Spaced Hulk Posted February 17, 2014 Author Share Posted February 17, 2014 (edited) Good to hear brother! I like that idea a lot. I have a suggestion for you. I don't know if your gaming group allows forge world but they have something that might suit this idea. The Iron Hands legion has a unit called the Medusan Immortals. They also have a unit upgrade for regular 40k, the boarding assault upgrade set. They both show an idea for an ideal foward siege unit. The ones who make first break into the location under siege. Cheers mate Yes, the 30K Breacher squads are very cool, although I actually prefer the standard Legion version to the Medusan Immortals due to the amount of Iron Hands iconography/bionics (again they're awesome models, but probably better suited to an IH army than a DA Successor). I'm actually thinking of converting a Breacher squad into a future Revenant unit: basically a Heavy Assault Squad that uses the Legion of the Damned rules. The shields will represent the Legion's Inv save, the 'Flaming Projectile rule' will count as special issue Dragonfire bolts, the special Deep Strike rule will represent the squad teleporting directly into combat and the Legion's Fear special rule will obviously count as the effects of the 'Shadow' Ok, time for another update. This will actually be the 400th reply to this thread so to mark the occasion I have some more WIP pics. First of all, I've built three more Tac models for my new squads: Two Battle Brothers of 'The Death Seekers' And a Battle Brother of the 'Vorpal Blades' Next is a prototype of a new unit: The Mire Guard And finally, as I've been neglecting the Revenants a bit lately, here's the first (infantry) version of one of Second Company's most infamous warriors: Letholdus, the Black Rider, Knight Captain of the Mounted Host, Chosen Champion and Successor to the Lord Revenant himself. Primary armament: 'Spectris' pattern bolt pistol & the relic chainsword 'Shadow's Teeth'. In addition, Letholdus carries an 'Angelus' pattern storm shield (mag-locked to his armour's power pack). In game terms, Letholdus will usually count as an Allied Carcharadon (providing the Fear special rule) Captain, armed with a bolt pistol, storm shield & the Teeth of Terra. I'll also be building a mounted version to lead the bike squadrons in the not too distant future. I may end up building another infantry version at some point, as I'd really like to model him with his psyber raven familiar (if I can actually find a suitable raven ) Thanks for looking, C&C are welcome as always . Edited February 17, 2014 by spacedhulk Raztalin, Galthan Ironsturm, Urael and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted February 18, 2014 Share Posted February 18, 2014 Like the Mire Guard Thinking some Anvil crests would look Great on him .And now you have to do a mounted version of Letholdus , And the rest get a . Great Job Brother Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Excedis Posted February 18, 2014 Share Posted February 18, 2014 Your ingenuity never fails to impress. Very well played. I'm also curious to know more about the Mire Guard. What is the idea behind them? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Excedis Posted February 18, 2014 Share Posted February 18, 2014 Sorry if I seem to stalk your thread and really hit your work. I don't do much right now so I check this website quite frequently. Not much to do when you leave for 3 months in 12 days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted February 18, 2014 Author Share Posted February 18, 2014 (edited) @ deathspectersrg7: Thanks brother Hadn't considered Anvil crests but they could be a really cool addition. @ Brother Excedis: Not at all mate, I very much appreciate all the comments and feedback. As for the Mire Guard, this is the background I'm working on for them: Guardians of Mire The fortress monasteries and home worlds of the Adeptus Astartes have always been amongst the most heavily guarded and well defended locations in the entire Imperium of Man. For most Chapters, the responsibility of garrisoning these indomitable citadels is regularly rotated amongst all their companies of Space Marines, often coinciding with periods of rearming and resupply. However, for the dour Sword Bearers of Mire, already divergent from the Codex in so many ways, the guardianship of their rain shrouded home is a very different affair. Except in the direst of situations, each Sword Bearer Battle Company is constantly deployed, either launching combat operations against specific foes or undertaking long range patrols throughout the Eastern Fringe. As a result, it is highly unusual for any Company to be stationed on Mire for longer than a standard Terran month. Even after suffering heavy attrition, the Sword Bearer brotherhoods are not exempt from their time honoured and essential duties. Indeed, battle forces are frequently designated as combat