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Sword Bearers and the Unforgiven (Updated 1/07/23: Angels Redeemed)

Spaced Hulk

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@ Cactus: Cheers mate! And thanks for spotting the Marksman honour (I'd completely missed it :blush.:)

Painting on my second vow is now well in progress, but with the board being down, I haven't been able to post the 'before paint' pics until now:

Morton Peleus, Commander of the Sword Bearers 4th Battle Company & Master of the Fleet
Company Master armed with power fist, the Lion's Roar, artificer armour & a Perfidious Relic (counts as the DA symbol chained to his power fist) @ 170 pts

Knight-Errant Roland Erekose: The Seeker of Redemption, Epistolary Librarian & Bearer of the Blade Durandal.

Counts as Ezekial @ 145 pts
Lord High Interrogator Mordrain, Master of Sanctity.
Interrogator Chaplain armed with the Mace of Redemption @ 140 pts
Techmarine Malachi
Equipped with servo arm, storm bolter, auspex, melta bombs & power field generator @ 95 pts
Sariel, Protector of the Banner of Mire & Aurora Bodyguards
Counts as a Command Squad, consisting of:
- Veteran with plasma gun & Standard of Fortitude
- Veteran with plasma gun & power sword
- 3 Veterans, each armed with a plasma gun @ 275 pts
(The plasma guns on the Standard Bearer and power sword wielder are magnetised, so I can given them alternative weapons in the future.)
Assault Squad 'Thuriel', Ninth Battle Company, Survivors of the Endless Siege
Company Veteran Squad, consisting of:
- Veteran with two-handed power mace (counts as a power fist)
- Veteran with two lightning claws
- Veteran with power fist & storm shield
- Veteran with power sword
- 2 Veterans with power mauls
- 4 Veterans with plasma pistols @ 375 pts
Total = 1200 pts
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Finally gone through the whole thread. Awesome brother, just wonderful. I'm stealing some of your ideas for kitbashes (to be adapted for sure, rather than just entirely copied). The way you've presented the fluff and fleshed them out is also awesome and has inspired me to do some of my DIY stuff differently.


Also, not to be greedy given all the painting you've been doing for ETL, but are we ever going to see how the story of the Pathfinder hunting out the Fallen psyker is going to end? Holy cliffhanger Batman.

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@ deathspectersrg7: Cheers brother, as always! :smile.:


@ Aegnor: Thanks very much mate! :smile.: This is a pretty long thread now, so I appreciate you reading though it all.


As you've probably guessed, I've put writing on hold just for the duration of the ETL. Mainly because I had a 12 month back log of unpainted models to try and catch up :blush.:, but also to try and contribute as much as possible to the forums efforts. With limited 'Geek' time (as my wife calls it! :biggrin.:) and considering my normal innate reluctance towards painting (after 18 years in the hobby, this is the most I've ever done!), I thought it was worth concentrating on getting as much stuff painted as possible.


However, once the ETL is over, I intend to start writing again in earnest. There's the Pathfinder storyline obviously (which is all plotted, despite being neglected for far too long) and also some more unit/character backgrounds and Chapter history which I've got planned. So Aldous and the Fallen will be resolved, but it'll just be a little while longer I'm afraid :wink:

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I'm back!! Kind of. Sweet Malcador you have been busy brother. Most impressive as usual. The Chapter Champion is also an interesting and well placed bit of fluff. Though I can see where the traditions behind it could cause some serious problems, especially with the younger members of the chapter.


When Do we find out what happened to Aldous? I may be a bit anxious o find out what happens to him. I'm slightly partial to the Pathfinder.

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@ Brother Excedis: Cheers mate, and welcome back! :smile.: As I said above, I'm taking a bit of a break from writing during the ETL. I might write some unit backgrounds to accompany the new models, but really, I want to concentrate on painting at the moment. However, from August onwards I'll be starting writing properly again, and the Pathfinder's story is top of my 'to do' list. :wink:

Edited by spacedhulk
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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers mate :thumbsup: Work and real life have been pretty hectic lately, so this second vow has taken me a bit longer than I'd hoped, but it's finally finished:

