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To throne of skulls (I) march! (update: painted lord)


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I like the fiend, his range plus his low BS means he's not usually a prime target, plus he can always charge a unit to tie them up (especially if they don't have grenades).


I'm not a fan of nurgle bikers, especially since they became the best thing since sliced bread. Oblit's I'm not a big fan of either for the same reason (although I do admit that Oblit's are rather useful, I just try and shy away from the obviously over powered stuff that everyone takes, unless I'm a fan of the model/fluff and then I'll take it anyway).


My primary aim here is to have a nicely balanced army that wont crush my opponents and leave them hopeless, I did that with my Draigowing in 5th and I much prefer having a good game vs decent opponents now.


All your comments and suggestions are being taken on board though don't you worry, as while I'm pretty sold on my list for the moment, all that could change next week :wacko:

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While I think about it, cool other stuff :

A herd of Chaos Spawns.

A Nurgle Sorcerer.

Typhus with a bunch of zombies (Yeah, you probably thought about it already, yet, it's still pretty cool).

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Aye, they are cool stuff.


I have considered using typhus as a lord, maybe with zombies maybe not, but that is a different army list.


I have the forgeworld nurgle sorcerer painted, well, mostly, needs a bit of detailing but is tabletop standard.

I've considered trying out a cheap nurgle lord, tricked out sorcerer/daemon prince and a few squads in rhinos.

If you look here you'll see some of the options I considered to change my current list.


Despite the feeling of being let down by the new codex, its enough of an improvement to keep me happy for awhile, and I have many chaos armies I want to try out, Iron warriors was my first army, well the few units I painted, so I will use them for my undivided chaos army (plus I will "ally" some in to my nurgle force, such as the havocs and hopefully one of the cultist units).


Liking this thread and your army list matey. Any more play testing?


Landraiders are pretty good at delivering troops against most armies, so I like the Chaos Lord with unit to do an assault. Reckon the Black Mace is worthwhile over a simple power maul, since you will probably win your combats against hordes anyway?


Cheers for the praise, apart from the 3 games I had last sunday no, no more play testing, as most of our group work retail, so dodgy hours from shift work affects availability.

I've found that a chaos landraider is a very good area denial unit, especially with a few meltaguns inside. Mine has taken out a few flying targets, though mostly flying MC's :)


This coming Sunday we are having a apocalypse game, 1000 points each (around 6 of us should be there hopefully) plus super heavies and flyers balanced among the teams. Wont really count as play testing (especially with destroyer weapons flying around) but should be a laugh.

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Quick update, work has progressed on the Heltalon (helrazor pattern). I still need to add loads of tentacles and daemon flesh to hide the shoddy converting I have done, but the basic frame is there.


I've mocked up 2 heads. I think the one with no neck looks better, but it's always good to have options.


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Firstly, I'm loving the ectohead on it, if I was going "no neck" I'd still have a slight neck, but I do love the way it looks more bat like. As I have 2 heldrakes, I may give the second one a slightly longer neck, but I am leaning rather heavily towards the no neck/very short neck look :)
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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, I've not done much work on my army, due to it being at my friend's house after an apocalypse game. I have sorted out a generic daemon prince (so if/when I roll it on the boon chart I have it).


I'm also waiting on some spawn, both the spawn and the prince were christmas presents, as my army is pretty complete.


I am considering the veryshortneck for my helrazor pattern heldrakes, wish I had come up with this design, but credit where it is due.


I am also considering swapping my hadesfiend for the second heldrake with hades autocannon, even though I have said many times that the baleflamer is better...

I need to play test, and also get painting. So much work to do and I haven't done anything in the past 2 weeks.....:(

Step 1, pick up my army.

Step 2?

Step 3, profit!

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Here is my current Heldrake, I just need to add some tentacles to the back and he's done, though as I have a lot of work to do I might not make these perfect, yet.



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When these conversions first stared appearing online I really disliked the 'head with no neck' look, but now it's grown on me so much I prefer it completely to the turkey necked version (using the original Heldrake neck for extra length).


I'm looking at building a couple myself just like these now. It fits, at least to my mind, the idea that the head was previously the cockpit of a fighter, as it's roughly the same size as the area a sitting human/ Marine would need.

