deathspectersgt7 Posted March 10, 2014 Share Posted March 10, 2014 Cheers Brother I will be rooting for Kane.Would have liked to see a Revenant challenge for the title. It hit 50 today but did not get to prime anything. Look forward to part 3. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus Posted March 11, 2014 Share Posted March 11, 2014 More please. I hate cliff hangers!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol Excellent read. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 12, 2014 Author Share Posted March 12, 2014 More please. I hate cliff hangers!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol Excellent read. Thank you brother Part three is now added, I'm afraid there is going to be a part four as well (sorry mate ). Augustus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 12, 2014 Share Posted March 12, 2014 Ouch!!!! felt that ,so a part 4 looking forward to it Brother. Augustus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus Posted March 13, 2014 Share Posted March 13, 2014 Wish I had more likes to give. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urael Posted March 13, 2014 Share Posted March 13, 2014 As always, Brother Spaced Hulk, the story in enthralling! I can quite easily imagine Master Kane inspiring his company with the history of his tenacity, and the phrase "We bleed, we NEVER break!" :) Spaced Hulk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 13, 2014 Author Share Posted March 13, 2014 Thank you brothers! Have just edited in the final part, hope you like it! Couple more pics of the protagonists to round it all off: Gothryn, Ninth Company Assault Marine armed with two handed power mace (counts as a Company Vet with a power fist in game). Kane, Seventh Company Master & Champion of the Chapter, armed with the relic blade 'Wrath of Caliban" and 'Headtaker' (counts as a Company Master armed with the Monster Slayer of Caliban and a power axe). Thanks for looking, C&C are always welcome Galthan Ironsturm 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 13, 2014 Share Posted March 13, 2014 (edited) KANE! KANE! KANE!!!! No Pity Or Mercy!!. Very cool ending Brother. Great job on Representing Gothryn. Edited March 14, 2014 by deathspectersgt7 Spaced Hulk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darkangel1030 Posted March 14, 2014 Share Posted March 14, 2014 Wow, brother your stuff gets better and better. Kane is a beast. Looking forward to see how the plot with Aldous is going to turn out. Eagerly waiting for more!! Keep it up brother :) Take care. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galthan Ironsturm Posted March 14, 2014 Share Posted March 14, 2014 Gothryn and Kane are so violent, and 2 hands power mace is really impressive ! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 16, 2014 Author Share Posted March 16, 2014 (edited) Cheers guys! Glad you liked it Wow, brother your stuff gets better and better. Kane is a beast. Looking forward to see how the plot with Aldous is going to turn out. Eagerly waiting for more!! Keep it up brother Take care. Thanks brother The next installment of the Necropolis storyline is in progress, although I'm debating about writing a short prequel story to it as well, which might get posted first. Here's a bit of a teaser to the main plot though: We are the swords of the Emperor, the physical manifestation of his strength, will and determination to succeed. We are the knights who defend the furthest borders of his Imperium, born to fight and die guarding against the horrors of the outer dark. We are humanity's appetite for destruction honed to deadly perfection, forged in the fires of battle, tempered in the crucible of eternal war. We are the blades of retribution, angels of death who know neither fear or doubt. Nevertheless, despite everything we are, there are times when it is simply not enough. Attributed to unknown Battle Brother, Adeptus Astartes Sword Bearers Chapter. Recorded in the aftermath of the Siege of the Phormian Necropolis 724.M41. Edited March 16, 2014 by spacedhulk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 16, 2014 Share Posted March 16, 2014 Can't Wait Brother!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 16, 2014 Author Share Posted March 16, 2014 Minor update, as I'm mainly still working on the recon squad and the siege breaker. Photo's aren't great (I could really do with sorting out a light box or something) but here are a few more WIP pics: Trying to decide at the moment what colour to paint the Siege Breakers cloak. I could just go for a dark brown to match the colour of the robes in the rest of the army, but I'm tempted to make it a bit brighter so he'll stand out more. Possibly a dark red (similar to the robes of the Guardians of the Covenant)? Any suggestions? I've also converted a new version of one of the main characters in the Sword Bearer's story line: Balian, 'The Silent Sword', Third Company Veteran. Armed with a Blade Imperialis & bolter/plasma combi-weapon: I decided to make a new version of Balian for a couple of reasons. First of all the original model (from way back on page 5 of this thread) has since been drafted into another unit (an allied Honour Guard squad). Secondly, I wanted a version of the character (armed with slightly different weapons) to go with the next batch of Sword Bearer