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The Shadow Guard

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Well I finally got my PC to accept my SD Card exists, so here are some pics of my combined LPC & PtR vows.







This lovely little 1000 point+ force has netted me a shiny Black Pearl so I have one question....

...where do I get the banner? :P

I'm looking forward to April now, so I can possibly add another unit or two time permitting ;)

Well I finally got my PC to accept my SD Card exists, so here are some pics of my combined LPC & PtR vows.

This lovely little 1000 point+ force has netted me a shiny Black Pearl so I have one question....

...where do I get the banner? tongue.png

I'm looking forward to April now, so I can possibly add another unit or two time permitting msn-wink.gif

Ya Gotta Read the Instructions/information provided!!tongue.png Beyond the Black Pearl

Shadow Guard, Arkley has THREE write ups in the BotA thread. I don't know if quantity gets counted or if those extra pearls could only be claimed once.

It may impact the future if not the past. whistlingW.gif ph34r.png

I have 5 whistlingW.gif Including my own Blades teehee.gif

Sadly, a maximum of only one BHoA entry was considered. You will however receive a separate chapter badge for each of the five entries which will show the world your contributions.

I should be at 8 pearls too. My last oath was to paint a character in my sucessor chapter livery, which I wrote that BoA article about. So one pearl every month, plus two for article&mini.

I do have you as having 8 white pearls on my spread sheet. Just an update error on the post here.... :)


It was end of August 2012, in the wake of the ETL when SG first mentioned to me his idea for an “in-house” low-key event for the DA forum, something to resemble the in-house events of other sub-forums that make occasional force expansion contests. His initial thought was to distinguish this event by allowing half painted minis (some leftovers from ETL were good candidates) and to make it a 6-month marathon instead of the customary 3-month events.


Initially I thought it was about time for the DAs to have their own in-house event, and found the inclusion of half painted minis a nice twist. I was really concerned however about the duration, as I believed that fatigue would eventually settle after three months or so. Boy was I wrong!


The PtR turned into a juggernought in its own right that kept the interest of participants for not six but more than 7(!) months and survived the great disruption that was the B&C software upgrade! A few numbers will put everything to perspective:


The total amount of participants, i.e. the amount of Frater that got involved at some stage with the PtR stood at an unprecedented 126 – that’s almost three times the amount similar events of other forums demonstrate! Furthermore the completions in absolute terms every month stood in the range of 50-55. This is more than the DA forum had in each 3-month period of the LPC 12, LPC 13 and ETL 12! Not only that, but the completion rates were in the region of 80% :O (with the exception of the first month where the initial enthusiasm brought in a fairly large amount of participants). Was there any fatigue (as I feared before the launch)? No sir!


The most impressive characteristic though in my view was the vitality of the event. New participants entered every month to take the position of those who dropped-out; people that missed a deadline wanted to atone and asked for more tasks, secret were given, old veterans returned after a hiatus and the PMs were coming and going non-stop!


And SG was in the middle (or should I say on top?) of all this! Frequently updating, instantly responding to questions, solving problems on the spot, pushing people to meet their targets and delivering an excellent presentation to make the event visually pleasing and inviting (despite the new software hiccups). But most importantly (and speaking from personal experience) he brought about the thankless task of an enormous record keeping operation that ensured everything was running smoothly!


The site upgrade caused enough turmoil in all the above but with SGs timely intervention and by adjusting the time frame of the event and sticking to it, he managed to land it safely in the end.


So wear your pearls with pride for they are testament of a very fun half-year that despite the difficulties was easily the best in-house event in the B&C!!!


On that note I think a big thank you to SG is in order.





Now, a Path to retribution? This sounds VERY interesting indeed! The Grand Master seems unstoppable!

Well lets Kick off the  "PATH TO REPENTANCE" -


Vow for September - To finish assembling and painting 1x5 man Tactical squad(power-weapon,plasma gun)on spacehulk bases

i lost these models to the warp(rubbish bin) by accident so im pledging to do them again but with new models.

the accompanying repentance addition is a 5th Co Rhino transport.


Cheers, Mithril 


I have you listed as having completed a September Redemption oath consisting of a DarkShroud which you vowed in ebruary. You have already been allocated a WHite Pearl for September. If you leave the September oath as a DS and complete then you don't need the Repentence Oath.