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I don't like the long neck look, I prefer a no neck or short neck look personally. I'll be using the other fiend head for my second drake, and might go no neck for that one.


I could also add some drake wings to a hellblade and see how that turns out...


Should be getting in a few games tomorrow. I've already apologized in advance as Commander Sasha's skavenids hate my 1 heldrake, let alone 2, so for this game I shall try 1 baledrake and 1 Hadesdrake (str 6 torrent flamer makes nids cry).


I'll try and get some pictures and mini battle reports up if I remember.

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Right hello again. I played 2 games on Tuesday against Commander Sasha's skavenids, and using my stand in terminator lord (the one with claws) reminded me that I needed to sort out a mace and axe for him, so I did this Tuesday evening.


Could do with some nurglification, but I may just leave him as he is, as I quite like him.

Back to the games. I won both of them, which made me happy. I only took a few pictures though, as I'm out of practice and rarely remembered.

First was a 5 objective big guns never tire, After we set up the terrain, Sasha won the roll and decided to go first. His warlord trait was outflank, mine was master of deception, and I got to give 3 units infiltrate, so I chose the 2 cultists and the plasma rhino squad. I had dropped the forgefiend for a second heldrake, packing a hades autocannon.

Commander Sasha brought: Tyranid prime, flying hive tyrant (half dakka half assaulty). 3 hiveguard, 3 zoanathropes in a spore, doom in a spore, tervigon, 10 dakkagaunts, 10 hormagants, 15 gargoyles and 3 biovores.


this picture is at the end of his second turn, just before my second turn, as our first turns were uneventful. All my reserves came on, one squad of cultists ran on bottom left to threaten that objective, the second came on the right and jumped into the melta plague's spare rhino (out of shot but near my table edge), while the plasma plagues came on the right in the enemy deployment.


Here you can see Sasha's dakka tyrant flying in to deal with my cultist squad, the mysterious terrain effect was + to cover save, so they had a 2+ when they went to ground, which they did, they ran away but as the champion was alive they rallied again biggrin.png


Sasha's Tervigon duels my lord, and this picture made me sort out the proper weapons for him. Tervigon smash attacked me and instant killed my poor lord, as I failed 1 out of 3 saves... oh well.

Commanda Sasha conceded at the end of his 4th turn (meaning we could have lunch and start the second game), as my plasma plague squad was almost at the objective in the silo, the cultist squad in the rhino was within range of the bridge objective and my havocs were still on their objective in the building to the right. while he held the other 2 objectives and had slay the warlord, I had line breaker and first blood. 11-7/8 (cant remember if he would have had line breaker).

Second game, 1 objective in each of our deplyment zones, diagonal deployment. My warlord trait is hatred, can't remember Sasha's...


My lord charging into a squad of zoanthropes contesting my objective.

I lost my havocs to his doom, and then instantly killed doom with my hadesdrake. my lord came back and joined up withe a cultist squad to camp my objective, while my landraider (with depleted squad of plagues), rhino with plasma plagues and heldrakes went after his objective. After I wiped out his last troop choice he conceded, as he only had his hiveguard and tyranid prime left.

Lessons learnt. Lord makes a good distraction, although should never go against a str 5+ MC, as they can smash and instant death him.

Landraider is still pretty good at delivering a squad where I want, and providing cover, managed to take a few wounds off and provide a wall. hadesfiend performed better then I thought it would, getting 4 hits a few times, and then 1 hit when needed. 4 str 8 anti air shots hitting on 4+ is still a nice anti flyer weapon, especially when combined with its sweep attack. Looking forward to trying it out against vendetta's. Plagues are just awesome vs regular tyranids (or pretty much anything without a power weapon or str 10). Also 3 melta shots or 6 plasma shots is a pretty nice amount, although light compared to what I'm used to. Cultists do what expected, they helped my plagues live longer by absorbing attention, but I really need to be careful transporting them in rhinos (one blew up and 6-7 of them died, still they passed their pinning test and provided another scoring unit).

I do need to play vs other opponents of course, especially RebG with his current dual stormraven list, armour 12 all round flyers packing melta and superior close combat punch... OUCH.

