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The Shadow Guard

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  Azeikel said:
Well I haven't lifted a brush since January, mainly due to University life getting in the way, so this should be the motivation I need in order to get started again.

In penance for my sins of not fulfilling one of the three cornerstones of the hobby I hereby solemnly pledge to complete by months end: 1 Company Master Belail (PS/SB), and his Deathwing Command Squad of 5 Terminators (1 PW/SW, 1 SB/PF w/ standard, 1 Apocathery w/ SB/PF, 1 SB/PF w/ CML & 1 SB/PF).


They are half painted at the moment but since I started them 2 years ago my tastes have changed, so I am going to strip them and start again. Is that permitted?





  The Shadow Guard said:

This is where this event differs greatly form all others. There is no restriction on what degree of work has been already done on your models. For clarity the various possibilities are listed below


1. Start from scratch: Brand new models, ie Dark vengeance starter set.

2. Start from base coat / primer level

3. Partially painted models which require detailing are very much acceptable

4. Fully painted squads/units which you wish to expand are also fine. Eg: You have a five man tactical squad fully painted but wish toe xpand it to a ten man squad that is entirely fine, post an image of the five man squad and the new squad pieces and then show an image of the ten man squad at the end.

5. Add a dedicated transport to a previously completed squad.


So, it really is an event to mainly get you to complete any model, squad, vehicle or army that has been waiting for your love! But, with the release of the new Dark Vengeance starter set and the possible release of the FW Horus heresy series in October and our own dark Angels Codex sometime new projects are also most welcome.


I'm fairly sure you're totally cool to do those Termies. :lol:

  pueriexdeus said:


Good God, man! I thought I had more Land Raiders than any one master needs, at four (seeing as how you can only deploy three...), but seven? Please tell me that you don't actually own ten, and that these are merely the unpainted ones....

  march10k said:
  pueriexdeus said:


Good God, man! I thought I had more Land Raiders than any one master needs, at four (seeing as how you can only deploy three...), but seven? Please tell me that you don't actually own ten, and that these are merely the unpainted ones....


Soooo jealous! I only have 3 as well (1 standard, 1 Helios, 1 Prometheus), dying to add an Achilles, an Ares, a Redeemer and a Crusader but, with the kit going up in price to almost 80 bucks that's a long way off heh. Here's to hoping we get our Landraiders back as dedicated transport options (like y'know, some other SM codexes)!

  march10k said:
Good God, man! I thought I had more Land Raiders than any one master needs, at four (seeing as how you can only deploy three...), but seven? Please tell me that you don't actually own ten, and that these are merely the unpainted ones....

Well I do like to play really big Apocalypses games. I am considering getting three (3) Land Raider Ares to run as a Spearhead or City Breaker. Then I will have 10.

I, Loken86, vow to complete the Limited ed chaplin from the DV box set for my angels of vengenace army in the month of september.







How do I get the banner and add it to my signature? never done this before :P

Part one is complete. See the evidence in my new thread here. :P


Up next, a librarian.




I, Cactus, do vow to complete a Dark Angels librarian in terminator armour (145pts) before the end of September.


++ 30th September update ++


I actually finished painting him over a week ago but couldn't stop playing Borderlands 2 for long enough to do the varnish and flock. Here he is, Brother-Epistolary Ramiel:







Amazing effort everyone,


It's just a over a week since the start oif this event and we have 65 participants. Considering the fact that the motivation for this event was partly for me to complete my ravenwing project which started with Captain Semper's ETL juggernaut and find some others to keep me company, I am happy to see the unforgiven forum throbbing with creativity.


Three honoured members have already completed their vows and are listed below. COmpleted vows have been turned the colour of Caliban's jungles!! :P




Raven of the Wing


Cactus has indeed reaffirmed a second vow for the month of September!


Well done all aroun.


If I have missed anyone on the listings please let me know.



  Cactus said:
I just noticed the request for before and after images to be in the same post. Is it ok to do a new post for each vow? Mine's going to get quite unwieldy otherwise.