ready despite casualty rates of seventy per cent and higher. It is from amongst the Chapter's infamously high casualty numbers that the guardians of Mire are found. Any Space Marine whose injuries are deemed inordinately detrimental to their combat abilities is detached from their Company, returning to their home world to convalesce for as long as necessary. However, even serious injury does not excuse a Sword Bearer from their responsibilities and duties. Upon their return to Mire, each Battle Brother renews their oath to protect the Chapter's ancestral home to their very last breath. Many of the Sword Bearers that return are almost fully incapacitated, and those that survive often take many months to return to even a modicum of their normal abilities. However, once a Battle Brother can stand and hold a boltgun, they are inducted into the so-called Mire Guard and tasked with defending their home world until they are once again fit for active duty. It is a mistake to either underestimate or dismiss the effectiveness of such warriors. Even a wounded Space Marine is, after all, still a Space Marine, and therefore still a significant threat to almost any opponent. As expected, the size of the Mire Guard fluctuates greatly, although it is rare for the formation to number less than thirty due to the inherent character traits of the Chapter. For example, the ritual practice of Dishonour marking often results in warriors receiving far more excessive wounds than would normally be expected, as they strive to triumph regardless of the odds facing them. In the wake of particularly long or difficult campaigns, the numbers of Mire Guard can increase dramatically. Following the Hothe Migrations, where almost sixty per cent of the Sword Bearers perished repelling the assaults of the Hrud menace, the Mire Guard swelled to almost the size of a full company. For most, their membership of this unique formation lasts only until they are ready once again to return to fully operational combat status within the Battle Companies. However, for a small proportion of Mire Guards, their injuries are so extreme that even Astartes physiology can never fully recover. Unable to match the abilities of their fellows, these Space Marines remain permanently stationed on Mire, defending the Chapters home world to the best of their ability. In recognition of the sacrifice these warriors have made, they are often awarded ancient suits of rare pattern power armour as a mark of both respect and appreciation. Extract from Idiosyncrasies of the Imperial Space Marine, by Inquisitor Christoph Noekel, 742997.M41 Edited February 18, 2014 by spacedhulk darkangel1030 and Galthan Ironsturm 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted February 18, 2014 Share Posted February 18, 2014 I love how your fluff reads so easily, great job any chance there could be a mire guard dreadnought? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted February 18, 2014 Author Share Posted February 18, 2014 I love how your fluff reads so easily, great job any chance there could be a mire guard dreadnought? Very possibly mate And thanks Galthan Ironsturm 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Excedis Posted February 20, 2014 Share Posted February 20, 2014 The idea is intriguing. Especially seeing as normally a brother unfit for duty is often seen as lesser or scoffed at. Would the chapter's dreadnoughts get drawn from this group of warriors? Also my question is how do you plan on representing them on the tabletop? I.E. what ruleset? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted February 23, 2014 Author Share Posted February 23, 2014 The idea is intriguing. Especially seeing as normally a brother unfit for duty is often seen as lesser or scoffed at. Would the chapter's dreadnoughts get drawn from this group of warriors? Also my question is how do you plan on representing them on the tabletop? I.E. what ruleset? Cheers mate , I'm thinking that all the Sword Bearer's Dreadnoughts are 'officially' Mire Guardians, but that the Company Masters can request the assistance of the 'Old Guard' for specific operations. As for rules, it's a bit dull but I'd probably just use Mire Guard as either a Tac squad or a Company Veteran squad. The first model is actually a Mire Guard Veteran Sergeant. He was a bit of a test really, just to see how that Anvil Industry helm looked. When I get round to building some more they'll be featuring lots of bionics to represent their injuries. If I had to choose some house rules for them, I'd probably give them Slow & Purposeful and Fearless. Not too much progress this weekend as have been away for a few days. However, I do have some some pics of a new squad that are just about ready to join the ever growing painting queue. These were originally part of another project but I decided to make a few modifications and add them to the Sword Bearers instead. Recon