I intend to paint my lord and plague marines like these from http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/162940-stripey-white-plague-marine-tutorial/


Well, with different trim and weapon colours at least. However as it's cold outside I need to spray inside, and want to wait until I will be away for the night so I can air the room after spraying, which means I'll need to get my infantry assembled within a week.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Triple post, but now I have a actual painted model! I Present to you my lord, who is about 70-80% complete (not counting the base as I'll do a batch of those at the same time).



Picture taken on my smart phone with the flash on, so it's not quite as nice as in real life (i think anyway).


I still need to do a bit more detailing, and finish the poor imperial commander on his banner pole as well as finish the black mace, but I'm pleased with him so far.

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Nice job mate. Was meaning to ask, are you finding a power maul and power axe to be more useful than a power sword and power axe?


I've found a power sword to be very hit and miss against most opponents because of it's feeble strength. However the maul isn't so good at breaking power armour.


It's not such an issue on the charge, but when receiving a charge my Honour Guard drop to AP4 Lances on 3 models so I needed the leg up to crack armour. I suppose striking last with an axe wouldn't be terrible for my Master.


So how has he faired?

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He has the black mace (ap4, daemon weapon so +d6 attacks, wounds on 2+ and forces toughness tests blah blah) as well as a power axe, letting him strike at ap2 if desired. He's done ok, generally getting 1 shotted by most MCs due to toughness 5 vs smash attacks :( He destroys little guys and can get up to 11 attacks on the charge with the black mace :D


I've generally used him vs grey knights or nids, and he just doesn't do that well. He'll happily challenge most squad leaders though, as they lack the str10 to instant kill him. I do need more practice vs other armies, but that is part of heading to Throne of skulls :D

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Oh yes, I remember him having a Black Mace now! Same principle mind.


It's a hard one for me to decide. My Master generally won't be fighting many challenges and will get an extra attack from a Chapter Banner. I'll not hijacking your thread talking about it though.


I really fancy going to the next ToS soon so I want a few report on army list trends etc!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right, quick update:

I haven't done much work, other then some undercoating. The cultists and the havocs need some re painting where the undercoat missed, but my plagues are fully covered. I've started to paint their weapons and shoulder trim black, and am thinking of using different shades of rusty metal to differentiate between my 2 squads (although my plasma squad are all holding their weapons 2 handed while the melta squad isn't, apart from a single meltagunner).


I also received a eBay purchase I made a week ago, Butt Scratcher MK2 (as I used MK1 to make my mace lord).



Those shoulders dont sit well on him, so I'm considering ordering the deathshroud shoulders too, or I might just ask for the set for my birthday (which is this tuesday :D). I still need to finish assembling my heldrakes too.


I've got a week off work coming up soon, so I'm hoping to get some painting and some gaming in, got so much to do and less then a month, I dont think this army is going to look brilliant but as long as they are tabletop (for Throne of skulls) I'll be happy, as it would be the first 1500 point army I've painted... in over 15 years of gaming, that is shameful :(


Also mr RebG who has a lovely angels sanguine army shall (if we find the time) paint my MKIIB landraider half red! as it has blood angel doors and hatch it would make sense that my lord somehow stole a sacred landraider from them, well it makes sense to me!

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Can you explain why you've bothered buying Dirge Casters for the Rhinos in your list? As they're not assault vehicles won't this be awkward to actually benefit from the no overwatch? And also, aren't Plague Marines ideally suited to shrugging off lucky overwatch shots anyway (unless you're charging an enormous blob squad for some reason)? If it's worked in your games then cool, I'd just be interested in your reasoning. To my mind those 5 points would be crying out to be spent on Dozer Blades.

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Ok, dirge casters.


1: this is the only thing so far that cancels out overwatch. I had a lone plague marine charge a imperial guard command squad that had loads of flamers, chances are could have been burnt a lot. 


Letting someone know that they can't overwatch you is a big thing, and for 15 points to provide this to my force? sure why not.


Also cultists are rather squishy, and I have 2 squads. 


The real question is could I find 10 points to add dozer blades to my rhinos?

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Right, so I've been painting on and off, so here is the progress picture.



Squad on the right is finished for now, just needs to be based. Lighting has washed out the green on them, it looks better in the flesh.

Squad on the left just needs metals, flesh and bone done and backpacks attached.


My second squad turned out a lot darker then the first, but thats ok, as they obviously have a slightly different plague :D

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