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The Shadow Guard

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Vow completed!






For the second Vow i will do 1 Rravenwing attack bike with a multi melta (50pts.) . For my 3 man strong Ravenwing attack squadron.




Vow completed:




This is the best picture so far... So I'll have to make some better pictures and upload them tomorrow.

I vow to paint my Dreadnought with assaultcannon, DCCW and heavyfalmer, 5 man Deathwing unit, finish painting details, highlights and base them and paint my whirlwind with stormbolter all by end of 31st of december. Images are here: My december vow
  demio said:
December vow complete page 35 post 862 Linky

OK so going for a second! I vow to complete 1 Dreadnought by the end of December.

I want to say Shadow Guard I think you have done an amazing job with all this and it's amazing how it brings this forum together!

Thanks for everything!

Great work Demio and nice second oath. Shall i remind you that if you paintthe dreadnought in Horus Heresy era colours you will be eligible to gain an aditional pearl for completing a HH unit!! ;) Appreciate your sentiments Demio, but it is the membership of this forum which makes it easy for us to run such events. The enthusiasm displayed so far has been astonishing and the painting quality amazing. Well done to all the participants!


  Windfang said:
Vow completed!

For the second Vow i will do 1 Rravenwing attack bike with a multi melta.

Amazing work Windfang, the free hand work makes me so envious.... I need to go to Chamber 42 and repent for such feelings of envy!! ;) Your second oath however has to be codex legal. Unless it is an addition to an existing RW bike squadron it won't be acceptable. All you need to do is demonstrate that it will be joining a RW bike squad.. :) and I will add it to the roster...


  rover said:
Hi guys,

First time joining the fun here :)

I vow to assamble two Marines with Flamers which I prox at the moment (shame on me!) in December. Parts are not even cut out yet :)

It will be damn hard as Baldu's Gate is upon me! :D

Glad you could join but one of the few rules of the event is that the oath must be codex leagal. If you only want to paint two models then they should be part of an existing squad that is being strengthened...you need to show the existing squad and then add the extra two men... hope that helps..


  Menchalior said:
I vow to paint my Dreadnought with assaultcannon, DCCW and heavyfalmer, 5 man Deathwing unit, finish painting details, highlights and base them and paint my whirlwind with stormbolter all by end of 31st of december. Images are here: My december vow

Welcome menchalior and a very nice start with a big oath. May the Lion look upon you a nd smile as you walk the Path to Redemption.




Total participants = 45 Oathkeepers = 10 (22.2%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 46 12 04 62 10(16.1%) 52 (83.9%)
DECEMBER 40 05 00 45 00(0%) 10 (22.7%)



  The Shadow Guard said:
Always a pleasure to see new blood enter the Path to Redemption. Welcome Krieghammer. I have listed your oath as 9 marines and left the plasma gunner out as the minimum rules set for the competition is that the entries must be DA Codex/FW legal units. You can submit the plasmagunner as an addition/expansion to an existing RW squad by showing the RW squad as well, then it would be acceptable.


Affirmative! Here come the new squads. The plasma biker is now attached to a 3 man ravenwing squad.




And the 10 man tactical squad




Particularly happy with the eyes on this one marine, some freehand may come on the shoulderpad once the squad is complete :D



For my second vow of dec. I vow to paint and base 5 DV tactical marines with a plasma gun and plasma pistol, in legion colors.

@ at SG, since ive been painting all my minis in legion colors does this mean I get double pearls? For these? :D


2nd Vow complete.




  demio said:
I want to say Shadow Guard I think you have done an amazing job with all this and it's amazing how it brings this forum together!


Thanks for everything!



Damn right! SG has put tremendous effort in this event and it certainly shows! Congrats and thanks SG for putting together a great event to bring so many DAs together!


  cypherthefallenangel said:
For my second vow of dec. I vow to paint and base 5 DV tactical marines with a plasma gun and plasma pistol, in legion colors.

@ at SG, since ive been painting all my minis in legion colors does this mean I get double pearls? For these? :)


In order to claim an extra pearl it has to be a legal entry of the Betrayal list. Just paint it black won't cut it! See if you can rearrange your unit to meet the requirements - and you're on!