Squad Tureal, Ninth Battle Company Sergeant Tureal, team leader. Armed with customised 'Anvil' pattern bolt carbine & standard issue bolt pistol: Battle Brother Aamon, demolition specialist. Armed with 'Phall' pattern bolt carbine & incendiary grenades. Battle Brother Karoz, tracker. Equipped with 'Phall' pattern bolt carbine (high capacity magazine), standard issue bolt pistol & auspex. Battle Brother Kadiel, fire-support. Armed with 'Spectris' pattern bolt pistol (high capacity magazine) & 'Locke' pattern launcher with frag, krak & flak missiles: Battle Brother Caal, assault specialist. Armed with customised 'Phall' pattern bolt carbine, standard issue bolt pistol & mono-molecular combat blade. Thanks for looking, C&C are welcome Urael 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted February 23, 2014 Share Posted February 23, 2014 They look Good Brother . The Marine with the xtra plating is my favorite. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted February 24, 2014 Share Posted February 24, 2014 Looks great the hooded heads are awesome and I like how the black ops legs can pass for modified MK IV....the weapons are great too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galthan Ironsturm Posted February 24, 2014 Share Posted February 24, 2014 Beautifull squad ! The hooded head is a Sylvan Head ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Avoghai Posted February 24, 2014 Share Posted February 24, 2014 Nope hooded head from Anvil Industry Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted February 24, 2014 Author Share Posted February 24, 2014 Cheers guys! As Master Avoghai said, the head is from Anvil, specifically from this set: Incredibly, when I got back from work today, it was calm, dry and still just about light outside (a very rare occurrence here recently! ) Which means I actually managed to prime a few models! The recon squad, Siege Breaker Captain & the Raven have all received their grey undercoat and are ready for paint. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 3, 2014 Author Share Posted March 3, 2014 Been a while since my last update but I have made a bit of progress. First of all, and to prove that I have actually been painting , here are some very WIP pics: Recon Squad Tureal, Sword Bearer's 9th Battle Company The Raven (Sorry about the pic quality, I've only basecoated him so far but it gives you a bit of an idea of how he'll eventually look) Knight Captain Amon Taal, Master of the Sword Bearer's 9th Battle Company, 'The Siege Breaker' I've actually been experimenting with green washes (as suggested by Major_Gilbear earlier in the thread, mate!), and I'm quite pleased with how they're turning out. They've had another coat since I took these pics so the green is gradually getting darker. Once I'm happy with the shade I'll clean up the steel armour and start on the details. I've also built a two more Assault marines, to replace a couple of models I wasn't 100% happy with. Battle Brother Sontaran, armed with twin 'Fang Maw' pattern chainswords & standard issue bolt pistol. Battle Brother Ithuriel, armed with a Mk III flamer, standard issue bolt pistol & 'Hell's Teeth' pattern chainsword. And here's the complete squad: Assault Squad Maelon, Sword Bearers 9th Battle Company Thanks for looking, C&C are welcome as always Urael 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 3, 2014 Share Posted March 3, 2014 Looking Good Brother,!! at least you are getting things Done I have not done Squat!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 4, 2014 Author Share Posted March 4, 2014 Cheers brother! Considering how insanely productive you are (in terms of both buidling models and painting them) I think you can afford to take a break now and again! Looking forward to seeing your 30K stuff in the future. I'd join you in the Great Crusade/Heresy if I could afford it! Trying to decide how to paint the Executioner's sword on the Siege Breaker. As it's 'at rest' I think it should probably be deactivated (so no blue/green power field effects) but I'm not sure whether a plain steel colour would blend in with his armour too much. Any suggestions? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Toddius Posted March 4, 2014 Share Posted March 4, 2014 Very excited to see you build this army, will totally keep an eye on your progress which has been very impressive thus far. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 4, 2014 Author Share Posted March 4, 2014 Cheers mate! Glad to see you posting again, been a long time since we created the Knights of the Order fluff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 4, 2014 Share Posted March 4, 2014 I would go with a blue wash on the Sword, I'am only do a small heresy force, cost is the thing bloody over priced with 40 there is more choices. The 30k stuff is more anti-authority than anything else. