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conversion of a chaos Sorcerer

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You could use a Dark Angels robed body for the sorceror's body, which would help him stand out alot among basic troops. Other than that, just convert a chaotic looking force weapon (Fantasy Chaos Knights might work) and just a suitable head plus extra spikes, tentacles, etc. depending on how much you want him to be mutated. 


Good bits boxes to look for: Dark Angel vets (robes), Fantasy Chaos Knights (helmets, shoulders, weapons, shields), Possessed (spikes/tentacles), Plastic Grey Knights (Force Staves, forbidden spellbooks etc), maybe Daemon Bloodletters for a Hellglaive?? Raptors might also have some cool parts for more Daemonic looking armor.

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I've made one with bits from the Chaos Terminator Lord kit and the DA Librarian from the DV box set. There was a bit of cutting and filing but it turned out ok. I can try posting a pic over the weekend if you're interested?
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It really depends what kind of look you want. Assuming you want a model that looks like a Space marine... Your best bet is too look through the various space marine ranges. You can also consider looking at the 'bad' armies in both 40K and fantasy for parts that would look cool.

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I've found a sorc with a jumppack can do wonders with or without raptors. If you're looking for a flying sorceror, its easy to convert a raptor. Mine uses a WoC knight head and the champion's sword, along with the little spellbook and chain tabard from the chaos lord sprue.

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Mine was made from DV Librarian with added CSM power sword and pads, Termie Lord kit book and possessed wings-pack.
I usually run him with the Brand and it works really good.

U can check the pic in this thread:


Now i'm looking into getting the FW Nurgle Sorc...

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