I think you've done right Cactus.... second vows can be on the separate post...also makes it easier for me to follow and also notice that you've made econd posts...


Love that squad of yours... I've alway been daunted by the difference in sizes of those metal old terminators... you've made them look very coherent..



I the lord Cypher of the 1st legion, master of traditions, last of the knights of lupus, and keeper of the lions sword.

Vow to complete 5 gunslinger veteran legionnaires at 175pts. May completion bring us closer to our former glory. May failure bring great pain at the hands of the interrogator chaplains. gallery_65696_7693_219135.jpg

5 gunslinger vets in legion colors.


Cypher doesn't count tward the vow but he will be fielded with these guys as a vet and its a cool model.


Ezekiel will also roll with them too.


my october vow will be a droppod for these guys if that is a legal vow.

New banners up for those who have completed their vows....details also here


Pathways to Redemption Participation Banner and Medallion

All unforgiven battle brothers who have made an oath on the Path to Redemption are welcome to display their commitment by the following banner or alternatively the medallion.





Pathways to Redemption Participation Spetember Completion Banner and Medallion

Anyone who has completed their oath/vow made in September may display the following banner or medallion. The single white pearl denotes the completion of your vow for September. If you have completed one vow and have made a second oath you are still entitled to wear this banner/medallion but if you fail to keep any of the subsequent vows by the end of the month you must give it up.




Kindly be aware of the banner/signature restrictions of the B+C forums and honour them. The total banner length is 800 pxls x 100 pxl high. The medallions are made specifically to help maximise your signature real estate.





I got the dark vengeance stuff but wont be able to paint any of the DA models in the set till next month (need more green), I really like the chaos models in the set and plan on painting them up as fallen so I was wondering if I would be able to paint the hellbrute as a fallen model count as DA dreadnought with MM and CCW in the DA codex.

So I have completed my Sept vow. I updated my Sept. vow On pge3 of the thread.



I vow for the Month of Oct. Build and paint a 5 Man Assault Squad and finish A Ravenwing Attack Squadron.


Ravenwing Squadron 420pts(sgt PW, PP & melta bomb, Flamer and Melta gun/ Attack bike/w multi-melta/ LS assault cannon/heavy bolter)


5 man Assault Squad 175pts. Sgt/w PP PS/ marines 1/w Plasma pistol and chainsword; 3/w bolt pistol and chainsword

  Master Gabriel Macleod said:
So I have completed my Sept vow. I updated my Sept. vow On pge3 of the thread.



I vow for the Month of Oct. Build and paint a 5 Man Assault Squad and finish A Ravenwing Attack Squadron.


Ravenwing Squadron 420pts(sgt PW, PP & melta bomb, Flamer and Melta gun/ Attack bike/w multi-melta/ LS assault cannon/heavy bolter)


5 man Assault Squad 175pts. Sgt/w PP PS/ marines 1/w Plasma pistol and chainsword; 3/w bolt pistol and chainsword


No! No! No! Noooooooo!


You can't vow for October until October starts.... :rolleyes: I know a few people have vowed items for a number of months but only the September ones count for the moment. On the first of October we will start anew a separate series of oaths and vows.... However, you can certainly vow another one for September if you so wish!!! :P


By the way, as you have completed your vow you have earned your first white pearl so use the appropriate banner in your sig!



  The Shadow Guard said:
  Master Gabriel Macleod said:
So I have completed my Sept vow. I updated my Sept. vow On pge3 of the thread.



I vow for the Month of Oct. Build and paint a 5 Man Assault Squad and finish A Ravenwing Attack Squadron.


Ravenwing Squadron 420pts(sgt PW, PP & melta bomb, Flamer and Melta gun/ Attack bike/w multi-melta/ LS assault cannon/heavy bolter)


5 man Assault Squad 175pts. Sgt/w PP PS/ marines 1/w Plasma pistol and chainsword; 3/w bolt pistol and chainsword


No! No! No! Noooooooo!