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted March 5, 2014 Share Posted March 5, 2014 @spaced hulk You were behind the knights of the order fluff? Wasn't it something along the lines of a combined unforgiven force? I can't seem to find it anymore Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 5, 2014 Author Share Posted March 5, 2014 @ deathspectresrg7: Cheers brother, will try a blue wash on the blade. @ recon0321: The Knights of the Order were a joint effort between Master Toddius and myself, basically an Unforgiven version of the Deathwatch tasked with hunting the Fallen throughout the galaxy. The original topic on the B&C is long gone I'm afraid (probably on a completely different version of the forum) but Shadow Guard still has a copy on his website. Here's the link if you're interested: Master Toddius 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 9, 2014 Author Share Posted March 9, 2014 (edited) Hi everybody. This topic is actually a year old today (two days after my own 36th birthday! ), and the Sword Bearers are the longest 40K project I've managed to keep going (normally I get distracted by new shiny models, codices, real life etc). So, to mark the occasion, I have a bit of an update. Hope you like it! Champion of the Order Amongst the Sword Bearers, the honorific of Chapter Champion holds a different significance to the similar rank found amongst the majority of Astartes brotherhoods. In most Space Marine forces, the Champion is held personally responsible for defending the Chapter's honour, protecting the lives of his commanders and challenging enemy leaders to single combat. However, for the grim warriors of Mire, such tasks are deemed the duty of all, with every member of their order assuming equal responsibility. In addition, the self reliant, honour bound Sword Bearers will never allow another to accept a challenge in their place. For them, the role of Chapter Champion is instead far more literal. It is simply the title bestowed upon the greatest warrior to rise amongst their ranks, the undefeated champion of their order. With honour duels and tournaments forming such a prominent part of both their training and mentality, this ancient practice reflects the Chapter's well earned reputation for aggression and bellicosity. Unlike other ranks within the Sword Bearers, the honorific is potentially open to all, from the youngest Initiate to the most experienced Company Master. Any member of the Chapter can challenge the existing Champion for his title at any time, providing neither party are engaged in combat duties at that point. Hierarchy is ignored during these challenges, allowing lower ranked Space Marines to compete with their superiors on an even field. Only the infamous warriors of the Celerum Mortem seem to be exempt, their absence yet another indication of the gulf that exists between the Second Company Revenants and the rest of the Chapter. As with most duels between Sword Bearers, these challenges are rarely to the death, for the Chapter can ill afford unnecessary losses. However, serious injury and maiming are commonplace, as their innate stubbornness and intractability usually means neither combatant will concede until they are physically unable to continue. For the victor, the title of Chapter Champion is accompanied by the relic blade known as the 'Wrath of Caliban', an ancient power sword believed to have been forged on the Dark Angels home world, which is his to wield until a new challenger defeats him, taking both the blade and the title for their own. Extract taken from 'Idiosyncrasies of the Imperial Space Marine', by Inquisitor Christoph Noekel, 742997.M41 *** Arvas Kane, Master of the Sword Bearer's Seventh Battle Company, Current Chapter Champion (believed accurate up to 935.M41. Current status unknown) *** The Challenge Part One The sparring servitor launched another attack, all four scimitars slashing through the air towards his bare, heavily scarred torso. Kane parried the first two with a single sweep of his relic blade, the ornate cross guard of the ancient weapon deflecting both blows like a combat shield. He batted away the third mechanical arm with the haft of his secondary weapon, a deactivated power axe, even as he twisted to one side to evade the final blow. He was almost too slow. The razor edged blade scored a faint line across his ribs and stomach, marking the skin but failing to draw blood. His movements and agility were still laboured, his recent injuries still healing. During raids into the Charadon Empire, shrapnel from an Ork rocket launcher had obliterated his left knee, and he was still adjusting to the augmetic implant that now replaced the shattered joint. Cursing his own weakness, he raised his guard once more and prepared for the next assault. “Cease program.” A cold, mechanical voice, devoid of emotion. It was not his own. Regardless, the servitor froze immediately, scimitar arms