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++ From the Abyss - A Word Bearers Log ++

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really like the Count as fabius bile, the demons are very demonic, but i like the chaos marines better, mostly its cause GW demons are just too cute and silly.


anyways looking good and keep it up, we neeeeed more chaos! more!



I can certainly respect and agree with that assessment, brother. The problem is that Chaos Space Marines just have a much wider set of possibilities in terms of its composition and aesthetics in comparison to Daemons who are rather limited outside of outright sculpting your own. With that in mind, I find it much easier for me to work with daemons as it brings out a bit of my lazy side and I can just churn them out much easier than Chaos Marines. Know what I mean? :P

yup, only real demon models i built have been demon prices and a handful of bloodletters, but i also been conderimg doing what brother heinrich did an kitbah dark elves witches with demonettes :)

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Nothing big, but I've been doing a lot of painting lately. Here's two daemon test models, one Plaguebearer and one Horror. I'm pretty happy with how both of them came out, but its pretty obvious the Horror needs some work before I start working on the rest of the squad. Also both of them are now using the new basing that I'll be making for my army. Hope you foks like it.







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Thanks, Flint.  I think next time though I need to choose a slightly lighter pale color for the flesh. I think the wash simply consumes the Elf Flesh and it results in a tone I didn't exactly want. One good thing to note is that was the most tame of the Horrors so I'll be delighted to give the others a try.

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Thanks, Flint.  I think next time though I need to choose a slightly lighter pale color for the flesh. I think the wash simply consumes the Elf Flesh and it results in a tone I didn't exactly want. One good thing to note is that was the most tame of the Horrors so I'll be delighted to give the others a try.


Rakarth Flesh makes for an excellent basecoat if you're planning to add washes on top. It can be used to achieve a multitude of believable skin tones, albeit mostly in the "sickly & evil" spectrum.


I think adding a thinned down, fleshy wash to your Plaguebearer recipe would make the models even more icky and disturbing. The sores, wounds and boils are already excellent, though! The Tzeentchian daemon gets a whole new body horror dimension to it when painted in a more "fleshy colour".


Keep up the great work! :)

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Thanks, Midnight. :) 


As for the base, well its actually really simple. All you require is


-Abaddon Black paint

-Elmer's Glue

-Cat Litter Deodorant (trust me on this)

-A little bit of sand


1. Model the base with corkboard. Make sure there's enough space to properly set your model ontop of it, but also make sure that the cork does not exceed the base. Its important you make sure there's some spaces where you can see the actual base.


2. Once you've painted your model, paint the corkboard black. Nothing fancy, just coat it with it. You'll notice it has a nice semi-glossy sheen to it. I like it this way because it looks very similar to Obsidian


3. While the paint is drying, in a small container pour in about 9/10 cat deodorant and 1/10 sand. The reason why I used cat litter deodorant is that as opposed to backing powder, the deodorant when melded with a liquid (in this case glue) seems to clump together better and when fully dried forms an almost seamless mass that looks very realistic to snow. Also it makes your model smell nice. :D  The sand is simply the break up the pure white. You don't want a lot but you want to ensure there's atleast something there that adds tiny black and a few dark gray and brown flakes here and there. Also helps to add to the realism.


4. Once the paint is dry, use the Elmer's Glue and just pour it on the exposed surface of the base with a little bit crawling up the side of the cork where you see any possible slopes. If there's enough surface on the cork, you can also add little patches of it on it to show the snow is packing up and of course wherever you seen any large enough cracks. The most important thing is that you don't want to go overboard. Ensure there is a level of difference between the cork board surface and the snow packed around it.


5. Pour the mixture of deodorant and sand onto the base, making sure it gets everywhere on the base. Or you can just dunk the base in, either works. Let it stay there for about a minute before pulling it out.


6. With a big brush (I use my wash brush), just delicately brush away all the excess powder from the surface. It'll bring out the black shine one more. Just remove all the excess deodorant and be careful to not touch the spots where you added the glue.


7. Let it sit for about half a day and you're done.



Hope that helps. :)

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Well, I told you guys I've been painting a lot more often, didn't I? I wasn't lying. And since everyone seemed to like my Horror and Plaguebearer so much....










Aaaaand I decided to do some work up on one of my existing Word Bearers. Some of you may notice the most important difference. ;)





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Noc, you sly dog!


I love the easter egg, and it just solidified itself as one of the coolest projects on the board!


PS) The colour and bodywork/shading on the chest and legs is pretty intense.

Edited by Candleshoes
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