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The Chosen of Arthrax - World Eaters Warband

Lord of Blades

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The Chosen of Arthrax


The Chosen of Arthrax are a splinter warband of the World Eaters Legion. They were there at Skalathrax when Khârn betrayed his comrades and slaughtered everyone. The Captain of the 24th Assault Company Arthrax Zoronus was infuriated by this betrayal. He led his Assault Company and his Battle Barge into the Warp and away from the planet, withdrawing from the battle. He went off into the Eye of Terror to find a world to take as his. His warband encountered frequent conflicts with other warbands from other legions. When they finally found a planet they were a shadow of their former selves. Arthrax, afraid for the future of his warband, began to seek other warbands close by. He dueled with the lords commanding the warbands and then took in their men as his own. He killed all the Lords he defeated to ensure loyalty of his men, save one. Captain Revellion, another devotee of Khorne, earned the respect of Arthrax. Revellion served Arthrax as his second in command and leads the warband when Arthrax is busy elsewhere. Many of the warbands that Arthrax subdues and takes in, stay with their own colors. Because of this, there are many warriors in the Warband that are still colored as their former loyalties. Many of his number include Iron Warriors and Night Lords. As his numbers swelled so did his reputation and soon warlords joined him of their own accord. Now, in the 41st Millenium, Arthrax and his men spill forth from their planet in the Eye of Terror and assail the Imperium once again. Entire systems have gone silent in the wake of the crusade and it shows no sign of stopping.


“There is no such thing as the blood of innocents. Those that do not serve me are guilty of not serving the correct cause” - Arthrax


World Eaters (Main Force)




Arthrax the Unbound - Counts-as Khârn = Built



Blood Surgeon Vorashta - Sorcerer with Biomancy and Mark of Slaanesh (Start a fluff arguement and I will win.) = Painted



Captain Revellion- Chaos Lord




Ravager Squad Anagor - 10 man Terminator squad = Unbuilt

Destroyer Squad Stravus - 5 man Chosen Squad = Unbuilt


Revered Brother Ullarz - Helbrute with Reaper Autocannon = Built




Squad Kelshav – 9 man Zerker squad = 1/2 Built

- Squad Kelshav's Rhino APC Brutus = Built

Squad Voros - 10 man Zerker Squad = Built

- Squad Voros' Rhino APC Indomito = Built


Fast Attack-

Night Lords Bleeding Eyes Cult – 10 man Raptors = Unbuilt

Night Lords Bleeding Eyes Veterans – 5 man Warp Talons = Unbuilt


Heavy Support-

Iron Warriors Annihalator Squad – 5 man havoc squad = Unbuilt


Descructo – Vindicator = Unbuilt

Everything looks good to me so far! The Helbrute is a neat conversion - simple but works extremely well. Personally I'd be tempted to knock off the horns jutting out of his body on the powerfist side because I plain don't like 'em, but that's merely a personal choice and would visually leave quite a gap there. Is he going to be WE or Iron Warriors?
Everything looks good to me so far! The Helbrute is a neat conversion - simple but works extremely well. Personally I'd be tempted to knock off the horns jutting out of his body on the powerfist side because I plain don't like 'em, but that's merely a personal choice and would visually leave quite a gap there. Is he going to be WE or Iron Warriors?


I am not sure yet. I was thinking to do the Iron Warriors paint scheme for just Heavy Support choices and Night Lords for the Fast Attack choices, but now I have a few ideas that might change that. And I agree with you on the horns. I just looked at him again and realised how the horns on the powerfist side do look a bit off. I will be shaving them off soon.


Does anyone have thoughts on the Sorcerer and Khârn? I think the convertions/kit bashes are ok, but I wanted some opinion on it.

@Paladin, so I did that edit, and took off the horns. I really liked it, so thanks for the idea. I've also taken off the chest, and plan to make him more "visible" (as in, I am taking an SM chest piece, and head and making that on the outside :) I'll add pics tomorrow along with the other few aditions.






Does anyone else see this wonderful conversion possibility right here?




I do, and I am so going to try it! And he will then be added to my allies as a Termi Lord.



