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Sword Bearers and the Unforgiven (Updated 1/07/23: Angels Redeemed)

Spaced Hulk

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Vid Capture: Recon Squad Tureal, Sword Bearers 9th Battle Company. Engaged in search and destroy operations against the remnants of Hive Fleet Behemoth in the aftermath of the First Tyrannic War. Image recorded in the Ice Wastes of Hyperibor, 866749.M41


Amongst the Unforgiven Chapters, scouting and reconnaissance operations are usually undertaken by either specialised Second Company formations (most notably the vaunted Ravenwing) or by the newly inducted recruits of the Tenth Company. However, the Sword Bearers do not appear to follow either the proscribed doctrines of the Codex Astartes or the divergent organisation of their forbears. Instead they have resurrected (or perhaps retained) certain practices that most closely resemble the Space Marine Legions of old.
Unlike the Ravenwing of the Dark Angels or the Wardens of the Angels of Absolution, the Revenants of the Sword Bearer's Second Company operate as a dedicated fast attack force, eschewing the subtleties of reconnaissance in favour of brutal, high speed assaults. In addition, the Chapter's notoriously high casualty rates have resulted in their Neophytes acting primarily as auxiliaries, closely supporting the Battle Companies rather than deploying as scouts and infiltrators behind enemy lines. With the Chapter's continued survival dependant on a constant influx of Initiates to replace battle losses, new recruits are generally deemed far too valuable and inexperienced to risk in such hazardous operations (see Archivist's Notes).
Instead, it is standard practice for a single squad in each Sword Bearer's Battle Company to be designated as a 'Recon' Squad. Battle brothers are selected for these duties based purely on their resourcefulness, stealth and infiltration skills, as they are frequently required to operate far in advance of the main force, gathering information and striking at key enemy targets to weaken opposition. Although they fulfil the same role as the Scouts of a Codex Chapter, these specialised units consist of fully trained Initiates equipped with power armour. Whilst full plate naturally reduces the stealth capabilities of such squads, their increased survivability is deemed to be the greater advantage, especially for a Chapter renowned for it's high rate of attrition.
Selection for a Recon Squad is a much sought after honour amongst the Sword Bearers, not least because it brings far greater access to the Chapter's sometimes limited arsenal. Compared to other Battle Company units, Recon teams are consistently well armed and equipped; a necessity considering the isolated nature of their missions. A wide range of munitions, heavy weapons and rare Bolt carbines, modified for a higher rate of fire, are all standard equipment for the Battle Brothers of a Recon Squad.
(Archivist's notes: The rate of progression between Neophyte and Initiate is unusually swift amongst the Sword Bearers, with each recruit assigned to the training cadre for only half of the time specified by the Codex Astartes. During particularly prolonged and bloody campaigns, it is has been known for Neophytes to gain promotion to the Battle Companies even before organ implantation has been fully completed.)


Finally finished these guys, although I still haven't decided how I want to base them (not overly keen on the Agrellan Earth I've used previously). Might increase the squad up to 10 at some point as well. Gamewise, they'll either counts as a standard DA Tac squad with a missile launcher, or (if I'm using Allies) an Ultramarine Tac squad with Scout or Infiltration (acquired through Captain Sicarius).

Edited by spacedhulk
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Cheers brother! :smile.:

Here are a few close up pics of the squad (sorry they're a bit blurry!) that I took just before they were finished. As you can see from the group shot, gun barrels have been drilled since I took these. :wink:


Pretty pleased with how they've turned out, I think my highlighting is gradually starting to improve! :smile.:

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  • 2 weeks later...

@deathspectersrg7: Cheers mate! :smile.:

Been a while since my last update, but I have been making some progress. Mainly building models in preparation for ETLIII, but painted another test model as well:

Unknown Revenant, believed to be a member of the so-called 'Cursed Knights', Sword Bearer's Second Company:


The blue highlights are actually a lot more muted in real life (to the extent that I'm thinking about adding a brighter colour) but the flash on my camera has really brought them out. It's the first time I've tried blue highlights on black armour (I wanted some contrast with the black robes) so any feedback would be appreciated.