stories I'm working on. At some point in the future I intend to build an even older, more ornate version of Balian (but still recognisably similar to this one) to represent him after he's been promoted to the Master of the Eighth Battle Company. In game terms this version will usually be used either as a simple Veteran Sergeant (I'll be building the rest of his squad in the near future) or as a Captain/Company Master. The Blade Imperialis (or Imperial Great Sword), will either count as a power fist or a relic blade, depending on what I'm using him as. He may also get used as a counts as Azrael, at least until I get round to converting an actual Chapter Master(s). In the present point of the 40K timeline (eg: during Abaddons 13th Black Crusade), Balian is actually leading the remnants of the chapter, so using him as Azrael is pretty appropriate. Thanks for looking and reading my ramblings, C&C are welcome as always Master Toddius, Urael and Galthan Ironsturm 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 17, 2014 Share Posted March 17, 2014 Do it in a deep Red. The New Balian looks Great Brother. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cactus Posted March 17, 2014 Share Posted March 17, 2014 I second (or third) the idea of dark red for the cloak. If you think that might be too much colour make it a brown cloak with a red lining. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 18, 2014 Author Share Posted March 18, 2014 (edited) The Abomination leapt towards him, blade arms extending like spears from it's reaching mechanical limbs. Multi-layered steel carapace and bionic augmentations encased almost all of the Tech-beast's biological form, although patches of pale, pink flesh on the creature's face betrayed it's human origins. And the eyes of course. Every Abomination they had encountered thus far had retained it's own, all too human eyes, even though ocular scanners were implanted alongside them in the tortured flesh. And every pair of eyes held the same, desperate expression: one of conscious, unrelenting horror at the desecration of both their bodies and souls. The creatures were mute, or at least appeared to be. Their mouths were either sewn shut with steel wire, or replaced completely with sensor equipment or miniature weapon systems. But if they could speak, Balian had no doubt what they would be saying. Kill us. He parried the spear thrusts with a single swing of his Imperialis blade, before shredding the Tech-beast's head with a three round burst at close range: bolt shells tearing through both flesh and machine with equal effectiveness. As it's skull detonated, finally giving those frantic eyes the peace they demanded, the creature reared back but remained standing. It was still alive. The controlling cybernetic parasite was highly resilient, it's blasphemous machine consciousness embedded throughout it's host's form. Balian struck again and again, the energy sheathed great sword carving the Abomination into pieces. Only when the last mechanical limb had stopped moving did he step back, checking on the status of his brothers. They were holding a crossroads, a circular meeting point where four service tunnels merged into one. The Necropolis was honeycombed with such pathways, and as the Sword Bearers progressed ever deeper into the labyrinthine structure, enemy resistance was becoming stronger and more effective. From their initial briefings, before even making planet fall, they had known they would eventually face the creatures the Iris Crusade's leaders had declared Abominatio Sanguis Ferrum. The abominations of blood and iron. As Third Company had separated into squads, searching for the control centres that ran the city's vast power generators, they had finally encountered them. Or perhaps, more accurately, the beasts had found them. Alain was clearing the next tunnel, a constant barrage of fire indicating the large numbers assaulting his position. The heavy bolter was certainly evening the odds though, large calibre rounds ripping the advancing Tech-beasts into bloody chunks of flesh and metal. Beside him, Ezzeran's wrist mounted storm bolter added it's own staccato voice to the fusillade, finishing off wounded enemies that continued to crawl forwards despite the ruination of their forms. As Balian watched, a sundered Abomination surged through the fire-storm, it's upper limbs wreathed in a swarm of mechadentrite tendrils that wrapped themselves around Ezzeran in a crushing embrace. With a snarl of irritation, the squad's second in command activated his power glove, the highly charged disrupter field burning through the clinging tentacles with a flare of white hot metal. The other four members of the squad had divided themselves between the two remaining service tunnels. From each pathway came the distinctive chatter of boltguns, accompanied by the sporadic hiss of a fusion discharge. Despite the ferocity and resilience of their opponents, Balian wasn't overly concerned about these last two fire teams. The multi-melta's wielded by Claudin and Elyon were simply obliterating anything they hit, and the dimly lit tunnel walls were stained red and silver with evaporating blood and liquefied metal. Another Abomination appeared in the twisting corridor before him, piston like legs propelling it forwards with incredible speed, mono-molecular talons