And apart from that, I have a question. Has anyone considered trying to convert one of these guys:


into a dreadnaught or Helbrute? Because I have him lying around as an extra from my Warmchine army, and was wondering if people have tried it before.

Interesting progression! Keep it up :)


Thanks :D I have actually redone Khârn and he has a cape now, the hell brute is almost done, all that is left for it is a bit of green stuff. I will be posting more pics tomorrow :D



Alright, a few quick updates on a few things.


The completely redone Khârn counts as (my Lord Arthrax the Unbound)





And the second skull champion, Champion Stravus:



Also, here is a shot of the entire force apart for a few units I am waiting for:



And my working space...


yes it just happens that I prefer to work on the floor for some reason. Normally it is because I have a lot of stuff on the table I don't want to move...


And that's all for now. I need green stuff >.> I'll post some pictures of the Helbrute without his head later and show you what I plan to do with him.

Quick Update:


Helbrute update. I am still yet to green stuff up his chest, but here is the basic picture of what he looks like.




And here is another Chaos Lord I decided to add in, because I wanted a normal lord. His name is Brother Captain Revellion (yes, the Captain of the Ebon Knights from the beginning of the Chaos codex.)





NExt update will hopefully be me begin painting Arthrax and Vorashta.

They all look so happy!




As happy as a raving madman with an axe! I hope to throw on some paint on Arthrax and Vorashta soon,because I plan to put Arthrax into my hobby centers "Single Model Convertion" competition. I also want to spice his baseup a bit and think I will put another dead marine on it. Not sure what Chapter though....

Revellion is brilliant. I really like him. Awesome base and really awesome pose. I can't wait to see him painted. In fact, I kind of wonder if you could do a larger scenic base for him to slot into (like the Angron model from FW does, into a much larger base); with the rest of a battlefield around him and dead Marines everywhere, etc.


I'm not so sold on Arthrax himself - he's just a little too stock Berserker, if you get me. I guess he needs more bling to make him 'pop' a little more, this is just my honest reaction so feel free to take on board or not as you see fit :D


I'd be interested to hear the justification on the Slaanesh sorceror - I was under the impression Khorne and Slaanesh hated each other? I definitely wouldn't say not to use him, don't get me wrong, but I'm generally interested to hear people's reasonings for such choices :)


Oh, and the converted Hellbrute with the autocannons is looking really good. I like your idea for the conversion of the Lord from Space Marine, that could be very promising...

Revellion is brilliant. I really like him. Awesome base and really awesome pose. I can't wait to see him painted. In fact, I kind of wonder if you could do a larger scenic base for him to slot into (like the Angron model from FW does, into a much larger base); with the rest of a battlefield around him and dead Marines everywhere, etc.


I'm not so sold on Arthrax himself - he's just a little too stock Berserker, if you get me. I guess he needs more bling to make him 'pop' a little more, this is just my honest reaction so feel free to take on board or not as you see fit :(


I'd be interested to hear the justification on the Slaanesh sorceror - I was under the impression Khorne and Slaanesh hated each other? I definitely wouldn't say not to use him, don't get me wrong, but I'm generally interested to hear people's reasonings for such choices :)


Oh, and the converted Hellbrute with the autocannons is looking really good. I like your idea for the conversion of the Lord from Space Marine, that could be very promising...


Thank you for the criticism! IT's exactly what I want to hear!


Revellion's base: I actuallywas thinking about a scenic base for him anyways, but now I have a motication to do it. It shall be done! By the way, do you know the color scheme for the Ebon Knights? I was thinking painting him up as an Ebon Knight and then cover him in a TON of blood as if he is "re-coloring" his armor to become a World Eater/Khorne Berserker.


Arthrax's model: hmmm.... now that I look at him I see it too. I only did that because I thought people would argue he "isn't similar to Khârn to be a counts-as". I think it is mainly the helmet that screams the standard zerker about him. What helmet do you think would fix that? I have a few from the grey knights still, or I can use a bare headed Space Wolfhead. What do you think?


Helbrute: Thank you! I got quite a few compliments on the autocannons, even though it was one of the easiest convertions I have ever done....


Lord Nemeroth: I really want to attempt making a model liek that. I am thiking Termi Lord kit for the legs and body, use the helbrute chest piece as the chest, and then some kind of daemon bits to add on to him... Any ideas to add on to it?


