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On Withering Wings - Plague Theme


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Okay, having read over a post earlier about a jump pack nurgle lord my mind has exploded with possibilities to the point where I am altering the direction of my Death Guard force entirely (or maybe just temporarily) on a new tangent!


I want a Nurgle Fast Attack force themed around Flies & Locusts! Less corpulant fatties and more emaciated and bug oriented in their mutations.


I already have a great many conversion ideas in mind, Warp talons with tyranid appendages and buggy heads, etc. I could try and do a Baledrake as a giant bloat fly! Blight Drones would make a lot of sense as well. The main thing is the immense conversion opportunities!


So my question is how would you make a theme list around flies? I am tempted to skip Typhus entirely and just make a pair of custom HQ, maybe even have both with Jet Packs! Now I am definitely regretting the inability to make jump infantry into troops.. Anyway, any insight into a good direction would be appreciated! While my mind runs wild with concepts and modelling ideas the practical application of such a force eludes me!


I think I will name the warband.. the Withering.




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I think you're really geared more towards the modeling aspect - for me, the first thing that pops to mind is: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/307/2/4/fly_headed_chaos_warrior_by_geemaa_pix-d32311x.jpg


So, if this is your theme - think a Lord (or two) on jump packs, a few solid core of PMs with fly heads or pupae, and then perhaps Bikes represented by Plague Drones... Something like that?

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Make a big bug daemon prince with plague drone wings, imho. And yeah, if you're going for flies and locusts you should probably skip Typhus. He's too slow, and your theme doesn't call for zombies.


There's someone somewhere on these forums making a really big gross blight drone as a helldrake, there's definitely mileage in an idea like that.

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I think you're really geared more towards the modeling aspect - for me, the first thing that pops to mind is: http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2010/307/2/4/fly_headed_chaos_warrior_by_geemaa_pix-d32311x.jpg


So, if this is your theme - think a Lord (or two) on jump packs, a few solid core of PMs with fly heads or pupae, and then perhaps Bikes represented by Plague Drones... Something like that?


That is pretty much it, more or less. My ideas are notably less fantasy-esque haha! I was thinking a lord + a sorc w/ jump packs. Then I was going to take two units of Blight Drones or one unit of raptors, one unit of warp talons, and a helldrake modeled using the Araknarok Spider from O&G Fantasy as the foundation, just changing the limbs around, adding some gross bug wings, etc.


Hmm. You could do something like a queen-type with an eggsack that is too big for it's wings to carry. Lord/Sorc on Palanquin.


That is a neat idea, of course an infantry type character might not fit with the idea of the locust swarm or the cloud of flies! Still, it has merit and would be worth considering, especially when I get into double FoC. Could be a Sorcerer!


Make a big bug daemon prince with plague drone wings, imho. And yeah, if you're going for flies and locusts you should probably skip Typhus. He's too slow, and your theme doesn't call for zombies.


There's someone somewhere on these forums making a really big gross blight drone as a helldrake, there's definitely mileage in an idea like that.


Yeah, could definitely make some big chitonous daemon prince with bulbous eyes and drone wings. I concur on Typhus, even though I love him. I might still make a typhus list down the road!


I've seen someone using a Jabberslythe as a Helldrake, looked pretty awesome.

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One of the plaguebearer plastic heads is a fly head, might be able to make a mold of it to get easy access to the compound eyes and proboscis for your marines.

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You guys need to get out of my head...no really, get out of it!


Both of those points occurred to me last week, and I was thinking of just that! When I finally get down to it i'll be posting the progress here!


Thanks for the thoughts and interest!


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