finding purchase on the tunnel's rockcrete floor. Mechadentrites tipped with short ranged las-weapons formed a halo around the creature's head, and as it sped towards him, a hail of crimson energy bolts began to splash against his battered power armour. Ignoring the impacts, the squad leader returned fire with his combi-weapon, raking the approaching Tech-beast with a sustained burst of exploding bolts. As the Abomination broke into bloody pieces, momentum carrying it several more strides before the beast finally decided it was dead, Balian tried to forget that he had just killed another loyal servant of the Emperor. Edited September 1, 2014 by spacedhulk darkangel1030, Augustus, Urael and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 18, 2014 Share Posted March 18, 2014 Glory to the Third!!! Who always get the easy jobs A great read Brother. Augustus and Spaced Hulk 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Augustus Posted March 19, 2014 Share Posted March 19, 2014 Man. Sword Bearers are so cool. Spaced Hulk 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 28, 2014 Author Share Posted March 28, 2014 (edited) Hi everybody. Been a while since my last update. Unfortunately I've been ill, so progress pretty much ground to a halt. On the mend now though, and before I continue painting and writing, I have a new model that I've been working on for the last couple of days. The break must have done me a bit of good, because I've finally completed my Chapter Master/counts as Azrael. This model has actually been through quite a few different iterations before I settled on this one. I was originally going to use the Dark Vengeance Captain as a base, before realising that everyone uses that model for Azrael. Then I considered the special edition Chaplain model, and even tracked down and won another copy on ebay so I wouldn't feel quite so bad chopping it up, before deciding that Seraphicus conversions are pretty common as well, and that I wanted the Supreme Grand Master of the Sword Bearers to be as unique as possible. This model actually represents Hektor Talyn, the second from last GM before the disaster that almost destroys the Chapter. In a way, he represents the Sword Bearers at their peak, but even then, there are dark shadows around him that hint at their foreboding future. The fluff/background for Talyn are scattered in the early pages of this now pretty long thread, so I've spoilered the most relevent parts below (slightly abridged) Like every Unforgiven Chapter, the Sword Bearers are custodians of many ancient relics and artefacts, from early pattern power armour to texts dating back to the Great Crusade itself. However, perhaps the most important relic in their possession, and reputedly the inspiration for the Chapter's name, is the fabled Sword of Retribution. Or, to use it's original title, the Blade of Corswain. There are many legends associated with this ancient power sword. It is claimed that the first bearer of the blade was the personal Champion of the Lion himself. That alone, he faced the fury of the Night Haunter to defend his fallen Lord. And that, despite all odds, he managed to drive his sword straight through the Traitor Primarch. Regardless of the truth of these tales, the blade is undoubtedly a potent icon for the Sword Bearers. It is entrusted to each Supreme Grand Master of the Chapter, who takes an oath to guard the relic unto death. Perhaps surprisingly, by long standing tradition the blade is never wielded in combat. When the High Lord takes to the field of battle, the sword does accompany him, but it is constantly sheathed and carried by one of the diminutive robed constructs so commonly used by Unforgiven Chapters. Instead, the Grand Master is armed with the other symbol of his office, the ancient Terran long sword known as the Mors Atra, which, also by tradition, can never be returned to it's scabbard while enemies of the Emperor still draw breath. Thus the High Lord of the Sword Bearers is always the keeper of two blades. One drawn and one sheathed. One to wield in constant battle against the foe, and one to guard, to forever protect the Legion's past. Of course, as with all aspects of the Sword Bearers Chapter, the current whereabouts of these relic blades is unknown. Following the disastrous Fatum II campaign of 935.M41, and the subsequent destruction of their fortress monastery, it is highly probable that both swords were destroyed, along with so much of the Chapter's history and strength. However, given the importance the paired blades hold to the Sword Bearers, if any item or relic could have been saved from the inferno of the Fenspire, it would surely have been them. My investigations are continuing. Extract taken from 'The Legacy of the First Legion', written by Inquisitor Christoph Noekel, 759997.M41. (Archivists Addendum: This particular work was unfortunately never completed, due to the authors death in unusual circumstances. See Appendix File 458890 for more information). Amongst his brothers, he was known as Hektor Tiberias Talyn, although it was not the name given to him at birth. He had been born nearly four hundred and twenty years before, amongst the warring highland tribes of Mire's largest continent, and his first name, his birth name, was as lost to him now as the faces of his parents. Even with eidetic memory, the