dropping into a passive stance. Kane slowly lowered his own weapons, turning to see who dared interrupt his training regime. Three unarmoured Astartes stood before him, each wearing a grey training body glove. Even though they were not of his company, Kane recognised each of them. Victus. Gothryn. Cai. All assault marines, dedicated close combat specialists from the Ninth. They were all armed. “What do you want...brothers?” Kane's voice was strained, he had been sparring for nearly three hours and in his weakened state, the exertion was beginning to show. “I invoke the right of challenge...Captain”. It was Gothryn who answered. Gothryn, the Half Face, or so his brothers called him. During the Ninth's now legendary assault on the Space Hulk 'Bringer of Woe', a Genestealer had ripped away the assault marine's war helm, taking away most of his face in the process. It was rumoured, with some credibility, that he had responded by tearing the creature in two with his bare hands. A respirator mask now permanently covered the lower half of Gothryn's face, while a crude bionic implant replaced his missing left eye. Recalling the warriors features before his horrific injuries, Kane wondered darkly if his new appearance was actually an improvement. “And who endorses this challenge?” the Captain gave the ritual response, even though the answer was patently obvious. If nothing else, the traditional dialogue was giving him chance to catch his breath. “I do.” Victus answered first, the Mire long blade he gripped tightly in each fist twitching impatiently. Should Gothryn fail in his challenge, Kane suspected that Victus would be next to invoke his right. If anything, the young warrior was even more glory hungry than his comrades. “As do I.” Cai added his consent to the duel. Although in theory anyone could challenge Kane for his title, it was long standing practice that at least two other warriors must endorse each challenger. It was a sensible precaution, designed to limit the number of ambitious, fool hardy young warriors requiring Apothecarian treatment. “Very well.” Kane sighed, staring at the ancient Calibanite war blade in his hands and wondering, once again, if this would be the last time he would ever hold it. “I accept your challenge. Let us begin.” Part Two A large crowd had already gathered as Gothryn walked purposefully up the ramp towards him. The sparring servitor had deactivated and withdrawn into it's arming station, leaving the practice cage empty except for the two combatants. All other activity within the training hall had ceased, every individual in the chamber was now focused solely on the imminent challenge. Looking around, Kane could see a host of familiar faces. Battle brothers from both the Ninth and his own company, the Seventh, had thronged into the arena, alongside countless others, including several members of the Inner Circle. Even Mordrain, the Lord High Interrogator, had emerged from the shadows of the Reclusiam, nodding his approval as the two duellists faced each other. Despite the large number of Astartes present in the confined space, the hall was almost deathly quiet. With the Chapter's near constant deployment in various theatres, such events were relatively rare occurrences, and the gravitas of the moment had escaped no-one. One side of the practice cage remained strangely empty, the assembled brethren deliberately avoiding the sole watcher that stood there. Like Mordrain, the lone warrior wore full armour and a gleaming, skull faced battle helm. Unlike the High Chaplain, who inspired both admiration and respect from those around him, the Revenant invoked nothing but revulsion and hostility. As with all his kind, Letholdus, Second Company's own chosen champion, was well used to resentment and isolation. “Well, brother,” Gothryn spoke first, normal fealty to his superior revoked for the duration of the challenge, “What are your terms?” As reigning Champion, Kane had the right to choose the nature of the combat. “Single weapon. Inactive.” The Seventh Company Captain replied immediately. They were always his preferred rules of engagement in these challenges. Active power fields would quicken the resolution of the duel, but greatly increase the risk of serious or even mortal injury. It was far better, Kane honestly believed, to rely on a keen edge and your own strength, skill and stamina. Even as spoke, he reached through the bars of the practice cage, passing the Calibanite sword into the waiting, reverential hands of the High Chaplain. As much as he would have liked to wield the relic blade against his opponent, tradition dictated otherwise. Until the challenge was won, he had no more right to draw the ancient sword than any other warrior in the Chapter. Instead, he would use only Headtaker during this duel. Although heavy and brutal, the power axe was finely balanced, and had been the tool with which he had first won the