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Bikes and multi story ruins


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Hi ive noticed a lot of people posting in the DA forum about bikes not being able to ascend to the upper levels of ruins. Is this faulty information or am i missing something?


If true does it still apply with skilled rider USR?

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Plus "... and only if the model can physically be placed there." BRB 98


So certain large beasts (Thunderwolf cavalry) will struggle to fit, especially if you're using the GW ruins kits.


But yes, no bikes climbing ladders to go up levels in ruins. If the ruins had suitable stairwells/ramps that a bike could use to get up a level I'd allow it in a friendly game, but RAW says no regardless.

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Plus "... and only if the model can physically be placed there." BRB 98

So certain large beasts (Thunderwolf cavalry) will struggle to fit, especially if you're using the GW ruins kits.

But yes, no bikes climbing ladders to go up levels in ruins. If the ruins had suitable stairwells/ramps that a bike could use to get up a level I'd allow it in a friendly game, but RAW says no regardless.

Just a note - TWC are Cavalry, not Beasts. So can't climb.
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What about fortifications?  For example, how would bikes deal with enemy on the walkways and at the top battlements of a Fortress of Redemption?  When I asked my local expert about going through (up and over the walls) of a FOR, his view was no problem, just account for the inches up, across and down the walls.  


What do you think?  Are armies on the ramparts and perhaps more areas of fortification save from CC assaults by bikes?  Thanks.   

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What about fortifications?  For example, how would bikes deal with enemy on the walkways and at the top battlements of a Fortress of Redemption?  When I asked my local expert about going through (up and over the walls) of a FOR, his view was no problem, just account for the inches up, across and down the walls.  


What do you think?  Are armies on the ramparts and perhaps more areas of fortification save from CC assaults by bikes?  Thanks.   

In all of the GW-produced fortifications, a rampart can only be accessed by a model embarked within the fortification. Bikes can't embark into a transport, so have no access to the battlements.
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The Fortress of Redemption has accessable battlements (sort of) in the form of the walkway, which where I play, we treat them as being a level up (3" of difficult terrain movement).  Of course that prohibits bikes etc from accessing them in the same way as the levels in ruins.

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The Fortress of Redemption has accessable battlements (sort of) in the form of the walkway, which where I play, we treat them as being a level up (3" of difficult terrain movement).  Of course that prohibits bikes etc from accessing them in the same way as the levels in ruins.

But the rules on pg.95 still say that a unit may "embark" onto the battlements, so Bike units would still be excluded as they aren't allowed to "embark" either way.

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I was referring more to the "models must move onto the battlements from inside the fortification" part of your post, just tagging in how our HR effects bikes to keep to the OT.

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I was referring more to the "models must move onto the battlements from inside the fortification" part of your post, just tagging in how our HR effects bikes to keep to the OT.

Understood, but I don't think the walkway of the FoR has any access to it except from the adjacent bunkers.  House-rules and home-grown models aside...

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Battlements: "...must reach the roof by way of access ladders on the outside or inside of the building - establish these before the game"


if the battlements are unoccupied a unit may embark directly to them, unless they are already occupied by a unit.  A unit may not pass through an enemy unit inside the building to reach the battlements.  (para-phrased)


all from BRB page 95


The FoR states that the access points are "as model"


Our HR is that there are "access ladders" outside, however a unit must have 3" remaining of their difficult terrain movement once it comes into contact with the fortification in order to embark directly to the walkway - in which event it bypasses any unit that might have been inside at that point.  This represents models climbing directly up onto the walkway, using the modelled details as hand/foot holds.

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