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WIP thread - 711th CCAB (Chocochip Rats)


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+++The Psykers have seen a glorious vision...

The might of Cadia, marching ahead.

They fear nought.

Neither Chaos nor foul Xenos will halt them.


Hark the sound of marching boots, the clank of treads, the roar of mighty engines...


Tremble in fear heretic and alien - the 711th marches and you shall be destroyed!+++



Now for the reality...

Bearing in mind May approaches which is the traditional ETL kick off (no I don't have anything definite yet so don't ask :wink: ) I am planning on coming down on the side of the Imperial Guard this year after completing a full company for the Dark Angels on last years ETL.


The plan is to use April to do as much preparation as possible on all the armour I have remaining in the painting queue which includes (numbers to follow)...


Leman Russes - all variants

Chimeras - possibly with infantry squads

Hydras/Wyverns x 2

Manticore/Deathstrike x 1

Sentinels x 2

If time allows - Rough Riders



I will be magnetising, glueing sub-assemblies and priming ready for the starters gun...


The Emperor will not find the 711th wanting this year.


I will also be updating the photos on my 711th fluff thread as I have found, after much experimentation, that a plain black background improves the image quality. I will also be standardising the sizes of the photos for improved presentation. As the muse finds me I may also write some more background fluff so stay tuned for a summer of hard work in the foundries supplying the 711th :smile.:


Edit: 6 cans of Tamiya TS-61 ordered :)

Edited by elmo
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  • 2 weeks later...
***Armoured Summer***
"What I cannot crush with words I will crush with the tanks of the Imperial Guard!"
To clear down some of the stockpile of painting backlog I am going to have a summer of armour for my IG.
I have just primed 4 Chimeras and to follow will be 5 Leman Russes, 2 Wyvern/Hydras, 1 Manticore and 2 Sentinels.
All are magnetised for all the options :)
Note: The "Hydra" in the following photos uses the turret from Puppets war (looks like it is now discontinued) with lengthened barrels. This will now probably not be used as I have acquired another 2 Hydras ;)
Now who was it who was complaining I needed more armour :thumbsup:





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Cool :smile.: ... They look so much better when they have a nice base-coat on them... I don't know about you but I get fed up seeing assembled, straight from the box, unpainted tanks.


It's different if they are scratch-builds / converted (because you can see what has been built/changed).


Nice use of Puppet's-War turret.

Edited by Inso
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I really need to stop surfing...

This has caught my eye as an artillery tractor ;)


Width 5.0 cm
Height 7.3 cm
Depth 3.5 cm
And using these as the Artillery piece but swapping out the supplied barrel with an Earthshaker barrel assuming it will fit.
What does the Barracks think? Would it work ??
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Thanks for the links Inso but I have decided to try the one from Shapeways - one ordered and if it turns out ok then I will go ahead and order the artillery from Kromlech.


I also went for some bits from Anvil Industry for my HW squads as I still have spare heavy bolters etc to use up.





Busy, busy...busy :wink:

Edited by elmo
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Good job on the vehicles, but why are the hunter-killer missiles mounted above the tracks, instead of on the turrets? Even if a "lock-on after launch" function allows the missile to attack targets to the side or rear, I'm concerned the tracks may throw up debris that'll damage the missile, rendering it useless at the very moment the tanker needs it.
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Here are the Autocannon teams all completed










Next on the list is the Command squads....



Elmo, I am thinking of getting a set of these 1/35 sandbags to put on a Baneblade.

Do you think the 1/35 scale would be suitable for a model that size? Otherwise theres the Tamiya 1/48 scale kit I could try?

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Those 1/35th ones are hollow underneath so you may feel the need to fill them. 


I personally think that you'd be better going 1/48th for your Baneblade as the 1/35th ones are a bit big... OK for ground-works but a bit big for armour.


I bought a load of the 1/35th for armour and they were far too inflexible for my needs :(

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They are a little over-large at 1:35 so it would be better going for 1:48 scale but as Inso has pointed out they are hollow so they may need filling with Milliput as it is much cheaper than greenstuff.


You can also make your own if you feel confident enough which has the added bonus of allowing you to bend them to fit the hull shape as GreyRavenC has suggested.


Try a YouTube search for how to... Here is one I just found


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The Terraintutor has some nice tutorials as well. His vid about sandbag fortifications made me consider buying some guardsmen. Those fortifications would also be fitting as Guard-specific terrainpieces. No battlefield is complete without some sandbags or trenches. That's what I love so much about your heavy weapons, Elmo


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Here are the Autocannon teams all completed










Next on the list is the Command squads....



Elmo, I am thinking of getting a set of these 1/35 sandbags to put on a Baneblade.

Do you think the 1/35 scale would be suitable for a model that size? Otherwise theres the Tamiya 1/48 scale kit I could try?



If you want to see the size of the 1/48 size Tamiya sandbags, check out my thread. 


I use them for all my heavy weapon squads.

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Another tranche for the Summer of Armour has been primed - Now up to 4 Chimeras and 5 Leman Russes including 1 Commissariat Russ :)




Still 2 Wyvern/Hydras and a Manticore to do :)

Also the Artillery tractor turned up but I will be Guardifying it before I post any photos... be warned - it is tiny :(

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The sponson need a little more work with the magnet fittings. All my vehicles are magnetised for all weapon options ;)


I usually have sponsons fitted but it is nice to be able to remove them when you need to.

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Oh my! , this thread is overwhelming my senses :wacko.:  so much fun stuff..And sooo much dedication to duty.

i"m starting some Guard and this has been very inspirational, thanks :thumbsup:

Q- i have a standard Leman russ but got the start collecting box...how should i equip that russ?... Vanquisher?, exterminator?,... i know i will be facing Nurgle/imperial Knights and Eldar Knights in my future ...

any answers/Guidance greatly appreciated ...


Cheers Mithril

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