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Sword Bearers and the Unforgiven (Updated 1/07/23: Angels Redeemed)

Spaced Hulk

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we must consider their base "ground level" for the model otherwise we wind up with bits "below ground"

Yaeh, i'm agree with Recon0321, the sword is too big !

med_gallery_917_9263_27012.jpgThe hand's position is no natural : the wrist angle too "broken"

Maybe you can re-cut the tip to shorten the blade?

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Thanks brothers :thumbsup:. Have changed the blade into an executioners sword and repositioned it.


Have also shortened the right arm and modified the sword hand by merging it with part of a chaos marine gauntlet (heresy I know :smile.:)


Ignore the join between the hand and the arm, the super glue I was using had gone all thick and gloopy (always seems to happen with GW super glue, suggestions for an alternative would be welcome :smile.:) so I'll have to tidy it up when it's properly dry.

Debating what to do with his left arm now. I did build a storm bolter using another chaos gauntlet (to represent Foe Smiter) , but I'm wondering about possibly just giving him a clenched fist instead.

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I recommend LocTite Control Gel. Never had a problem with it.


Me too !


The modification is so cool !

For his left arm, why not make it removable?

Somewhat in the same style as my Master?






@Recon0321 and other Brothers !

It's so simply :

I drill the hand of my mini (diameter 0.2 or 4mm)

I add a small metal rod (paperclip for exemple) at the equipment I want to put on the figurine (look the Stormbolter or the SormShield).

May I add a little "Patafix" to properly maintain the equipment!


an other exemple : my assault bike, with options !

Edited by Galthan Ironsturm
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Thanks brothers :thumbsup: So, after a bit of a search through some old bits boxes, I finally made a decision on the left arm and back pack:



Yes, he's ended up with a plasma pistol, despite my earlier thoughts about arming him with a bolter or combi-weapon :confused:. Basically, when I found that pistol hand and tried it, it just seemed right for the model. You can't really tell from these photo's (in hindsight I should have taken one from above, looking down. Unfortunately my camera battery has just died :dry.:) but the pistol is from an old chaos lord model with a skull built into the back, which I think works well with the model's overall aesthetic, especially with the skulls mounted on Azrael's power pack.

Well, the Siege Breaker is just about finished, other than cleaning up a few mould lines and finding a suitable decapitated head for the base (thanks for the cool idea Urael :thumbsup:). Pretty pleased with how he's looking now, as he seems brutal and archaic without being too chaosy, if that makes sense? So, yet another model to add to the 'Ready to Paint' list :whistling: Hopefully the weather will be ok later this week so I can get some more stuff primed.

@ Galthan: Thanks for the suggestion brother. I did consider giving him removable weapons, but as the arm is pointing down, I think I'd probably have to use magnets to make it workable. Cool models btw :thumbsup:

Thanks again brothers :smile.:

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I like him. My personally feeling is that he suits his role better than if he were more flashy like the praetorians. A siege breaker means his always right there in the absolute thick of it. He is at the worst and most hellish parts ever recorded in warfare. There is no room for ostentation or beauty. Just as long as it works and works well. Though the skull pistol and executioner sword lend him a more grim look. Much more "on the job" than "trying to scare you" which in my opinion can often be far scarier.

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Thanks guys! :smile.:

Ok, time for another update. Still no painting I'm afraid, been far too windy here to even think about priming models, so I've finished a couple of marines that I started a while back instead.








Veteran Sergeant Nafriel Arawn, Squad Leader, Tactical Unit Two Three (Second Squad, Third Company). Armed with standard issue Godwyn Diaz boltgun, 'Brutus' pattern Astartes combat gladius and Mire Long Blade.




Archivists Notes: Although a highly experienced and decorated line officer, Sergeant Arawn and his squad, known informally within the Sword Bearers as the 'Vorpal Blades', have received a disproportionate number of formal complaints from other Imperial organisations, including Inquisitorial Agent [Name Redacted], criticising their indiscriminate use of lethal force, and the wide spread collateral damage which is routinely left in their wake, particularly amongst civilian population centres. As expected, all communications to the Chapter regarding this subject have been ignored.

SUBJECT TWO (File 2 of 457)

Battle Brother Hakael, "The Raven". Believed to be attached to Third Company Command Squad. Armed with 'Talon' pattern power sabre.




Archivist's Note One: Although officially listed within the ranks of Chapter 001, specifically as a member of the Dark Angel's Second Company, Battle Brother Hakael is also included amongst the official records of the Sword Bearers, as he fought alongside the warriors of Mire for at least two centuries. Seconded from his parent Chapter in 701.M41 (See Note Two), Hakael, nicknamed "The Raven" by his new brothers, served with distinction in a variety of different theatres, including the Iris Crusade and the infamous Siege of the Phormian Necropolis. It is unknown whether Hakael was still attached to the chapter during the disastrous Fatum II Campaign, as there are no records of the warrior after 913.M41, either within the Dark Angels or Sword Bearers archives.

Archivist's Note Two: It has long been noted that all the Unforgiven routinely second warriors to their fellows for prolonged periods of time, ostensibly under the remit of strengthening ties and sharing knowledge, experience and tactics. Whilst this practice is certainly not limited to the descendants of the First Legion, with many established Chapters maintaining similar links to their Successors, our widely held suspicions regarding the nature of the Unforgiven means that these practices undoubtedly require further investigation.