I've also built a new Revenant Shadowcaster, which I will be including in my vow as a DA Librarian;



Finally for today, here are an assortment of new Sword Bearer models for various units:





Thanks for looking! :smile.:

Edited by spacedhulk
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As a big blue neon highlights user I won't criticize their uses on you fantastic conversions.

I agree they'll need depth though. The addition of a very light blue point may help as you can see on the following pics

This one show the kantor blue and the caledor sky step




This one after an ice blue step






Your librarian is very inspiring and is close from my next conversion.


You can paint your revenant squad for the ETL using the company vets entry, even though it's not like this you'll finally play them.

Edited by Master Avoghai
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@ deathspectresrg7 & Dark Rage: Cheers guys! :thumbsup:


@ Master Avoghai: Thanks for the advice mate :thumbsup:  Part of the problem was that I'd given the armour a Nuln Oil wash after highlighting and had been a bit heavy handed. I was worried that the highlights were too bright and thought the wash would blend them in a bit. Unfortunately it worked a bit too well! :smile.: I've given them another highlight with Calgar blue since and it's sharpened them up again. As your pics show, I could do with using an even lighter blue for a final highlight.


I could paint the rest of the Execution team as Company Vets, but I've actually got loads of squads primed and ready for the ETLIII (I'm hoping this will actually be the incentive to get the bulk of the army painted! :biggrin.:). Mainly painted the Revenant just to keep a bit of momentum going (as you all know, it doesn't take much for my painting to grind to a halt! :blush.:) and also an experiment to see how black robes and armour would look.


Thanks again for the feedback! :thumbsup:

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Don't do that!


I did... And regret it.


You need the Guilliman blue. The drakenhof is made to go in the details and the recesses (sp?) it will give a very strange effect on your models.


The Guilliman blue has a covering effect more adapted to what you want to do.

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The Iron Warriors had split into two man teams, each consisting of a gunner and his spotter. Advancing steadily through the burning hab-blocks, they were systematically scouring the township of life.
Shooting was sporadic now, as most of the Imperial colonists were already dead or dying. The warband's assault had been swift and brutal, utilising overwhelming firepower to devastate the settlement of crude, pre-fabricated structures. Resistance had been pitiful. Of the colony's erstwhile defenders, there had so far been no sign.
Farax turned a corner into yet another narrow, smoke filled alley. The whole township was a tangled warren of winding streets and clustered buildings. There was no order or symmetry in the layout, no organisation or even aesthetic qualities about the way the settlement had been constructed. Hab-blocks had simply been dropped in place, one after the other, with no thought to planning or practicality. Even after hundreds of years spent amidst the chaos of the Great Eye, Farax still found such disorder inherently detestable. This place deserved to be destroyed, he thought bitterly.
His armour growled as he moved, the ancient servos struggling with the weight of the massive heavy bolter that had been grafted to his arms. Behind him, he could hear the reassuringly repetitive chimes of Kron's auspex, as his spotter constantly scanned the area around them for any signs of life. For nearly an hour now, they had found nothing but corpses within the burning ruins.
There had still been no change to the auspex reading when they both heard the unmistakable sound of footsteps behind them. Both Havoc's turned instantly, their weapons raised and ready.
A lone Space Marine stood impassively watching them, his armour of blue and steel partially hidden beneath long, dark brown robes. He was unhelmed, although a bandanna covered his mouth and nose against the thick, oily smoke that drifted through the alley. A slim bolt pistol was holstered at his side, but the warrior made no attempt to draw it. Instead he wielded a large, ornate broadsword in each hand.
The warrior didn't move. Like a statue, he stood staring into the Iron Warrior's guns.
Seconds passed. Suddenly Farax began to chuckle, a harsh, mechanical cackling emitting from his helm's speakers.
“Well thin-blood, it appears you've brought blades to a gunfight.” The Iron Warrior was laughing as he spoke, but the sights of his heavy bolter never wavered from the target. Kron was laughing as well now, although he kept glancing curiously at the auspex. For some reason, the scanner was still unable to detect the newcomer.
They were both still laughing when Farax felt a sharp, savage pain in his chest. Looking down, he saw the broadsword that had impaled him. It was impossible, he hadn't seen the thin-blood even move, let alone throw the blade. Nobody could be that quick. To his right, Kron was already on the floor, the other sword piercing his breastplate up to the hilt.
Farax tried to fire the heavy bolter, but his arms had dropped and he couldn't raise them. Beneath his plate, he could feel blood and oil trickling down his torso. As he sank to his knees, he looked across at the Sword Bearer once more, staring right into the eyes of his killer. That was when he noticed. The thin-blood's eyes were white over and had no pupils. He was blind.
Farax began laughing once more. This time, the sound was little more than wet, futile wheezing. He was still trying to laugh when the Sword Bearer raised both hands, and with an irresistible psychic force, pulled his blades from the fallen bodies of the Iron Warriors. Each sword flew through the air, directly into his grip. Only then did the Librarian take another step forward.
As the trickle of blood inside his armour became a flood, Farax closed his eyes and let the darkness claim him.