Chapter had been all he had ever known. Over the long years of his life, he had accumulated titles and honorifics the way his fellow warriors collected scars and kill tallies. He became famous, and infamous, to both friend and foe alike. To the people of the Ferroja system, he was respected as both the Angel of Deliverance and the Blade of the Emperor, while their oppressors, in their fear, simply called him Executioner. Amongst the Deathwatch, his acts of valour led him to be known as the Lionheart, and the nickname returned to his Chapter with him. The Eldar of Alaitoc cursed him and named him the Buanna Dannan: the Death Reaper. For the Orks of Charadon, he would forever be Foe-smasher, the Crusher of Armies. His reputation and status grew, and eventually, there had been no debate when he received the greatest honour and title his kind could aspire towards. He was the Supreme Grand Master of the Sword Bearers, Lord of Mire and Keeper of the Blades. For a hundred years, he had led his Chapter, protecting their interests, guiding their path and choosing their wars. His victories were innumerable, his honour unsurpassed, his name legendary. For the last five of those years, he had been patiently waiting to die. *** "Leave us." Despite the obvious weariness and strain in the Chapter Master's voice, there was still the same, underlying confidence, the same self-assurance that had defined his entire career. It was a voice that expected to be obeyed, but which somehow avoided arrogance or condescension and retained it's humility. Silently, the other members of the Circle each gave a slight but respectful bow, before filing, one by one, through the chamber's narrow doorway. Aldous remained kneeling, his head still hooded and bowed. The Supreme Grand Master stood before him, his face similarly shrouded, his ancient silver armour partially covered by long black robes. Talyn waited until the chambers door had sealed shut once more before speaking again."At ease brother. There is no need for such fealty between us." Aldous rose to his feet, the servos in his battered armour protesting loudly as the Lord of the Sword Bearers continued. "I think we can dispense with these now as well," he said, throwing back the hood and exposing his features to the harsh light of the circle. The Pathfinder followed suit, trying not to react at the sight of his Master's visage. There had been rumours of course. Even in a Chapter renowned for it's reticence, some secrets could not be hidden indefinitely. As their Liege had become more and more reclusive, avoiding even previously close companions and confidants, so the rumours of his illness had spread throughout the Chapter, eventually becoming common knowledge. It had never been officially stated though, and whenever Lord Talyn had appeared amongst them, he had always remained helmed. Thus it was a shock to finally see his disfigurement in person. It had been many years since Aldous had last seen the face of the Grand Master, but he could still picture him clearly. The two of them were almost the same age, but while Aldous was as weathered and war beaten as every Astartes who survived so long, Talyn had remained remarkably youthful, even escaping any significant facial scarring despite a life time on the front lines. From his days as a Neophyte to his investiture as Supreme Grand Master, he had barely changed at all. There was little left of that youthful visage now. Talyn's face was literally eroding from the top down, the soft tissues rotting away even as he still lived. His bare, hairless head was covered with dark veins and weeping sores. Nose, ears, eyes were all gone, a single bionic replacement had been implanted in one hollow socket to enable him to see, at least until his remaining optic nerve decayed any further. For some reason, his tongue and vocal cords had so far been unaffected, but the blackened skin around his jaw and throat promised that this would not last much longer. The air around them was full of incense and candle smoke, but even disguised by such pungent aromas, Aldous could discern the unmistakable charnal house stench. Over the years, he had experienced the same smell of rotten, corrupt flesh on countless battlefields, but never before from a being that still lived. "Save your pity, brother". Talyn broke the moments silence. It had been impossible not to show some sort of reaction, Aldous realised. "I must endure this condition, I will not suffer compassion or condolence as well." "Forgive me, my Lord. I had heard...rumours. But I had not expected..." "For them to be so accurate." Talyn finished the Pathfinders sentence, his ruined face forming into a mischievous grin. Some things hadn't changed, Aldous thought to himself. In a way, that made it worse. "And just brother will suffice. There is no need for rank or title between us, not in private anyway. We've known each other far too long for that." "I'm sorry my" Aldous corrected himself. "The Apothecaries, can..." "Do nothing. Although it is not for want of trying." Talyn had always had a habit of finishing his sentences. He had been exactly the same during their training together, so many years before. "Whatever toxin the Eldar used to poison my blood stream, it is beyond the Apothecarion's knowledge to treat, or my own ability to heal. They tell me a mortal would have succumbed