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On 4/25/2023 at 8:26 PM, Firedrake Cordova said:

Nice conversion on the magazine and barrel/suppressor/flash hider :smile: 


Ahhh, I actually can't take too much credit for that one! This particular bolt carbine came from the Phobos Captain model, which has the flash suppressor already on it. I did swap the quick-change mag on it for the one from that actual Infiltrator Veteran's weapon though. :happy:



On 4/29/2023 at 2:57 PM, Monstra Sumus said:

Loving the CQC Infiltrator! 


Thanks heaps! I've actually always wanted to do something in the vein of a ready pose like this one, but of course as this is the particularly tacticool breed of Astartes, I decided to go a bit extra about it!



In other news, I just did the 2-hour challenge, and got this far:




Mostly as an exercise in figuring out how much two hours is 'worth' to me. And I'd say that's about 30% of a completed model.

And after a total of almost seven hours, my Strike Team's Incursor Marksman:




Minor conversion with the marksman's honour (another bit from the Phobos Captain) as a gun charm. I realised after putting the whole model together that the position of the scope on the stalker marksman bolt carbine is extremely unhelpful for posing... Nonetheless, I think the firing pose does still look good here.

  • 3 weeks later...

This one took a while, as I haven't had the time in the past two weeks. Though for what it's worth, I'm actually also about 30% of the way through the next member of the team!


Here's my Infiltrator Helix Adept:




I've also made my first attempt at depicting liquid in vials, as well as something of a pulse display. Pretty happy with it.


EDIT: It actually got washed out in the photos a bit, but I did actually paint a slightly-differently-coloured meniscus in the vials. :angry:

Edited by Disruptor_fe404

Incursor Minelayer done. I used the saboteur parts from the kill team, as I quite enjoy the subtle up-armour elements. Though I suppose using an assault intercessor left arm is a much-less-subtle up-armour choice here!




As mentioned before, the whole Phobos Strike Team is meant to be an Infiltrator Squad in 40k proper, hence the omni-scrambler backpack. I also opted to use a straight magazine on the oculus carbine to retain more unifying elements with the rest of his squad.


With that, I'm 50% of the way through the Kill Team, but am going to change it up a little and paint up some terrain (and the intention is to do it quite quickly, but we'll see how that goes); I have the terrain from the original genestealer kill team set for KT2017.


  • 1 month later...

The Call has been issued, and the Sentinels shall not be found wanting!


My (hopefully just the first of multiple?) vow for 2023's Call to Arms is this:




That's the remaining 5 'Infiltrators' for my Phobos Strike Team/Infiltrator squad on the bottom row, as well as 5 Intercessors on the top row - one of which is a sergeant with a power weapon. And yes, the observant among you might have noticed, those are indeed Dark Imperium Intercessors there... These are actually the first Intercessors I'm painting! Only a few years behind everyone else... :laugh:

  • 2 weeks later...

I am now a whole 1 point into my Call to Arms vow! Somewhat behind where I need to be, but I am expecting the next few to be a little simpler to paint up.




This is the sergeant for my Phobos Strike Team/counts-as Infiltrator Squad. I'm hoping the BIG KNIFE is enough of a tell for him to be acceptable as a Reiver sergeant (surely the space utilised by the sensor suite in the beakie helm can be repurposed for the sonic disruption that Reivers normally enter combat with?). I'm also going to keep on with my own little trend of a servo skull for every Phobos sergeant.

  • 2 months later...

Well, failed my CtA vow due to real life things.


But here's what I did manage to get through!




First up, the second 'Reiver' of the kill team, with a chest cross-draw and stowed grav-chute.




The commsman, with tiny readout and signalling to his team.




The saboteur, with a button he absolutely cannot wait to push.


Currently working on the voxbreaker (who will likely never be used...) to round out the team.

  • 3 weeks later...

And the final member of the Phobos Strike Team/Infiltrator Squad!




Voxbreaking all the time.


There's some paint on the Intercessors I vowed for CtA but I think there's going to be something of a gap between now and my next post!

  • 2 months later...

Happy new year, frater!


Some of you may remember that Dark Imperium - the esteemed boxset that introduced the world to Primaris space marines - was released in June 2017.


With that fact and timespan in mind, I am proud to say that today, on the first day of 2024, I have completed my very first Intercessor.




You'd think it would be more impressive after seven years, but nay I say, nay!


This model is part of the failed half of my CtA23 vow, and also the first model in the Combat Patrol I'm building (it's the Dark Angels one, not that I bought it; I had all of the elements of that particular one in my pile of shame already!). So a humble beginning to what should be a pretty neat project.

  • 3 weeks later...

Second model of 2024, second Intercessor ever!




I head overseas on holiday for a few weeks on Saturday morning, but when I get back, I intend to get cracking on Intercessors #3 and #4!

  • 9 months later...

BIG gap in painting occasions!


Third model of the year and third Intercessor ever.




Number four is actually also in progress right now.

  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

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