Company Master, armed with power fist, the Lion's Roar, artificer armour & a Perfidious Relic (counts as the DA symbol chained to his power fist) @ 170 pts
Epistolary Roland Erekose (counts as Ezekial) @ 145 pts
Interrogator Chaplain, armed with the Mace of Redemption @ 140 pts
Techmarine, equipped with servo arm, storm bolter, auspex, melta bombs & power field generator @ 95 pts
Command Squad, consisting of:
- Veteran with plasma gun & power sword
- Veteran with plasma gun & Standard of Fortitude
- 3 Veterans, each armed with a plasma gun @ 275 pts
Company Veteran Squad, consisting of:
- Veteran with two-handed power mace (counts as a power fist)
- Veteran with two lightning claws
- Veteran with power fist & storm shield
- Veteran with power sword
- 2 Veterans with power mauls
- 4 Veterans with plasma pistols @ 375 pts
For a total of 1200 pts from Codex: Dark Angels.
Vow Three:
I, Spaced Hulk, answer the call of E Tenebrae Lux and vow to complete:
Company Master, armed with Mace of Redemption, power axe & jump pack @ 150 pts
Company Master, armed with two lightning claws & artificer armour @ 140 pts
Company Master, armed with plasma pistol, power sword & artificer armour @ 140 pts
Librarian, armed with force staff & conversion field @ 80 pts
Librarian, armed with a force sword @ 65 pts
Command Squad:
- 5 veterans, all armed with twin lightning claws @ 250 pts
Company Veteran Squad:
- 5 veterans, all armed with bolt pistol & plasma pistol. One also equipped with melta bombs @ 170 pts
Company Veteran Squad:
- Veteran with power sword
- Veteran with storm shield & two handed power sword (counts as a power fist)
- Veteran with combat shield & two handed power sword (counts as a power fist)
- Veteran with power lance, bolt pistol & combat shield
- Veteran with power lance & wrist mounted bolt pistol @ 205 pts
For a total of 1200 pts from Codex: Dark Angels by August 1st. Success will bring glory to the 1st Legion and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame till years end.
Will post the WIP pics in a day or so :smile.:
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Thanks brother! :thumbsup: Have actually managed to take some better pics (without using a flash!) of my first two vows. Be warned, lots of pics incoming!

Vow One:

Talyn, Supreme Grand Master of the Sword Bearers

Charon, the Last Moritat


Kane, Master of the Seventh Company & Chapter Champion


Revenant Shadowcaster


Praetorian Bodyguard


Tactical Squad Llywelyn, 'The Deathseekers'




Revenant Assault Squad


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Vow Two:

Morton Peleus, Commander of the Sword Bearers 4th Battle Company & Master of the Fleet
Knight-Errant Roland Erekose: The Seeker of Redemption, Epistolary Librarian & Bearer of the Blade Durandal
Lord High Interrogator Mordrain, Master of Sanctity
Techmarine Malachi
Sariel, Protector of the Banner of Mire & Aurora Bodyguards
(Magnetised Plasma-gunner & Standard Bearer)
Assault Squad 'Thuriel', Ninth Battle Company, Survivors of the Endless Siege
Assault Veteran Gothryn
'Venerable' Thuriel, Ninth Company Assault Veteran and former Apothecary
Thanks for looking :smile.:
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@ deathspectersrg7 & eetdestroyer: Cheers brothers! :smile.:

Here are the WIP pics of the characters for my third ETL vow:

Ivan Orbec, Captain of the 3rd Battle Company, Heir Apparent to the Chapter Master

- Company Master, armed with Mace of Redemption, power axe & jump pack @ 150 pts


Titus Raum, Master of the Eighth Battle Company & Captain of the Hyperion Foot Knights

-Company Master, armed with two lightning claws & artificer armour @ 140 pts

Reynard Crom, 'The Faceless', Sword Bearers Chief Librarian

- Librarian, armed with force staff & conversion field @ 80 pts


I'm counting the Crux Terminatus symbol attached to his gorget as a Rosarius/Conversion Field Generator.


Haradiel, Codicier Librarian
- Librarian, armed with a force sword @ 65 pts
Revenant Blade Wraith
- Counts as a Company Master armed with plasma pistol, power sword & artificer armour @ 140 pts
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And here are the squads:
Hyperion Foot Knights
- Command Squad, consisting of 5 veterans, all armed with twin lightning claws @ 250 pts
The Order of Retribution, Veteran Knights of the 3rd Company
- Company Veteran Squad, consisting of:
- Veteran with power sword
- Veteran with storm shield & two handed power sword (counts as a power fist)
- Veteran with combat shield & two handed power sword (counts as a power fist)
- Veteran with power lance, bolt pistol & combat shield
- Veteran with power lance & wrist mounted bolt pistol @ 205 pts
Revenant Destroyers
- Company Veteran Squad, consisting of:
- 5 veterans, all armed with bolt pistol & plasma pistol. Sergeant is also equipped with melta bombs @ 170 pts
Squad Leader with melta bombs

For a total of 1200 pts from Codex: Dark Angels
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@ Aegnor: Cheers brother! :smile.:


@ ellis_esquire: Thanks mate! The three-eyed techmarine head is (perhaps heretically :wink:) from the upgrade sprue in the Chaos Marine box. There was actually a massive spike on one side, but I cut it off and used that position as a interface port for a cable. Which plasma pistols were you interested in? The ones on the Moritat are (again heretically :smile.:) from the Khorne Berzerker kit.


@ FerociousBeast: Thanks brother! The banner was a bit of an experiment, but I'm pretty pleased how it's turned out.

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