far more quickly. I must confess though, I find little comfort in that fact." For a second, Aldous sensed the frustration in his Master's words. He could not imagine the pain that Talyn must constantly endure, watching his own body slowly, irrevocably decay. To know that your own genetic gifts were actively prolonging the agony, fighting a futile battle against the corruption, would have broken the spirit of most. There would have been no shame in seeking a quick death on the battlefield, or even in asking for the Emperor's Peace. But Talyn, despite his seemingly perpetual good humour, had never taken his responsibilities lightly. It was one of the characteristics the Pathfinder had always liked about him, in a friendship that had seen them both progress from Neophyte to Penitent and beyond. As Supreme Grand Master, Talyn was responsible for the survival of the Chapter itself, and Aldous knew that his friend could not relinquish such duties easily. "The end draws near." Talyn continued, his voice steady and matter-of-fact even as he spoke of his own death. "The Apothecaries have not yet chosen to inform me of this, nor do they need to. I can hear the bell, even though it has not yet begun to toll." "This will be the Chapter's last campaign under my leadership. The Sword Bearers deserve a Master who can lead them in battle, who can wield the blades he keeps. Not a blind cripple, who's rotten flesh is contained only by his own armour. Once the Necropolis has fallen, I will abdicate my responsibilities, and Orbec will be invested in my place." Aldous remained silent. There was nothing he could say. "This is the reason I wanted, and needed to speak to you. I have borne the blades for almost a hundred years, and fought for them three centuries more. While this is certainly not the ending I would have wished for, or predicted, I remain proud of my achievements. I do not wish my honour to be tarnished, now, at the end." Talyn sighed, the exhalation becoming a hacking cough. "Your name will endure brother. The Chaplains will be reciting your deeds to the Chapter's last day." Aldous said earnestly. The Pathfinder watched in concern as Talyn removed a gauntlet and wiped bloody spittle from his face, his hand twisted and gangrenous, deformed into a three fingered claw. "If that is indeed the case, my last wish is that it be for the right reasons." "What do you mean, my Lord?" Despite their long friendship, Aldous had always found it difficult to ignore rank and title. The slip into formality was ignored this time. "Your mission, brother. The Fallen One. I know you understand all too well the gravity of the situation, and I have no wish to further add to the pressure and responsibility already heaped upon you. But add to it I must. Whatever happens, the traitor must not fall into the hands of the Inquisition. I have reconciled myself with my fate, but I cannot be remembered as the Sword Master whose leadership led to the undoing of all the Lion's Sons. I will not be responsible for the downfall of the entire First Legion." "What do you ask of me, my Lord?" The Pathfinder spoke the question, even though he knew, deep down, what the answer would be. "Only this my brother. Find the Fallen, as you have been instructed. But unless you can be certain, one hundred per cent certain, that our extraction team will be successful, you must execute him immediately. Leave no trace of the traitor behind. Do you understand brother?" Aldous felt his blood run cold. What he was being asked ran contrary to every oath he had ever sworn. The Fallen must be taken alive, if at all possible. Every member of the Inner Circle knew this. Redemption could only be truly earned through the repentance of the traitors. However, there was no way to completely guarantee the mission's success. He was torn between two conflicting emotions, between allegiance to his Chapter, Legion and Primarch; or loyalty to one who was both his Lord and oldest friend. "I understand, my brother," he replied quietly, echoing his earlier words to the Circle. "Whatever is action is necessary, it will be done." Even as he spoke, Aldous wondered if he had just made a promise he could not keep." Seemingly satisfied, Talyn visibly relaxed. "There is one last thing you should know, something omitted from your briefing. I have read the Shadowcaster's report, the account of his journey into the renegade's thoughts. He states that the traitor was afraid. In fact, his mind was practically consumed by fear." Aldous smiled. "All who encounter the Revenants experience fear, my lord. Indeed, the Shadowclad would be disappointed were that not the case." Talyn laughed, and for a second Aldous was reminded of the warrior he had once been. Then the laugh turned once more into the choking, convulsing cough. When it finally subsided, he continued, the grin fading slowly from his deformed features. "Very true, my brother, but unfortunately, that was not what I meant. The Revenant states that the traitor was almost completely unaffected by the psychic aura. In fact he attempted to engage in close combat, forcing the psyker to use methods to disable him. No, the fear the Shadowcaster sensed was directed towards another. To the one you seek. The Fallen Angel known as Barazadon. Apparantly the emotion was strong enough to override even the effects of the Shadow." The Lord