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The 27th Grand Battalion "Iron Preatorians"


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I have always been a fan of writing back stories for my armies, and my IW army will be no different. So, here is what I have thus far:

The 27th Grand Battalion "Iron Preatorians"
  The 27 is comprised of the 39th, 55th, and 95th Grand Companies under the command of Grand Warsmith Octavian Korda. Korda has led the 27 since the opening days of the Horus Heresy. The 27th were tasked with being the lead element of the task force sent to bring the Tetrius system to Warmaster's cause.
The task force was comprised of:

  27th Grand Battalion with Fleet assets
  43rd Chapter of the Word Bearers with Fleet assets
  212th Imperial Army Heavy Mechanized Assault Group
  A Demi- Legion of Titans from Legi Argentum

  The task force made quick work of the systemsl out lying worlds and defences. With a clear path to the inner worlds the battles began in earnest. The system had three core worlds: Emperor's Landing(capital), Nova Azure, and X347Z1 ( Forgeworld). It fell to the 27th to take X347Z1 and its orbital ship yards, and in keeping with the Legion's traditions they gave the world one chance to surrender or die. The orbital ship yards and two of the forge cities surrendered, pledging themselves to the 4th Legion. As for the rest of the forge cities, they were grinded down by the methodical attention of the 27th until no forces remained to oppose them.
  Leaving the 55th behind to oversee the re-fortification of the world, the rest of the 27th moved forward to aid the 212th with their attempts to take Nova Azure. Nova Azure's cities were cunningly built to be both beautiful and defendable. With well disguised fortifications and carefully planned kill fields even apporaching one of the cities could be costly for a would be attacker. A lesson the 212th commanders quickly learned. after making swift progress in taking the planet's space port and samller settlements the advance had staggered and then halted. with the arrival of the 27th the offer to surrender was given, but refused. The 39th and 95th Grand Companies were each sent seperatly with elements of the 212th to take each city in turn. Within weeks the planet was under the task force's control Grand Warsmith Korda sent the 212th to act as rear guard for the Word Bearers on Emperor's Landing.
  Within a month Emperor's Landing fell to the Word Bearers and the system was brought to heel. While the Word Bearers began their attempts at reeducating the remaining populace, Grand Warsmith Korda had the 27th begin rebuilding the outer defences in preperation for the inevitable Loyalist counter attack. Korda had his new Dark Mechanicum allies begin mass producing arms, armament, and engines for the effort. Also with his fleet in X347Z1's orbital docks the modification and ugrade of the fleet's armament with the latest advancements at their disposal.

  With the fall of Horus and the retreat from Terra the Tetrius system proved to be a key re-supply point. It was not long until the lap dogs of the corpse god attempted to reclaim it. The 27th ensured that the loyalist paid a steep price for each world, buying the Dark Mechanicum time to strip everything of worth from X347Z1. When the time came the 27th joined the exodus to the Eye of Terror.
That is what i have thus far, with updates to follow. All comments are appericated.
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Thanks brgabriel, Im still trying to add to it for their more recent actions. IMO, it helps to have a backstory for an army. Makes it easier to fit them into narrative campaigns and gives each battle alittle more meaning if you work that stuff in.
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