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Took me a while to finish these guys but I am happy the way they have turned out...


First Terminator Squad from my 1st Co which will be called the Gallowglass


Loadout is based on the Firewind Squad by Honoured Brother Isiah.







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I had been given a special project from Hallowed Brother Shadow Guard to earn my September pearl.


To paint a Standard Bearer.


So I present


Sacred Cormac - 3rd Company (The Vengeance Blades)





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big fan of your red DA's Arkley. great scheme and well executed!


banner bearer is very nice but the lightning bolt on the lower right of the banner is making me start thinking of blood angels. it fits the banner but its a BA army badge on a red (to clarify, an awesome red) marine

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big fan of your red DA's Arkley. great scheme and well executed!


banner bearer is very nice but the lightning bolt on the lower right of the banner is making me start thinking of blood angels. it fits the banner but its a BA army badge on a red (to clarify, an awesome red) marine


Ahh bollox ;) I thought it was a DA Army Badge, I need to get the Angels of Vengeance transfers to do the middle tab.

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army badges are personal preference really.

DA one on transfers used to be the skull on a red triangle

there is also the piscina army badge


looking at this is making me wonder if i'm confused anyway - it may be an army badge and the BA one is the black circle/orange lightning bolt


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red triangle may be tricky :) could go a different colour and a skull to keep the DA theme (though different campaigns have different badges)

alternatively have a look at the decal thread for inspiration - may be army badges but pretty good for ideas.


have the AoV transfers (and the FT ones). vs other transfers where you have a bit of trim aroudn the image, the AoV ones - the whole sheet is a transfer and you have to cut the image off the sheet carefully. tbh painting the symbol isnt that difficult and i may end up doing this for my army. its mainly paiting block shapes then 'trimming' that with different coloured paints as required

old example


and another


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Revered Knight Isiah - Ancient Master of the 3rd - The First One.







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army badges are personal preference really.

DA one on transfers used to be the skull on a red triangle

there is also the piscina army badge


looking at this is making me wonder if i'm confused anyway - it may be an army badge and the BA one is the black circle/orange lightning bolt


Those are from the third ed codex right?

That dread is really awesome. I like your take on the golds!

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Arkley, Arkley, Arkley.......... what to do with you? Your red DA's are absolutely stunning! The Interrogator-Chaplains and Librarium have sensed no signs of genetis or psychological deviancy. you ae clear, no chamber 42 for you!


In all seriousness, you just kinda appeared and established yourself as one of the big players haven't you? I have rarely seen such a rich, deep red. outstanding, really. If I haven't said it before, welcome to the Rock, we've been waiting for you.



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Arkley, Arkley, Arkley.......... what to do with you? Your red DA's are absolutely stunning! The Interrogator-Chaplains and Librarium have sensed no signs of genetis or psychological deviancy. you ae clear, no chamber 42 for you!


Thank you :P... You know the main reason I started painting red was because of the Foundation/Base paints... I would never have dreamed of painting red without them.


In all seriousness, you just kinda appeared and established yourself as one of the big players haven't you? I have rarely seen such a rich, deep red. outstanding, really. If I haven't said it before, welcome to the Rock, we've been waiting for you.




I would not say I was a big player, people like Wraithwing, Facmanpob & his awesome GotC & Elmo, I am sure there are others so I am sorry if I missed anyone.


But as I have said before this board has really inspired me big time. And thank you for the welcome :P

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I love the way your bikes have come out. Colours work very well together and the execution is great.


But for the love of the God-Emperor please fill gaps before painting next time! :D The gaps really detract from otherwise fantastic models.


Its the mistake I made by not assembling them before painting.


November Vow complete.







Struggled this month having some issues with my eyes :S...


Hi Arkley.


First up, awesome job so far mate! Everything's looking really good. May I just ask how you went about painting the armour? I love the colour and would be keen to know what paints you used etc? Many thanks and keep it up!

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Hi Arkley.


First up, awesome job so far mate! Everything's looking really good. May I just ask how you went about painting the armour? I love the colour and would be keen to know what paints you used etc? Many thanks and keep it up!



Mephiston Red > Carroburg Crimson > Agrax Earthshade (armour recess) > Evil Sunz Scarlet > Wild Rider Red


Thats what I use, its the same what GW supposedly uses for Blood Angels :)

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Hi Arkley.


First up, awesome job so far mate! Everything's looking really good. May I just ask how you went about painting the armour? I love the colour and would be keen to know what paints you used etc? Many thanks and keep it up!



Mephiston Red > Carroburg Crimson > Agrax Earthshade (armour recess) > Evil Sunz Scarlet > Wild Rider Red


Thats what I use, its the same what GW supposedly uses for Blood Angels :huh:


Thanks for the reply. Think I'll give it a go!

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I would not say I was a big player, people like Wraithwing, Facmanpob & his awesome GotC & Elmo, I am sure there are others so I am sorry if I missed anyone.


But as I have said before this board has really inspired me big time. And thank you for the welcome ;)

Good Lord, just spotted this! Blimey, thanks Arkley, really very kind words! :devil:


But furioso and demio are correct, you're army is right up there in the top tier! :(


I really like the green highlights on the weapons of the tacticals, it makes the weapons stand out, without detracting from the impact of the red and gold armour. Very cool indeed ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well its been a difficult month for me, so I have only managed 2 vows :D...


Tactical Squad Alastar




Knight Sergeant Alastar



Knight Brother Cahal


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