of the Sword Bearers turned to leave, wiping blood from his mouth once more. When he spoke again, there was none of his characteristic mirth in his voice. They were the last words Aldous ever heard him speak. "Be careful my brother. I do not know why the Fallen should be feared so greatly by his own warriors. Nor do I know what afterlife awaits me, but I have no desire to meet you there so soon." I decided to represent Talyn either before his illness or in it's very early stages. I didn't want the model to focus on his final years simply because (1) his weakened condition would mean that Azrael's rules and profile aren't really that appropriate, and (2) visually at that point he'd look far more suited to a Death Guard army than a loyalist force. However, I did want to include a couple of hints suggesting his eventual fate, which hopefully come through on the model. As he counts as Azrael, there are certain obvious factors which needed to be represented, namely: the Sword of Secrets, the combi-plasma, the Lion Helm (or at least the force field it projects) and, perhaps to a lesser extent, the Watcher that accompanies him. To me, these are the four elements that basically say 'this is Azrael'. Hektor Tiberias Talyn, The Lionheart, Lord of Mire, Keeper of the Blades, Supreme Grand Master of the Sword Bearers: As always, a Watcher bearing the ancient Blade of Corswain accompanies the Supreme Grand Master into battle. As you may have noticed, I've got a bit of an obsession with wrist mounted Astartes weaponry, and see no reason why it should be confined to the Blood Angels/Grey Knights In Talyn's case, both the bolter and plasma gun parts of his combi-weapon are mounted on his armour's vambraces. Like every Chapter Master before him, Talyn wields the ancient Terran longsword known as the Mors Atra (or in low Gothic, the Black Death). For those who've read Horus Rising (and these days, is there anybody who hasn't? ) the look I was aiming for was inspired by long blade used by Lucius of the Emperor's Children (before Istvaan, when he was just annoying rather than a traitor ). In practical terms, I wanted the sword to be unique but easily replicable, as I intend to build other Chapter Masters in the future who will all wield the same blade. The relic power field generator known as the Shield of the Aquila. Unlike similar devices, the Machine Spirit of this treasured artifact is said to be able to differentiate between friend and foe. I've used a Grey Knight teleport pack before to represent a PFG (on Malachi, the Penitent Techmarine). Now as then, it's an idea I've stolen shamelessly from Bryan Blaire's excellent Stoneburners. Talyn's face is covered by a long hood. Not unusual amongst the Unforgiven of course, but does it hide the first signs of his affliction? As a nod to the actual Azrael mini, I've also replaced the vents on the backpack with the skull ones from a DA power pack. In his free hand, Talyn carries a censer and an icon of the First Legion. I've tried to make it look like the rope binding them together is wrapped around his gauntlet. Such paraphernalia is common amongst the Unforgiven Chapters, but the burning incense might also be used to disguise the stench of rotting flesh... Despite the illness that blighted his final years, Lord Talyn remains one of the greatest and most renowned commanders the Sword Bearers have ever known, and the Chapter would sorely miss his leadership in the dark days were to follow... Thanks for looking, C&C are welcome as always Edited March 28, 2014 by spacedhulk Galthan Ironsturm, darkangel1030, Cactus and 1 other 4 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urael Posted March 28, 2014 Share Posted March 28, 2014 Lord Talyn looks great! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
deathspectersgt7 Posted March 28, 2014 Share Posted March 28, 2014 Well Done Talyn looks Great !! Glory to the Chapter!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted March 28, 2014 Share Posted March 28, 2014 Looks great always have ingenious ideas for your army...great use of bitz and fluff Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
darkangel1030 Posted March 29, 2014 Share Posted March 29, 2014 Hey Lord Talyn looks amazing brother!! Can you tell me what kit(s) Black Death is from? It looks like a real beast of a sword. Great work as always, take care. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
recon0321 Posted March 29, 2014 Share Posted March 29, 2014 Those sternguard legs with a ravenwing torso? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spaced Hulk Posted March 29, 2014 Author Share Posted March 29, 2014 (edited) Thank you brothers, glad you like him! @ darkangel1030: The sword is just two parts mate. The hand and cross guard are from a Ravenwing sword (normal RW sprue not Black Knights) while the blade is from a Sanguinary Guard Glaive Encarmine, which I cut off as close to the cross guard as possible. I'm quite OCD so I pinned the two parts together, but just using plastic glue would probably be sufficient (and easier ). @ recon0321: Correct brother . Sternguard legs & RW torso. Obviously I chose that particular chest plate because of the twin sword iconography. Edited March 29, 2014 by spacedhulk Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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