Vow Complete!


In addition, I will make another vow.



I, Avon Rekaes, do hereby solemly swear to complete a 3-man detachment of the Ravenwing 1st Attack Squadron, with Sergeant, Apothecary, and Standard Bearer, by the end of December, to earn my Redemption for beginning the path late as a Neophyte in October.

Vow complete! (if it is qualified)

in the bottom of the picture are 2 details from the marines that i was pleased with :(




Must say this path to redemption really got me painting, thanks to the organizers!

If I may plagiarise Monty Python for a moment......

Chaplain: Let us praise The Shadow Guard. Oh Lord...Oooh you are so big...So absolutely huge. Gosh, we're all really impressed down here I can tell you.

Chaplain: Forgive Us, O Lord, for this dreadful toadying.

Congregation: And barefaced flattery.

Chaplain: But you are so strong and, well, just so super.

Congregation: Fan - tastic.


I, Facmanpob, vow to repaint into my GotC paint scheme one Assault on Black Reach Dreadnought with Multimelta and DCCW (w/ storm bolter) in the month of December 2012 as redemption for sitting with my head in the sand for 3 months pretending that I didn't have to join the Path to Redemption! ;)

The Dread will form part of 1st Company, and currently looks like this...


Dec 14th - vow complete - more photos in my GotC thread (link in sig) :(


  Arkley said:
I Arkley vow to paint a 10 Man Tactical Squad - Power Fist, Flamer and Heavy Bolter for 205pts

I will also be tying this into my Index Astartes article to give me 2 extra pearls

Nice, soon you'll have more white pearls than slots to place them.... might need to sell them on ebay!! :lol:


  Avon Rekaes said:
Vow Complete!

In addition, I will make another vow.

I, Avon Rekaes, do hereby solemly swear to complete a 3-man detachment of the Ravenwing 1st Attack Squadron, with Sergeant, Apothecary, and Standard Bearer, by the end of December, to earn my Redemption for beginning the path late as a Neophyte in October.

Well done. This will be your September Oath.... and the special task has been PMed to you...... :)


  Krieghammer said:
Vow complete! (if it is qualified) in the bottom of the picture are 2 details from the marines that i was pleased with :)

Must say this path to redemption really got me painting, thanks to the organizers!

Nice work...i like the freehand shoulderpad designs..... and glad you like the event...


  facmanpob said:
If I may plagiarise Monty Python for a moment......


Chaplain: Let us praise The Shadow Guard. Oh Lord...Oooh you are so big...So absolutely huge. Gosh, we're all really impressed down here I can tell you.


Chaplain: Forgive Us, O Lord, for this dreadful toadying.

Congregation: And barefaced flattery.

Chaplain: But you are so strong and, well, just so super.

Congregation: Fan - tastic.


I, Facmanpob, vow to repaint into my GotC paint scheme one Assault on Black Reach Dreadnought with Multimelta and DCCW (w/ storm bolter) in the month of December 2012 as redemption for sitting with my head in the sand for 3 months pretending that I didn't have to join the Path to Redemption! :P

The Dread will form part of 1st Company, and currently looks like this...


Monty Python, a man for alls easons and every season... just cracked me up :lol: Well, you can run, you can hide and you can even bury your head or even all of your power armoured self in the sand... bt today, tomorrow or the day after ...we will get you walking the path. let this be a lesson to all those onlookers!! :D The Inner Circle is like the mob... we are every where and we control everything!!! :P




Total participants = 46 Oathkeepers = 12 (22.1%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 46 12 04 62 10(16.1%) 52 (83.9%)
DECEMBER 40 06 00 46 00(0%) 12 (22.1%)



  The Shadow Guard said:
  demio said:
December vow complete page 35 post 862 Linky

OK so going for a second! I vow to complete 1 Dreadnought by the end of December.

I want to say Shadow Guard I think you have done an amazing job with all this and it's amazing how it brings this forum together!

Thanks for everything!