Leon Aramis, Codicier Librarian of the Sword Bearer's Chapter

After serving diligently for nearly three decades, Lexicanum Aramis suffered the injury that would define his career during the Rama IV Extinctions. Whilst assaulting the rebel stronghold, a lascannon beam passed within inches of his face, the immense heat warping his armoured helm and fusing it to his flesh. Although the Librarian was incredibly fortunate to survive, once the helm had been surgically removed, it was found that his optic nerves had been damaged by the intense light radiation, causing permanent blindness.
Since that time, Aramis has steadfastly refused either bionic implants or optical regeneration therapy, and relies solely on his psychic gifts to perceive the world around him. As if compensating for the loss of his vision, the Librarian's abilities have increased dramatically, and he has progressed to the rank of Codicier in record time. His extra sensory perception has become so refined that his disability has become inconsequential, and Aramis is able to function as well as, if not better than, any of his battle brothers.
Unlike many of the Librarians within the Sword Bearers ranks (including the infamous Second Company Shadowcasters), Aramis rarely practices either divination or telepathic disciplines, and instead concentrates on using telekinesis to augment his formidable combat skills. His swordsmanship is exemplary and he is rarely seen without his signature weapons, a pair of finely crafted force blades awarded to him by the Chief Librarian himself.
In addition, his unique gifts seem to have imbued Aramis with almost pre-natural grace and agility, allowing him to become one with his environment in a manner rarely seen outside of the Nineteenth Legion's lineage. As a result, he is often attached to reconnaissance forces where his combat and stealth skills are most highly valued, and his power armour has been specially modified to better suit these type of covert operations. Aramis is also renowned for refusing to wear his replacement war helm, except when atmospheric conditions make it an absolute necessity. Given the horrific injuries he suffered so early in his career, it appears that the Lords of the Chapter are prepared to overlook this eccentricity and breach of discipline.
Extract from the essay “Notable Warriors of the Astartes” by historian Eckart Benedikt, 867.M41
As usual, the flash has really brightened the pics, so the blue armour is quite a bit darker in real life. Started painting Aramis before ETLIII started so couldn't really include him in my vow. Speaking of which...

I, Spaced Hulk, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete:

Talyn, Supreme Grand Master of the Sword Bearers (counts as Azrael) = 215 pts


Charon, the Last Moritat (counts as Company Master) armed with two plasma pistols, melta bombs, jump pack & Shroud of Heroes = 190 pts


Kane, Master of the Seventh Company & Chapter Champion, armed with Monster Slayer Sword of Caliban, power axe & artificer armour = 170 pts


Revenant Shadowcaster (Librarian), armed with force staff & jump pack = 80 pts


Tactical Squad Llywelyn, 'The Deathseekers': consisting of 10 marines, all armed with boltguns = 140 pts


Revenant Assault Squad, consisting of 5 marines: 2x plasma pistol & chainsword, 2x bolt pistol & chainsword, srg with power fist & plasma pistol = 155 pts


Praetorian Bodyguard (counts as Command Squad), consisting of:

- veteran with 2x electromagnetic long swords (counts as power sword for simplicities sake in the ETL)

- veteran with meltagun & e-l sword

- veteran with combi-flamer & e-l sword

- veteran with plasma pistol & e-l sword

- veteran with power fist & e-l sword = 250 pts


For a total of 1200 pts from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame til years end.


Wish me luck! :wink:
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Good luck brother. :thumbsup:





Don't do that!