title, so many years before. He turned back to see Gothryn unsling his own favoured weapon. The massive, two handed power maul was taller than either of them, and the vicious, spiked mace head was actually larger than his own skull. Even without it's disrupter field, a direct blow would easily crush unarmoured flesh and bone. Perhaps he should have also stipulated full plate for the challenge, he chuckled humourlessly to himself. With the strange clarity that so often accompanied such moments, he realised that the situation was actually quite ironic. Two Sword Bearers were fighting for the right to wield an ancient war blade, a relic of the golden age of their Legion, and they were both using savage, uncivilised weapons, more suited to the feral barbarians of Fenris than their own knightly order. “” Kane growled, staring at the expressionless, half mechanical face of his opponent. Gothryn merely nodded, raising the power maul into an attack posture. Without another word, they both charged forwards. Part Three He stumbled backwards, barely avoiding yet another immense, bone crushing strike. A desperate parry with Headtaker blocked the equally lethal return swing, but the impact of the blow threw him six feet backwards, his aching body crashing once more into the unforgiving iron bars of the practice cage. Kane hated to admit it, for the very notion of failure was as loathsome to him as it was to all his battle brothers, but he was losing this fight. And losing badly. Despite his weariness, the duel had started well enough. Although the challenger was obviously both stronger and fresher, Kane's greater skill and experience were also clearly evident for all to see. The reigning Champion had claimed First Blood within ninety seconds, a deep, vicious cut across his opponent’s abdomen that even now, fifty minutes later, was stubbornly refusing to completely clot. Gothryn's maul gave him the advantage of both power and reach, but it was a slow, cumbersome weapon, easy to either block or evade. Each swing of the gigantic club left his challenger open to swift, slashing counter attacks, and blood had soon flowed from a dozen minor wounds in his transhuman flesh. In a typical honour duel, where victory was rarely measured by anything beyond either First or Second Blood, Kane would have won the bout comfortably. But this was far from a typical duel. A challenge for the right to wield the Calibanite Blade continued as long as both combatants were willing and able to do so. They would fight until one of them conceded defeat, and no Son of Mire would ever give up easily. Honour demanded nothing less. Gothryn was proving to be a resilient and relentless foe, and scarcely seemed to notice the myriad wounds being inflicted upon him. In fifty minutes of combat, not once had he voiced any indication of pain or emotion, even though his grey bodysuit was now literally dripping with his own blood and sweat. With a purity of purpose that even his opponent could respect, the challenger simply kept attacking constantly, ignoring his injuries and at times rarely bothering to defend himself. It was like fighting a machine, a training servitor set to maximum threat, and whose strength, speed and endurance was the equal of his own. Minute by minute, both the combatants and their audience felt the tide of the dual begin to shift. As Kane had suspected, it was his reconstructed knee which eventually betrayed him. A single misstep as the strained artificial joint seized, enough to throw his balance and allow his challenger to finally land a direct hit. As the full force and weight of the power mace punched into his left side with the ferocity of an autocannon round, the Seventh Company Master was thrown bodily across the practice cage, crashing head first into the iron barrier that confined them. The agony of that moment was beyond description. His ribcage, gene-strengthened and fused like every Astartes, had simply exploded at the impact, sending shards of bone tearing through his insides. He felt his left lung collapse, and as he gasped desperately for breath, blood erupted from his mouth and nose in a torrent of bright crimson. It should have been the winning blow. Gothryn had certainly believed so, and as he'd charged across the cage to complete the victory, he'd once again dropped his guard. The Champion was down, dazed and seriously injured. The fight should have ended there and then. Somehow, despite the agony raging through his ruined torso, Kane had the presence of mind to lash out at the transhuman juggernaut bearing down upon him. It was a wild, desperate blow, an act of pure, survivors instinct rather than a measured attack, but it caught the challenger completely unawares. It was the haft of the power axe rather than it's blade that smashed into Gothryn's face, but even so, it cracked his respirator mask in two and crushed the remnants of the ocular implant