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Felt like writing


The two swords kissed into a violent embrace that was only a second long before darting away.  But instead of sparks, lightning jumped between them.  Again they met and blinding flashes of light burst with each jarring impact.  The duel was incredibly fast, quicker than any human could hope to move, and barely could a mortal watch.


The two beings fighting were human shape, but they were far too large.  Each  one over 8 feet tall, wearing massive suits of armor.  They made noise, yes, but none of it human. The actual warriors made no sounds at all. No grunts of frustration, sighs of exhaustion, or cries of pain.

The larger of the two warriors held a massive sword, easily bigger than the  tallest normal man, and it's shining silver blade crackled with a blue
lightning that skittered across an energy field. His armor was a dark Gray color, and his helmet came to a point like some bird of war. The eyes were a deep, sinister black.  On his shoulder, a stylized skull.  Draped over back and shoulder was a long cloak of scales, and embedded in his gauntlets were several rings.

He circled his pray like some great monster of destruction from legends past.  The only sound the crunch of snow that he waded through like it didn't exist; the growl of his reactor only adding to the terrifying visage that was this beast of war.


Standing in the snow across from him was a slightly stooped figure. He was the same size, maybe even taller, but his pauldron was cracked, his chest rent and torn, and his hip covered in dried dark red blood. His once proud armor was silver, and several areas were covered in yellow and black stripes. Spikes grew in odd patches, horns stretched from his helmet ever higher, and he wore a cloak of human skin.


The Gray man lunged again, raining down several blows, each parried with deadly skill. The Silver warrior responded in kind, but the Carcharadon shrugged them off, his Iron Halos hielding him from the blows. He reached forward, and grabbed the wrist of the Iron Warrior and pushed his sword into his chest with his other hand.


The Iron Warrior began to laugh. "I have seen your False God-Emperor, fool." he said, in a deep voice. It sounded wet, like the very words themselves were coated in oil. He then twisted and broke the sword from the hilt, before pushing his assailant back.

The Grey man raised a pistol. "I have no God." he said, in high gothic before shooting 4 mass reactive shells into the broken sword lodged in the chest of the traitor. The first detonated the sword, the second and third welting the armor, and the fourth bursting apart chest.


As giant holstered his gun, the body crumpled to the ground. He drew his combat knife, knowing the others' physiology would likely keep him alive. As he approached to end the Iron Warrior's heresy, he lunged like a wounded snake, taking the Carcharadon to the ground.

They rolled and traded blows, neither able to best the other. The Iron Warrior called to his dark gods, and his chest wounds began to close, and heal. The Shark could only watch and grow angry as he watch the destroyed heart regrow and beat again, the bone in his chest start to close, and his muscle to knit itself back together.


Conversely, the loyalist called upon his martial skills, and more importantly, his war gear. The traitor could only watch as he was rolled over into the
snow, and punched several times on his healing wounds. On the third hit, the Carcharadon fired his digital weapons, bursting the other warrior's chest. He reached in, and pulled out the others' still beating second heart, and crushed it to a pulp.


He then drew his knife and yanked the dying traitor's helmet off. His face was covered in ritual scars, showing countless victories.

"Tell your gods who sent you. Carcharadons Astra."


He plunged his knife into the forehead of the dying marine.

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