If you say that your September oath w as not complete then I'll have to deduct one white pearl (drop from 8 to 7) and then you can earn it back with the Repentence oath... let m know what you wish to do.







Yes big thanks to Shadow Guard!!



What they said!


What they Said.


Finally managed to get to a PC that let me post the updated pictures,  unfortunately the mobile revolution isn't all its made out to be.  Managed to upload but not update.

 Original Post Updated


Thanks Shadow Guard, think I got more painted in the last 6 months than I managed in a couple of years before that. And got to see load of inspiring models at the same time.  Just hope I can keep it going.  

Thanks for the vote of confidence guys..... I have started a separate thread for feedback on the event and another one to display your accomplishments. I think it is very important to gather this information, especially ytour opinions on what didn't work and what was difficult...


Path to Redemption Feedback Request

Kindly take a moment to type a few thoughts you may have had.... what was good and bad and what could be improved etc


Path to Redemption Army Display

This thread is to display your entire accomplishment during the event. Please make a single post with an image of your entire painted lot during the PtR... you can add additional individual images too if you like and most importantly the full points cost of all your completed oaths I would like to keep that thread linked to the main thread as a matter of record for posterity


Thank you all once again for participating. It was a blast for me and wouldn't have happened without your participation.



Sorry to be a pain Shadow I do have 9 smile.png

6 for each month (Has to earn September due no fault of mine)

2 for the Brotherhood of Angels

1 for the LPC which I made as a oath to PtR aswell (January oath)

No pain at all... I have my excel spread sheet for the PtR permanently open on my computer :) and that also says that you have nine... Logistical units are still trying to update the listings on the B+C...Thanks for letting me know. :)


I feel quite scared since my name isn't currently sitting amongst the black pearl bearers ph34r.png . Really going to have to find all my posts now dry.png . Oh well no prize worth having is easily attainable. To the search bar

What are you talking about? You're name's on the list!!! whistlingW.gif ermm.gif ........


I djgoldsmith vow to repent for my tardiness in posting Competed photos for the February Vow.

Original Post Updated and Complete.


For this path to repentance,  I vow to paint a Rhino (which may end up being a razorback if I find the turret, or even both at the same time) 


Initial shot Here.

Rhino Pre


Now where's that big paintbrush?


And Repentance Complete.  I don't think its too bad for my first tank.  Will have to read up a bit more on weathering before I give that a go.


As a Rhino


Side view as a Razorback


And Rear view.



I feel quite scared since my name isn't currently sitting amongst the black pearl bearers ph34r.png . Really going to have to find all my posts now dry.png . Oh well no prize worth having is easily attainable. To the search bar

What are you talking about? You're name's on the list!!! whistlingW.gif ermm.gif ........


Doh I was looking at the old list, never noticed the updated ones wallbash.gif

Please excuse me, I shall promptly see myself to Chamber 42....

A big :tu: to SG for running this mammoth event!


Just checking the last list for white pearls and it lists me as having 6. I'm thinking it should be 9....1 for each month, 1 for the Typhoon speeder which was also entered into the LPC (January's oaths), and 2 (iirc) for my BHoA submission..... Hope that's correct. Anyway, the important milestone was 6 to get the Black, anything after that is gravy! :)




What kind of Black Pearl awards await our heroes?


Can you earn a Black Pearl in the future?


What do you do with the extra White Pearls you earned?


Can you earn a second or even a third Black Pearl in the future?


What is the Path of Retribution?


+ + + All will be revealed on the 10th of April 2013 + + +


It's the 11th April and there has been no revelation :(


I sit here with brush in hand awaiting an update on this "Path of Retribution" business ;)

It's the 11th April and there has been no revelation sad.png

I sit here with brush in hand awaiting an update on this "Path of Retribution" business msn-wink.gif

The Revelation is to expect the unexpected..... or expect nothing..... hmmmmm whistlingW.gif






The Path to Redemption is finally ended and it is time the honoured battlebrothers who tread these paths are honoured!




