too good of a job of softening the highlights and that's why it doesn't show up on the picture, but to my eye anyway the real model has much more depth.

You know I looked at it again and although it looks better than in the pic it is not nearly as crisp as the rest of my stuff. The Bloodletter washed the colours out too much. I am going to try a white dry brush then hit that with Bloodletter to make it a light red. Hopefully that makes it "pop" more.

Well, I tried fixing the sword. It looks a bit better (and still better than it looks in the photos) but still not as crisp as I'd like. However, I think this is as good as it's getting without stripping and doing-over, plus doing it with different paints and I have neither the time nor inclination to do that with a 2800 point army to complete by mid-November. So, here is the finished product:


Now on to my Furioso ...

  On 8/9/2016 at 3:25 AM, Quixus said:

Nice. Is this the Venerable Dreadnought body? If so, how did you attach the Magna Grapple?


Yes, it is the Venerable Dreadnought body. I don't recall having to do anything special to attach the magna-grapple, it basically just fit on top same as it does on the Furioso kid. I may have had to do some slight cutting but I don't remember having to do anything involved at all. Very simple kit bash (not even worthy of being called a conversion).

Now that ETL is done, it is time to move onto elements of my force that are far less efficient in regards to the ratio of time/effort: points. So, I'm working on my scouts:


I'm using greatcrusade08's technique (as shown here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/277018-making-scoutsm-hybrids/) to make my scouts, since I never liked the look of stock GW scouts but think with the space marine helmets and torsos they look dead 'ard. I'm giving them camo cloaks, and to achieve this have given them Forgeworld Cadian backpacks (I had five extras kicking around) for this. I'll paint the rolls on the top of the backs camouflage. I'm planning to go with Sergeant power sword, then 2x CCW/BP, and then 2x shotgun to make them a little more multipurpose plus also because I think it will look cool (plus I read good things about this combo in the scouts loadout thread).

  On 8/17/2016 at 2:52 PM, Nicodemus Doloroso said:

Now that ETL is done, it is time to move onto elements of my force that are far less efficient in regards to the ratio of time/effort: points. So, I'm working on my scouts:

Haha, same tactic for me. My last vowes were entirely characters. That means it's rank and file for me for a while sweat.gif

  On 8/17/2016 at 8:59 PM, Aquilanus said:

Having seen greatcrusade08's Scouts in person, I can attest to how awesome they are, although he doesn't have them any more sad.png

That's most unfortunate confused.gif ... I've since regretted all the armies I sold. I would have a fair few if I'd kept them all, but the more poorly painted ones my sons could use as they learn. I've vowed to never again sell a model I've painted and gamed with after these bitter experiences.

  On 8/17/2016 at 9:24 PM, LutherMax said:

Those do look cool indeed! Neat idea about the cloaks / back packs - do you have a photo of them?

I'll take a photo tonight that shows the backpacks and post it up tomorrow.

  On 8/17/2016 at 11:58 PM, CaptainHelion said:

That sword's a great choice for the scouts, too. The shortness of it works well in a lighter context than tacticalsix .

Yeah, from when I first decided to do a Scout squad after discussing back-and-forth with Morticon about how to craft my list for the tournament, I knew that sword would be perfect and set it aside. An axe or maul may have been better on scouts, but the rule of cool and how fitting that sword is for scouts won the day.

The scouts with the maul is my squad of snipers, so they sit in the backfield. The maul is more of a potential threat than anything. +2S scares people more than you might expect, so they tend to throw a bit more to take out the squad than they really warrant.

As requested, here is a rear view of the scouts so you can see the Cadian backpacks I used to give them camo cloaks:


Just slapped backpacks from the Cadian Respirators upgrade pack from Forgeworld. I'll paint the rolls on top of the backpacks camo and that will be their camo cloaks. I like the backpacks because it also makes the scouts look more like they can operate well away from supply lines. I also added extra gear to them for the same purpose.

Here's a top view to show how I attached the packs. I basically just shaved down the backpack coupling a little extra (from what the aforementioned tutorial tells you to do) and they fit nice:


The assembled squad viewed from front:



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