I did... And regret it.

need the Guilliman blue. The drakenhof is made to go in the details and
the recesses (sp?) it will give a very strange effect on your models.

The Guilliman blue has a covering effect more adapted to what you want to do.


That's the difference between a wash and a glaze. I've made similar mistakes and they didn't look pretty.

Edited by Cactus
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  • 2 weeks later...

Couple of weeks of intensive painting (compared to my usual standards anyway! :smile.: ) and my first Vow is complete!

Talyn, Supreme Grand Master of the Sword Bearers (counts as Azrael) = 215 pts


Charon, the Last Moritat (counts as Company Master) armed with two plasma pistols, melta bombs, jump pack & Shroud of Heroes = 190 pts


Kane, Master of the Seventh Company & Chapter Champion, armed with Monster Slayer Sword of Caliban, power axe & artificer armour = 170 pts


Revenant Shadowcaster (Librarian), armed with force staff & jump pack = 80 pts


Tactical Squad Llywelyn, 'The Deathseekers': consisting of 10 marines, all armed with boltguns = 140 pts


Revenant Assault Squad, consisting of 5 marines: 2x plasma pistol & chainsword, 2x bolt pistol & chainsword, srg with power fist & plasma pistol = 155 pts


Praetorian Bodyguard (counts as Command Squad), consisting of:

- veteran with 2x electromagnetic long swords (counts as power sword for simplicities sake in the ETL)

- veteran with meltagun & e-l sword

- veteran with combi-flamer & e-l sword

- veteran with plasma pistol & e-l sword

- veteran with power fist & e-l sword = 250 pts


Total vow = 1200 pts


Had to use the flash on my camera to pick out the details, so all the models are showing up a bit brighter than in real life. If I get chance I try to take some better pics tomorrow outside in the daylight.

Anyway, onto Vow 2:

I, Spaced Hulk, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete:

Company Master, armed with power fist, the Lion's Roar, artificer armour & a Perfidious Relic @ 170 pts

Epistolary Roland Erekose (counts as Ezekial) @ 145 pts

Interrogator Chaplain, armed with the Mace of Redemption @ 140 pts

Techmarine, equipped with servo arm, storm bolter, auspex, melta bombs & power field generator @ 95 pts

Command Squad, consisting of:

- Veteran with plasma gun & power sword

- Veteran with plasma gun & Standard of Fortitude

- 3 Veterans, each armed with a plasma gun @ 275 pts

Company Veteran Squad, consisting of:

- Veteran with two-handed power mace (counts as a power fist)

- Veteran with two lightning claws

- Veteran with power fist & storm shield

- Veteran with power sword

- 2 Veterans with power mauls

- 4 Veterans with plasma pistols @ 375 pts

For a total of 1200 pts from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame till years end.

Waiting for some bits to arrive to complete a couple of models, so will hopefully add my 'before' pics to this post sometime next week.

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@ deathspectresrg7: Cheers brother! :thumbsup: There are no Revenants in my second vow I'm afraid, but if I can get this one finished I'll probably include some in a third vow :wink:

@ Master Avoghai: Thanks mate! :thumbsup: I think I needed something like the ETL to help get this army painted. Sadly, I'm very good at procrastinating!

Still building the last two plasma gunners for my second ETL vow (I want to magnetise them to allow a few different options in the future). Will hopefully finish them in a day or so. In the meantime, here are a couple of models (also for my second vow) that I finished off over the weekend:

Morton Peleus, Commander of the Sword Bearers 4th Battle Company & Master of the Fleet


Company Master with power fist, the Lion's Roar, artificer armour & a Perfidious Relic (which is represented by the DA symbol chained to his power fist).

'Venerable' Thuriel, Ninth Company Assault Veteran and former Apothecary


Company Veteran with twin lightning claws & backpack mounted bolt pistol (Mind Impulse Activated). He's one of the oldest members of the Chapter, which is why he has facial hair a Fenrisian would be proud of :smile.: Still a few mould lines to clean up before he's primed.

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Dude, you've been busy. It's great to see the Sword Bearers coming together in colour.


Peleus' Marksman's Honour - on the grip of his combi-weapon - is hanging at a funny angle.

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