Path to Redemption Current Status
OATHS OF MOMENTThe FaithfulNeophytesRedemptorsTotal OathsOath BreakersCompletionsSEPTEMBERN/AN/AN/A8229 (35.3%)53 (64.6%)OCTOBER48120464 14(21.9%)50 (78.1%) NOVEMBER46120462 10(16.1%)52 (83.9%) DECEMBER49150266 13(19.7%)53 (80.3%) JANUARY52050461 09(14.8%)52 (85.2%) FEBRUARY49000150 03(06%)47 (94%)


Overall Participants = 126 Eligible for the Black Pearl = 49 (38.9%)


Congratulations to the 49 battle brothers whose stocism earned them the right to wear the Black Pearl.

Path to Redemption Overall Status
Eligible for Black PearlsFive White PearlsFour White PearlsThree White PearlsTwo White PearlsOne White PearlsThe Unredeemed No Pearls490105050818 40







This award is to be worn proudly by those select batle brothers, twenty two of whom  who achieved veteran status by participating and completing their oaths in time in each of the six months. This is applicable only to those who commenced their journey in September and reflects their stoic and undeterred nature which kept them going month after harrowing month. The veteran status is depicted by the "Shield of Faith" in the corner. The number of White Pearls are depicted in parentheses.


Alys Dwr (6)

Artemid (9)

Brother Moridius (7)

Brother-Sergeant Bohemond (6)

Bryan Blair (8)

Captain Semper (8)

Captain Sox (6)

Cerroneth (11)

Cypher 102 (8)

elmo9141 (7)

Grand Master Belial (9)

Haranin (10)

Khalaek (7)

March10k (7)

Master Gabriel Mcleod (7)

OliverRaffle (8)

Puriexdeus (6)

Raven of the Wing (7)

Sarducci (6)

Skink (7)

Stobz (6)

Sviar (6)







This award is to be worn by all twenty seven battle brothers who achieved their Black Pearl status but did not qualify for the "Black Pearl Veteran Award". You are still amongst the honoured brothers who completed the long jorney, often completing redemption oaths or other additional vows. The Lion shall bless you faith!


Angel Veto [OCT] (6)

Aradiel [DEC] (6)

Arkley [OCT] (9)

Avon Rekaes [OCT] (8)

Balthamal [DEC] (8)

Brother Captain Lucian [JAN] (8)

Brother Tancred (6)

Cielaq (6)

Cypherthefallenangel (6)

Dark Master [NOV] (7)

Djgoldsmith (7)

elphilo [OCT] (7)

facmanpob [DEC] (9)

farfromsam (6)

GlauG [JAN] (6)

Grotsmasha (6)

Hidicul (6)

Izzuan [OCT] (9)

Master Matthius (7)

Midnight Angel [JAN] (6)

Mithrilforge [NOV] (7)

NCSUWolf [OCT] (7)

Razblood [DEC] (6)

recon0321 (7)

SnaRf.za (8)

Windfang [OCT] (6)

Wraithwing (6)






The Chapter MAster Award is for those brothers who were dedicated to creating the full fledged history of atleast one new unforgiven chapter. It is notable that all eight brothers were also recipients of the Black Pearl. They may wear this along with the Black Pearl banners.




Avon Rekaes


Bryan Blair


Grand Master Belial





Those who tread the path and achieved some but not all six white pearls may conitnue to wear their respective white pearl banners as a mark of their efforts.


Finylcut (5)


Brother Kovash (4)

Cactus (4)

Darkangeldentist (4)

Kyr Gkikkas (4)

vazzy [DEC] (4)

Demio [NOV] (3)

Devler [NOV] (3)

lhg033 (3)

lothlorienmoon [DEC] (3)

Malus Trux [NOV] (3)

Bunta [DEC] (2)

Burn_the_Heretic (2)

Caietan (2)

Dogbreath99 (2)

furioso-prime (2)

Herleqvin [DEC] (2)

Mystech1 (2)

PhDGamer (2)


Abraxus [OCT] (1)

carbonbased (1)

DarkAngelDelight [OCT] (1)

Eremiel (1)

Flynt&Steel (1)

Foxphoenix135 (1)

Frejdruk [NOV] (1)

Grand Master Springmann (1)

Krieghammer [DEC] (1)

Menchalior [DEC] (1)

Mystic Lemur [NOV] (1)

Reyner (1)

Sanguineus [NOV] (1)

Sir Tancrede (1)

Slyfox.uk [DEC] (1)

SPWolf12 (1)

TaranRinn (1)

.Torch. [OCT] (1)


+ + + For the Lion & The Legion! + + +





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