Great work Demio and nice second oath. Shall i remind you that if you paintthe dreadnought in Horus Heresy era colours you will be eligible to gain an aditional pearl for completing a HH unit!! :) Appreciate your sentiments Demio, but it is the membership of this forum which makes it easy for us to run such events. The enthusiasm displayed so far has been astonishing and the painting quality amazing. Well done to all the participants!


  Windfang said:
Vow completed!

For the second Vow i will do 1 Rravenwing attack bike with a multi melta.

Amazing work Windfang, the free hand work makes me so envious.... I need to go to Chamber 42 and repent for such feelings of envy!! :lol: Your second oath however has to be codex legal. Unless it is an addition to an existing RW bike squadron it won't be acceptable. All you need to do is demonstrate that it will be joining a RW bike squad.. :lol: and I will add it to the roster...





Ups... I've forgot about that.

I've edited my second Vow so I think it's OK now :D

  Grotsmasha said:
"I, Grotsmasha, tread the path of Redemption with a vow to paint 5 x Company Veterans (they're Co Vets because of the Sgts loadout) worth 160pts by December 31, 2012."




Nice of you to join in Jono.... always good to see the veterans return...




Total participants = 47 Oathkeepers = 12 (25.5%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 46 12 04 62 10(16.1%) 52 (83.9%)
DECEMBER 41 06 00 47 00(0%) 12 (25.5%)



  Chaplain Haladriel said:
I will join this valiant path to redemption brothers. Now where did I put my bloody camera?! I will return shortly with my vow and pictures!


Looking forward to your oath Chaplain... why is your camera bloody? using it in place o your crozius? :D



I am going to get on board with this to help me finish my DV box before Christmas. I brother Bunta vow to complete one DV Interrigator Chaplain worth 135? points. Here he is as he stands now.


Did I do it right?!

Vow Complete!



As the ever wise Jay - Z would say...on to the next one!

The Shadow Guard has brought me back from the brink! I Vazzy vow a new model for Captain Simodious Gregorious of the Third Company For December.



Captain Gregorious by vazzy2012, on Flickr


For My missed months, I Vow

September- RAvenwing Attack Bike

October-3 man bike squad

November-Highlighting on my Missile Launcher Dev. squad

Answering the summons of the Inner Circle, i return to the Rock and to get me going i will start small :P


I Aradiel, vow to repaint this 5 man assault squad from their current Dark Knights of Caliban colours into full fleged Dark Angels before the end of this month of december. This will complete a full assault squad.




For the Emprah and the Lion


edit: vow completed


Well after trying to decide what to paint for December, I finally figured it out. Of course now I'll have to scramble hehe


I, Master Matthius, do vow to complete the Deathwing Terminators from the Dark Vengeance Box Set.


I'll get pics of before when I get home :devil: Already feeling the crunch :P

Bunta, Vazzy and Aradiel - great to see more new blood join in the fray. Well done NCSUwolf... may you keep your brushed pointy as you move from oath to oath. Cerroneth, very nice, looking forward to seeing the first BFG unit to be complete in this event.




Total participants = 51 Oathkeepers = 13 (25.5%) Oathbreakers = 0 (%)


Path to Redemption Current Status
SEPTEMBER N/A N/A N/A 82 29 (35.3%) 53 (64.6%)
OCTOBER 48 12 04 64 13(20.3%) 51 (79.7%)
NOVEMBER 46 12 04 62 10(16.1%) 52 (83.9%)
DECEMBER 42 09 00 51 00(0%) 13 (25.5%)



Another month another vow,

I, Brother Moridius vow to paint a 5 man scout squad with bolters (and maybe a landspeeder storm they're magnetized to...) worth 80 points for the month of December. Note the land speeder storm is not part of the actual vow as its not a legal codex entry. Call it a fancy terrain piece!

Before pics:


Sorry if they are hard to make out because of the black undercoat.

Finished pictures, thank the Emperor for the extension of the December vow deadline


Pictures are s*** and I apologize, dont have my standard camera with me. The landspeeder will have to wait because its not legal but maybe it will be my January vow.




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