You can't vow for October until October starts.... ;) I know a few people have vowed items for a number of months but only the September ones count for the moment. On the first of October we will start anew a separate series of oaths and vows.... However, you can certainly vow another one for September if you so wish!!! :P


By the way, as you have completed your vow you have earned your first white pearl so use the appropriate banner in your sig!





My most humble apology Brother. Then I will make second vow for Sept. One 5 man assault squad at 175pts. Two razorbacks 230pts


Second Vow Complete pics below


Assault Sqaud







I, Payce, vow to finish a tactical squad with a Plasma Cannon, a Plasmagun, and a Veteran Sergeant with a power sword for a total of 210 points. They will be the 4th Company 1st tactical squad.


Progress as of 15 minutes ago:




EDIT: updated with a better picture.

I was going to redo the guy on the left, I had scrapped all the bad mould lines off and bits where I could improve the painting, pulled him limb from limb and dismantled all his bike bits I was left wondering.....


Then I got my hands on all the DV characters and bikes (I thought when I vowed that I was only going to get the bikes).


Here are my two boys, only the DV based one is Septembers vow, the other one might end up spare parts (unlucky bugger):





Any thoughts on bling/pose/details before I remove the blu-tac and really get to work?


Cheers to Brother Grot for leading the way,





Sorry 'bout the crap lighting, you get what you pay for :)

I've been steadily finishing my GotC squad. After reapplying mech... red to the robes, I've decided to give them a wash of the new druchii violet wash... YES! :) They look like I want them to.


Still have to find and paint ther shoulderpads though, but squad 1 looks almost table ready. Of course, I need to slap some paint on the guns too, but hey.. progress is progress I guess.


Pics will follow when I think they're done. I am aiming/going for tabletop quality though, otherwise they will never get done..! :)

  Dark Rage said:


I got the dark vengeance stuff but wont be able to paint any of the DA models in the set till next month (need more green), I really like the chaos models in the set and plan on painting them up as fallen so I was wondering if I would be able to paint the hellbrute as a fallen model count as DA dreadnought with MM and CCW in the DA codex.


Apologies for the delay Dark Rage, but we decided that the entries must be Codex dark Angels legal or BFG/EPIC/FW legal but always dark ANgels or their successors. I don't mind the fallen as long as they follow the Codex dark Angels and are WISIWYG but when you consider the hellbrute it would be very difficult to disguise it as a Dark Angel dreadnought... :jaw: I fear that it would not be in the spirit of the sons of Johnson.... My preference is that the hellbrute stays out of this contest unless you were planning or doing major conversions to purify and sanctify the ebast..which would be a shame though...



  Stobz said:
I was going to redo the guy on the left, I had scrapped all the bad mould lines off and bits where I could improve the painting, pulled him limb from limb and dismantled all his bike bits I was left wondering.....


Then I got my hands on all the DV characters and bikes (I thought when I vowed that I was only going to get the bikes).


Here are my two boys, only the DV based one is Septembers vow, the other one might end up spare parts (unlucky bugger):





Any thoughts on bling/pose/details before I remove the blu-tac and really get to work?


Cheers to Brother Grot for leading the way,





Sorry 'bout the crap lighting, you get what you pay for ;)


If the lighting is all you have to complain about... sheesh...some people are never satisfied... ;) Stobz, the Chaplain on the bike looks brilliant the bling is just about right and the action gratifying! Love to see the end product soon!:)



  Flint&Steel said:
I've been steadily finishing my GotC squad. After reapplying mech... red to the robes, I've decided to give them a wash of the new druchii violet wash... YES! :) They look like I want them to.


Still have to find and paint ther shoulderpads though, but squad 1 looks almost table ready. Of course, I need to slap some paint on the guns too, but hey.. progress is progress I guess.


Pics will follow when I think they're done. I am aiming/going for tabletop quality though, otherwise they will never get done..! :)


All that matters is that you complete your oath...it would not do to break an oath on the Path to Redemption which was really meant for those who had broken their oaths previously!!! :angry:




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