deep into his empty eye socket. As his opponent reeled back in shock, half blind and struggling to breathe, Kane forced his own horrendously wounded body painfully back to it's feet. The duel wasn't over yet. Part Four “Yield.” Gothryn hissed through his shattered face mask, the damaged respirator venting steam with each laboured breath. It was the first word either combatant had spoken since the duel began. Like a predator stalking it's dying prey, the challenger was slowly circling, carefully staying out of Headtaker's reach. The Half Face certainly matched his nickname now. The bionic implants that replaced Gothryn's mutilated features had been smashed into pieces by the unexpected blow, leaving his face a gruesome patchwork of blood, oil and mangled machinery. If it wasn't for the excruciating pain lancing through him, Kane would have been pleased with the damage he had wrought with such an instinctive, desperate swing. Unfortunately, his own condition was far, far worse. Kane could barely stand, let alone fight. He clutched his left arm tightly against his chest, shielding the gaping crater in his side and trying to hold together whatever remained of his shattered ribcage. Every movement was a fresh agony, and he knew there must be massive internal damage and bleeding. Without medical attention, and soon, such a wound could easily be fatal. But submission was not an option. As long as he could lift a blade, the duel would continue. “Yield.” Despite his words, the challenger was more cautious now, perhaps as a result of the damage he'd just received, perhaps because he could sense victory, and didn't want to risk throwing it away with another reckless attack. Their audience certainly believed that they had a new Champion. Watching in silent fascination for much of the bout, the crowd was now quietly chanting a single word. Gothryn. Gothryn. Gothryn. “I'll accept....your surrender,” Kane wheezed, every word a supreme effort, every breath a raging inferno inside his chest. “Whenever you're ready, brother.” There were chuckles of laughter from the Astartes surrounding the cage. Gothryn snarled in irritation, then thrust the spiked mace head forwards with incredible speed. Kane frantically parried the blow, but the effort cost him his balance and he slipped to one knee. “It's over, Captain”. Gothryn stepped back, allowing his opponent to slowly rise to his feet once more. “You have fought well and bravely. There is no shame in this defeat. Your name will be long remembered as one of the greatest Champions of our order, but you cannot win this. You must yield. I have no desire to deprive our Chapter of one of it's brightest commanders.” Kane didn't answer, instead throwing a flurry of axe blows at his opponent as quickly as his wounded body would allow. Gothryn blocked each one with ease, and then, almost reluctantly, launched a savage kick to the Champion's torso, sending him hurtling back into the iron cage yet again. If there had still been air in his lungs, Kane would have screamed at that moment. In over three hundred years of war, he had never experienced such intense, unrelenting agony. His frenetically pounding hearts felt as though they were about to explode inside him. Even so, he somehow managed to remain standing. As Gothryn moved closer once more, he swung another, almost desultory blow. The axe blade cleaved through the handle of the power maul, cutting it in two. The challenger simply shrugged, as if the loss of one of his greatest advantages was now inconsequential. Casting aside the lower half of the broken weapon, Gothryn raised the absurdly heavy mace head in one hand and hammered it down brutally into Kane's right shoulder. Headtaker fell from his grip as he sunk to his knees yet again. His right arm was almost certainly broken, but compared to the pain he already suffered, this fresh injury was barely noticeable. As the shadow of his opponent fell across him, Kane reached for his fallen axe with his trembling left hand. Gothryn sighed.“Make no mistake my brother. I will kill you if I have to. The title is mine. If it takes your death to secure it then so be it. I ask you one last time, will you yield?” Kane raised his head, staring into his opponent’s ruined features. “Never” he whispered, blood bubbling from his lips. “Then die.” There was no satisfaction in the challenger's voice. Only regret, and something else. Pity. That realisation hit Kane like a hammer blow to his mind, like an overdose of combat stimulants surging within his veins. Rage: pure, perfect and uncontrollable, filling his senses, drowning out everything else within his consciousness, even the agonies that had crippled his body. The mace head was in his opponents right hand. As Gothryn lifted it high for the killing blow, the Champion launched himself forwards. Ignoring the immense pain lancing through his side, Kane swung out with his left arm, bringing