Slaaneshi Sorcerer Vorashta logic and reasoning: Alright, hre we go. Take a look at the model before you read this. He is modeled with a Narthrecium. This is to represent the Biomancy discipline. In my force, I use him to buff my units. If you take a look at the Slaanesh powers and the Biomancy powers, they are mainly buffs for your untis or negative effects on opponents. I use him in a squad of Zerers to buff the hell outta them and make them tough nuts to crack. Fluff wise, I use Vorashta as a Blood Priest or Blood Surgeon. If you read the Khorne Berserker entry, they talk about Blood Surgeons who specifically work on lobotomising the MArines and inserting the neural implants that cause the zerker rage. They are very sane and are able to buff up the zerkers making them more effective i combat. I think that Slaanesh powers and Biomancy powers work the best for buffs and a Slaanesh sorcerer beomes justified as it. If you have ny other ideas feel free to give them to me!


If anyone else has other ideas, feel free to throw them out. The glue I use is easy to peal apart, and I can repositiong my models so reposing is no problem.

Great looking stuff. The hellbrute is looking awesome. If you wanted to do something different with Arthax's helmet and you have some grey knight ones laying around maybe you could trim the khornate head dress off and fix it to a gk helmet. Could be a pain for such a minor looking end result though.
Great looking stuff. The hellbrute is looking awesome. If you wanted to do something different with Arthax's helmet and you have some grey knight ones laying around maybe you could trim the khornate head dress off and fix it to a gk helmet. Could be a pain for such a minor looking end result though.


Good idea! I'll try it out and see if I can get it to look nice. If not, I have so many heads I can use, I think i'll be ok.

For your lords head all you need to do is cut the face off the Zerker helm and cut the GK head in half and attach the new face plate to the zerker head. You may need to file both parts a little but the results are def worth it. :cuss
For your lords head all you need to do is cut the face off the Zerker helm and cut the GK head in half and attach the new face plate to the zerker head. You may need to file both parts a little but the results are def worth it. :lol:


:cuss Biohzard.... that is the best idea... I will try it! Is that what you use on your models?

Its exactly what I do on my Berzerkers. :lol:

Its a lot easier than trying to attach the bunny ears to the sides of the marine helmets.


P.S. I really like what your doing with the Helbrute and am now planning on 'borrowing the idea ;)

Its exactly what I do on my Berzerkers. :P

Its a lot easier than trying to attach the bunny ears to the sides of the marine helmets.


P.S. I really like what your doing with the Helbrute and am now planning on 'borrowing the idea :)



Nice! And take the idea! I take it as a compliment!

For your lords head all you need to do is cut the face off the Zerker helm and cut the GK head in half and attach the new face plate to the zerker head. You may need to file both parts a little but the results are def worth it. :P

Awesome idea man. Sounds much more painless.

Revellion is brilliant. I really like him. Awesome base and really awesome pose. I can't wait to see him painted. In fact, I kind of wonder if you could do a larger scenic base for him to slot into (like the Angron model from FW does, into a much larger base); with the rest of a battlefield around him and dead Marines everywhere, etc.


Ask and you shall recieve. Tell me what you think:








I'm not so sold on Arthrax himself - he's just a little too stock Berserker, if you get me. I guess he needs more bling to make him 'pop' a little more, this is just my honest reaction so feel free to take on board or not as you see fit :)


I made a new head thanks to Biohazards advice

For your lords head all you need to do is cut the face off the Zerker helm and cut the GK head in half and attach the new face plate to the zerker head. You may need to file both parts a little but the results are def worth it. ;)




I am thinking to add on some more skulls and helmets t the model and the base.


Also, I have begun painting! The first model is Vorashta the Blood Surgeon. I am still working on him, but he is te closest to being complete.


Vorashta the Blood Surgeon:







NExt I have one of my Skull Champs:



NExt I have a few of my old Night Lords


My old Termie haos Lord:





And a small scene I made of the Novel Soul Hunter by A D-B:


Talos, Usaz and Cyrion:





And that's all for today. Please criticise and comment, I need more ideas and tips on painting the models.



Lord of Blades


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