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Thanks a lot, guys!


As for decals... that sure seems illogical for them being so clean. I guess I will make a few touch ups here and there to give them more weathered look. 


Current progress:


Bought myself new codex and a box of deathwing termies. Combining the kit with terminator bits I've already had, I can now make three more squads -- Knights, Command squad, regular shooty squad.


I'm working on deathwing knights now. Already painted bone and tabards on them. A few photos may follow today. 

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Komodo, I'll agree with the guys above, your assault ram is fantastic! I think the weathering is just right for an atmospheric entry vehicle, just like CPT Semper. I also agree on the lack of weathering on the decals, but nothing that a quick going over with a sponge and the armor color wouldn't fix.


The Knights look great too! I love the depth on the tabards and the red icons on the armor itself. Awesome job, look forward to more!

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Thanks for input everyone,

Looking nice. I really like the deep shadows in the cloth.

 Cactus, photo came out kinda flat, using my mobile for photos, atm. So, robes are actually better looking.  :)


By the way, I like the Space Crusade dread you snuck in on page 3

Gillyfish, I have one more Space Crusade dread in my stash ;)


No updates today, got very busy with work. RL sometimes sucks :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Completed my Deathwing Knights.









And a group shot:




Hope you'll like them.

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Thanks everyone for kind words. Jam... it really looks like strawberry jam, never would thought of this, laughed on that one, I will probably use green for toxic sludge thingy next time.


So, I guess I will start painting Ravenwing attack squadron, combining my 3 bikes and attack bike with 3 bikes from DV. Adding up it will give me 2 squadrons for my ravenwing.

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  • 5 weeks later...

DW Knights are as Isiah says - Awesome sauce, I just can#t fault them....


The RW have nice painting - nice bases - great work as ever.


My only thang would be the join between the 2 halves of the front tyre/wheel guard stands out and I see that the tyres have been mudded but it could also be carried on to the lower portion of the bike as mud splatter.


Nice way to get the lean off the Sgt with the sloping base too :thumbsup:

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My only thang would be the join between the 2 halves of the front tyre/wheel guard stands out and I see that the tyres have been mudded but it could also be carried on to the lower portion of the bike as mud splatter.


I bought myself liquid stuff recently, but will I be able to hide the sealed join with paint... I guess I will try. It's quite impossible to get to all the details If I connected them at the start. As for the mud, I guess I just didn't wanted to spoil a clean look. :sweat:  Thanks for advice.



 Nice way to get the lean off the Sgt with the sloping base too


You are the first one to spot it :)

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These are some sweet Dark Angels man. The only thing I'll point out is that the decals on your Caestus look super out of place since they're completely clean and the rest of it is weathered. Adding some chips/dust/etc... will really polish the model.


Keep up the good work.



Edited by eetdestroyer
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Komodo, your Knights and Ravenwing look fantastic! Your method for painting the colors makes them really stand out in a superb way to catch the eye without them being garish. I really don't think I can add anything, they look awesome. I really like your basing work on them as well! Edited by Bryan Blaire
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