the axe down in a colossal, vertical strike. Headtaker struck the challenger on his right shoulder blade. The razor sharp edge, combined with the weight of the blade and sheer force of the blow, sheared effortlessly through flesh, bone and muscle, erupting from the armpit beneath in a spray of arterial red. Gothryn screamed as he collapsed, a wordless cry of pain and anguish as his entire right arm and shoulder fell separately to the floor, still tightly gripping the mace in his clenched fist. As the rage within him gradually receded, Kane realised that the crowd around them had fallen silent once more. Glancing away from the deformed body of his opponent, he saw the shock and disbelief etched into every face. “Do you yield, my brother?” The Champion was still panting as spoke, fighting to bring his own breathing back under control. Gothryn looked up and simply nodded, clutching the stump of his shoulder in a vain attempt to stop the blood pouring from it. The challenger had little choice. Even with his Astartes physiology, he would bleed out within minutes from such a grievous wound. Kane activated the gates of the practice cage, motioning to Cai and Victus to attend to their fallen squad mate. As they rushed forwards, he dropped Headtaker and reached, with difficulty, to retrieve an object from the floor. Turning to the watching crowd, the Captain of Seventh Company winced in pain as he raised Gothryn's severed limb high into the air. “Anyone else?” he roared, staring at each face surrounding him in turn. “Is there any other challenger?” Silence. He could see each Space Marine look from him, to the grisly trophy he held aloft, to the mutilated form being helped from the cage by his brothers. They all wanted his title for their own, he knew that. They wouldn't be Sword Bearers if that were not the case. The desire for honour and glory was encoded into their very genetics. But there was still only silence. No-one spoke. Obviously no one wanted it enough, at least not today. “Wait.” Kane called to the three assault marines just before they left the cage. “Take this. The Apothecaries may yet be able to save it.” He passed the blood soaked arm to Victus, and smiled inwardly as he saw the nervousness in the young warrior's eyes. It would be a while before he had to worry about a challenge from that direction, he decided. He turned one last time to his challenger. Gothryn was still conscious, although obviously in a state of bewilderment and shock. “You fought well, and honourably. I am proud to call you my brother.” The assault marine simply nodded, and as he was led away for treatment, Kane hoped sincerely that he would survive. The Chapter could ill afford the loss of a warrior of such calibre. “Brother Captain Kane”. A voice, impossibly deep and resonant with authority, broke the silence of the training hall. The imposing, armoured bulk of Mordrain, Lord High Interrogator, approached the cage and passed the ancient Calibanite sword through the blood covered iron bars. “Once again, you have earned your right to this blade. Wield it with the same courage and determination that you have shown here today.” A slow, loud clapping began almost before the Chaplain had finished speaking. Letholdus led the applause, but the sound of the lone Revenant's heavy gauntlets were soon joined by every Space Marine in the chamber. They were shouting now, but this time it was a different name they were chanting. Kane! Kane! Kane! As he raised the ancient war blade high in salute, the Champion of the Sword Bearers tried to hide the pain and weariness that engulfed his battered body. He urgently needed medical attention himself, but it would have to wait just a little while longer. Kane knew his brothers well. Beneath their knightly traditions and engrained sense of honour, they were brutal, cold hearted killers. Hunters. Predators. And like all predators, they respected nothing but strength. They preyed upon the weakness of their opponents. The Apothecaries would have to wait. *** Thanks for reading, C&C are always welcome Edited March 13, 2014 by spacedhulk Interrogator Stobz, darkangel1030, Legio Draconis and 4 others 7 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 9, 2014 Share Posted March 9, 2014 A good read Brother and a really good representation of Kane . Also a Belated Happy Birthday. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 10, 2014 Author Share Posted March 10, 2014 Cheers brother Kane's story is going to be slightly longer than I initially thought (three parts rather than two). The second section is finished, and I've edited it into the above post (it's still quite a short, stand-alone story so I figure I might as well keep it all together). I'll do the same with the third part when it's finished, probably in a couple of days. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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