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The gate aflame - A Black Legion Log *Update 7/3/15


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I know it's not particularly related to you modeling and painting your army, but I was curious about how you like to kit out your Nurgle Plague Drones?? I picked up the kit recently (for an absolute steal!!) and want to use them in the allied Daemon army for my Word Bearers.


Patiently waiting for some more updates on your force!!


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Those chosen look amazing! A++ work, there, I'm jealous.


As for what to do next, I'd suggest cultists as well.  It'll be a nice break from marines, and you can get some more browns and skin tones in there.  Plus, while he rumors of new models may be looking less and less likely by the day (It's a little late for a significant chaos wave in Feb or March to have been true, and even the rumors of a summer wave were based mostly on a new starter box replacing the current one, but now rumors are saying the new box may be for epic, not 40k, so there'd be no pressure on GW to release chosen & helbrute after all), if they do turn out to be true, you may not want to be spending that much money or time on the current chaos power armored kits.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Rune_Priest_Rhapsody: Ohh nice! You can't beat good priced Daemons! :) As far as loadouts, I haven't actually played a game with them yet and when I do it'll probably be with my Daemons (if I ever get round to finishing them), in which case I go for five with an icon, just to throw them upfield and screen any units that DS off of them. In regards to using them with CSM, they're quite tough and pretty quick, so i'd use them to screen my rhino's and then harass anything that comes to close.


Probably not the best use for them, but then nobody has ever accused me of being any good at the game! :D


@malisteen: Thanks mate! It was seeing your excellent Chosen squad that inspired me to work on these & I can't wait to see you paint yours up. Unfortunately I still haven't found my cultist sprues yet, so I think I'll just have to bite the bullet and order some more from ebay. I really hope we get some new CSM's soon, but I really can't see that happening before the new 'dex TBH (although I hope I'm 100% wrong on that!)


In the meantime, i've cobbled together some 'zerkers out of my bits box of terror & they're about half way painted, so I should have them finished pretty soon!



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It's a shame you don't live closer to me, I have 30 cultists gathering dust in a bits box. I converted some Cadians for mine, so I don't need them!!


I also thought that cheap and cheerful would be the best use for the Drones. Thanks for the suggestions!!

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Cheers! The black is really simple. It's just two coats of slightly watered down Abbadon black. Then edge highlight with Eshin grey, followed by a Dawnstone highlight on the highest points. Nice and quick! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

In a chorus of revving chainblades and crazy snarls, the Bezerkers are done!


Squad Narlaxt - The Gorehounds



Had a blast painting these guys. Red has always been one of those colours that I've never been able to paint properly. However, this time everything just clicked and I'm really happy with the way they've turned out - yay Khorne! :D


Background wise, due to their reckless way of war, I see these guys as always having to replace their armour, hence the lack of trim. IRL, I really wanted to practice my edge-highlighting techniques and all of the trim would have gotten in the way (I prefer the fluff reason better!)


Up next on the table, is my 20 man cultist blob and one Mr Betrayer. Originally I was going to use the DV Cultists, but they vanished. Then, whilst trawling ebay for some replacements, I remembered some sweet conversions I'd seen, about 5 years ago and decided to try and imitate them.


Watch this space... ;)

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  • 3 months later...

Is it necromancy to post here? March? How much does a thread decompose since march? Ah well, call me Necrosius because I back-clicked here from a post in the ETL thread and read the entire thing and I love your work. Jorg in particular is fantastic, he's one of the coolest TDA lords I've seen.

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Haha! Cheers! Wow, I didn't realise that it had been so long since I last updated - my bad! :D


I've got a couple of units that need pics, so I'll get a proper update up tomorrow. B)

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Cheers guys! cool.png

So update time! Since the last update, i've mostly been trying to figure out a way to convert and paint cultists that I'm happy with, but so far without success. I've also spent some time building a few units and painting my knight at an amazingly slow pace! However, I have found time to get a couple units done, mainly thanks to the glorious ETL!

First up, is one of my all time fave models. A real classic mini that I've always wanted to paint and hopefully do justice too:

Khârn the Betrayer


And my first ETL unit:

Murikhals Talons


Well with the ETL and our spectacular black crusade underway, I'll have plenty more updates coming up very soon! :D


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Cheers guys! Gotta say I'm not too happy with the havocs, as they're probably the most 'basic' guys in my army. But they'll do until we finally get a new kit for them! B)


Progress wise, i'm about halfway done on the Raptor squad (sooo much trim!) so hopefully In should have them done fairly soon.

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In a chorus of revving chainblades and crazy snarls, the Bezerkers are done!


Squad Narlaxt - The Gorehounds






Really great Black Legions army & army log topic :D  I really like the look of these Khorne Bezerker & it really nice red paint/dark colour on them.



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Thanks guys!

The 'zerks were a lot of fun to paint which, considering how much I hate painting red, came as a bit of a shock! laugh.png Normally it's my 'nemesis' colour (the one colour I just can't paint right) but this time everything just seemed to flow & they turned out pretty well.

@Tarvik: Cheers for the feedback mate! I always appreciate C&C, so feel free to jump in if something doesn't look right! B) Any thoughts on whats missing from Khârn's bunny ears?

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  • 2 weeks later...

The ETL train keeps on a 'rollin! Finished up two more parts of my vow tonight, specifically a lord and his raptors!


First up Sareakist's Reavers. A group of like minded hunters, whose patience is matched only by their thrill in the kill:




Took a little time, but I had a blast painting those guys - such lovely models! For my lord, I wanted to kitbash a twisted echo of the loyalists lord executioner. I've always seen him as the warbands 'attack dog' sent out to hunt down & kill enemy's of value. To show their foes that, no matter who you are, you are not out of our reach.


Barrigan 'The Huntmaster'



Right, I still have a forge fiend and 10 noise marines to paint for my vow, so I'd better get cracking! :D


Cheers! B)

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