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Effective Plague Spreading?


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If you want to go for foot sloggers, I would stay away from tanks unless you manage to push up your armor saturation. I´d say you need 4+ Armor 13 tanks to make it work. But slogging what? Normal Csm? SnP Plagues? 

Fluff wise I love your idea. But gameplay wise with SnP Plagues it just isn t going to work. They re just sooooo slow. It´s unreal.

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Well in conjunction with Zombies it could work, no? Could also add in some Daemon allies (which is what I really want) and add some plaguebearers to the mix.


My only concern then would be ways of dealing with Air really, and with nothing but some zombies in the backfield an aegis wouldn't be getting the mileage.

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I´ve played a few horde zombie lists. Also with marines slogging with them, but the big problem is: You are using zombies as shields (for the cover save) --> Zombies cannot run in the shooting phase. The size of zombie units forces you to move through cover --> Average move of lets say 4" per turn. At 5+ Turns. This is pretty slow and kinda feels pathetic. 


On the otherhand: If you mass so many models. 

You are basically able to counter fliers by A: not giving them enough space to move. Thus forcing them to leave by table edge. B: You also have resilience against most fliers par the helldrake, as they don´t come with a lot of templates. 


You are also good at taking objectives with so many models, aswell as swarming them making it possible to deny opponents of getting in contesting range (Technically).


The Plague bearers are a must have in such a concept IMO. Leaving the zombies back may not be the best choice as you may as well place them in midfield to swarm aforementioned objectives whilst your bearers can camp up back thanks to their bonus cover save. They could also deep strike forwards (very situational)


But as I said. You are walking forwards with one of the slowest horde lists available (Slow and Purposeful Zombies). While intimidating, you will most likely not reach the opponents deployment zone. Also: Templates will wipe you out. It is very frustrating to play with (Moving, Positioning for cover saves, LOS, Setting up), aswell as kind of annoying to play against.

Most games will not go past turn 4 depending on how fast you play. 


By all means it looks awesome on the table and it is really fluffy, just play style wise it is very hard to pull off. You also have very little fire support, Oblits may be a fairly decent option. But this means what you´ll have shooting wise will probably be 3 Squads of Plague marines, maybe 4. And however many Oblits you manage to squish in. So the only long range fire power is oblits. You could of course maximise on oblits, but they cost a lot aswell and mean you have less bodies on the table ;)



Maybe you could post a list and we could work on that?

My big fear would be that:

A: Getting into combat is more or less improbable.

B: Vulnerable to templates

C: Little fire power 

D: Combination of A and C --> How do you damage your opponent? 

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What about a combination of regular cultists and zombies to flesh out the numbers, then I would also be using the tanks like Vindicators to help remove enemies no? Plus a Soulgrinder in the backfield? Wouldn't need a bunch of Plague Marine units per se.. yeah I don't have a daemon dex so I would have to wing it but i'll try and come up with something off the top of my head.






x21 Zombies

x21 Zombies

x21 Cultists

x21 Cultists

x14 PM's - Plasmaguns

x14 PM's - Flamers



x5 MoN Spawn



x3 Vindicators




GUO - Greater x2, Psyker x3



x14 Plaguebearers





Not sure on points, but there is a rough idea. If I have some points to play with I could always try and add some drones or beasts on the daemon end, or even bikers or TDA on the CSM end.. or a flying DP? I dunno.

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You could try something like this at 2000 points: What you posted is 2500+.

I also wouldn´t take cultists over zombies, they bring no benefits to be honest. (Aren´t fearless, no feel no pain). Ok they can run, but thats it.

I´ve tried to build something that sticks to your fluff idea, but tried to stay fairly strong aswell. I´m not sure about a 14 man squad of pm´s with typhus in them, but it might be worth a laugh ;).



*************** 1 HQ + 1 Ally ***************

- - - > 230 Pts

[Chaosdaemons] Herold of Nurgle
- Feel no pain for unit

- - - > 70 Pts

*************** 5 Troops + 1 Ally ***************

21 zombies
- - - > 94 Pts

21 zombies
- - - > 94 Pts

14 Plagues
- 2 x Plasmaguns
- - - > 366 Pts

5 Plagues

- 2 x Plasmaguns
- - - > 150 Pts

5 Plagues

- 2 x Plasmawerfer
- - - > 150 Pts

[Chaosdaemons] 14 Plague Bearers

- - - > 126 Pts

*************** 2 Fast Attack ***************

3 Bikes

- 2 x Melter
- - - > 90 Pts

3 Chaosbikes

- 2 x Melter
- - - > 90 Pts

*************** 3 Heavy Support + 1 Ally***************

+ - Dozerblade

- - - > 125 Pts


+ - Dozerblade

- - - > 125 Pts


+ - Dozerblade

- - - > 125 Pts


[Chaosdaemons] Soulgrinder
- Daemon of Khorne
- Leman Russ Battle Canon thingy

- - - > 165 Pts

Total Chaos Space Marines : 2000


Sry for not being able to name a few items, not sure on all English names.

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Mark of Khorne doesn't really work on the Soulgrinder..


The number 5 bothers me on the PMs cause I want 7! Haha!


Not only that I kinda want a GUO! Dang it, can never have everything I want at a reasonable point cost.. guess i'll have to make two seperate armies, one for Daemons and one for CSM. Are the two biker squads mandatory? I think between the Vindi's and Soulgrinder i'll be able to mulch some vehicles pretty easily so could they have flamers? Also, I realize that flamers on the plague marines might be silly given they may never get in range to use them, but still I wouldn't mind having a unit with a pair.


Regardless a good framework to build on! Thank you sir.

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The GUO costs 230pts, no way around it, more if you want him to have ML3, so that makes things kind of expensive considering you have Typhus aswell. I totally get you wish to have 7 man squads and that´s why i left the other at 14. But i couldn´t get myself to justify 7 plagues just for 2 plasmas msn-wink.gif. Yes even with the 3 vindis tanks will be a problem, as soon as they reach AV 13+. Plus I´d rather fire my vindi at more delicious targets than force it to blow up the chimera/rhino or whatever around the corner. msn-wink.gif. Soulgrinder has khorne because it doesn´t cost any more points and having a different mark isn´t mandatory. Plus it may aswell walk forwards with your army and support them should you ever get into close combat.

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Alright, heres what I ended up with at 2k Points:


HQ: Typhus

Troops: Zombies x21

Troops: Zombies x21

Troops: Zombies x21

Troops: PM x7 w/ Plasma

Troops: PM x7 w/ Plasma

Elite: Terminators x5 w/ Combi-Plasma or Melta

Fast: Blight Drones x2

Fast: Blight Drones x2

Heavy: Vindicators x3


Thats upwards of 7 anti-marine pie plates on the table, lots of bodies to soak up fire, deep striking typhus and body guard to mess with the enemies backfield.. looks fun to me! I could drop 21 Zombies and take some Spawn as well..though I don't think I want to.

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