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Interesting look to them. I'm not sure how I feel about Brother Hakael, I may decide when he's had a base coat. To pick out the details better. I like the idea behind Sergeant Nafriel. He also has a good solid look to him....though something about the way the helm sets just looks off to me. Not sure what it is.

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Cheers guys! :thumbsup:


@ deathspectresrg7: Thanks brother, can't take too much credit for the bolter sling, as I shamelessly 'borrowed' the idea from one of 1000Heathens excellent Iron Warrior models over in the WIP forum. :whistling:


@ Dark Rage: Cheers mate :smile.: Again, I can't take too much credit for Hakael's pose, as it's simply one of the Palatine Blade models with different pads and head. It is an awesome pose though, I originally bought that model to use as Letholdus (2nd in command of the Revenants) but changed my mind as I've decided to build mounted and infantry versions of the character (easier and cheaper to use plastic componants when your building multiple versions of the same figure). Didn't want the Palatine to go to waste though, and had been looking for a way to use that corvus helm from Anvil Industry, and so "The Raven" was born :smile.:


@ Brother Excedis: Thanks for the feedback mate (and for your comments about the Siege Breaker, was shattered when I eventually read them last night) :smile.:. Hakael is actually going to be painted black, like a normal member of the Ravenwing, although I might give him Sword Bearers insignia on his right pad to indicate his current status. Unfortunately the detail on the model isn't very crisp, I won him on ebay so don't know whether he's simply a bad cast or a counterfeit (not familiar enough with Forge World to tell the difference at this point). The resin is still quite shiny as well, despite a good soak in soapy water (I'm hoping that I have actually cleaned off all the mould release agent), which doesn't help with the pics either. I still really like the pose of the model though :smile.:


Srg Arawn actually started out as a normal member of the other, unfinished Tac squad, but I decided I liked the model enough for him to be a squad leader himself. So he had a field promotion, so to speak :smile.: Which of course means I need to build another Tac squad for him to lead - the line of models waiting for paint just keeps getting longer :blush.:


The helm is quite chunky, and combined with the bolter sling and the raised edge on the left pad it means that the top third of the model is a bit busy. Would probably have been better if I'd given him a bulky suit of Mark 3 armour, but sadly that wasn't an option. I'm still pretty pleased with him though, as I think he looks suitably brutal and the bolter sling experiment worked out well.


@ Galthan Ironsturm: Cheers brother! :thumbsup: I may have to retcon some of the info in the 'Archives', as I'm currently thinking of dividing my 'normal' Sword Bearers between two Battle Companies (one robed, one bare power armour). So these two might not be in Third Company for very long! They'll probably end up being commanded by the Siege Breaker Captain.


Thanks again brothers, appreciate the feedback :thumbsup:  


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Of course brother! So, my comments about the Siege Breaker were a good thing? Not entirely sure what you mean :sweat: 

That probably just is what I see with Hakael. He's really shiny. I feel the black will suit him well. Also with regards to the chunky helmet I think it just being so busy is exactly it. It is busy. Doesn't look bad just more busy than your other models. However when taken into account it looks good, and the bolter sling came out excellent.

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Of course brother! So, my comments about the Siege Breaker were a good thing? Not entirely sure what you mean :sweat: 

That probably just is what I see with Hakael. He's really shiny. I feel the black will suit him well. Also with regards to the chunky helmet I think it just being so busy is exactly it. It is busy. Doesn't look bad just more busy than your other models. However when taken into account it looks good, and the bolter sling came out excellent.


Yes mate :smile.: Sorry if I didn't express myself very well. Your description of the Siege Breaker is exactly what I was aiming for with that model - a sense of brutal functionality. The Mark III armour, the Iron Warriors helm, even his blade is more like a cleaver than a sword. Most of my HQ models tend to fit the more standard DA aesthetic, eg: robes, cowls, prayer scrolls etc, so I wanted to try something a bit different. I think the medieval look is still highly appropriate for an Unforgiven Chapter, and as you said, the skulls add a bit of grim-darkness. 


Although you could argue that the Siege Breaker would fit other Chapters/Legions better, I'm going to justify it from one of the passages in "The Unremembered Empire", which describes that as the First Legion was literally the First, they had to include all types of specialisations within their own ranks (as during their earliest days, there were no other Astartes forces to rely on). It seems reasonable that one of the six 'Wings' that are mentioned in the book would specialise in siege warfare in some way. So with this Captain, I wanted him to represent the original Dark Angel Legion and to indicate that in many ways, even the current M41 Chapters are still rooted in the days of the Great Crusade/Heresy.


I'm actually going to carry this theme on with the next detachment of the army, which is going to be the Ninth Company led by the Siege Breaker. The two Tactical squads I've already started will be armed solely with boltguns, like 30K Legion Tacs (obviously they'll be benefiting from the Standard of Devastation as well :wink:) and they'll be supported by a command squad armed with plasma guns (representing a Legion Support squad) and a couple of 5 man Dev squads.

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Good to hear brother! I like that idea a lot. I have a suggestion for you. I don't know if your gaming group allows forge world but they have something that might suit this idea.


The Iron Hands legion has a unit called the Medusan Immortals.



They also have a unit upgrade for regular 40k, the boarding assault upgrade set.



They both show an idea for an ideal foward siege unit. The ones who make first break into the location under siege.

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