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Today in the hobby I....


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YITH, my fiancé learned my exact feelings about GW kits for basic units that do not include enough bits to actually make the basic unit (specifically, the Skitarii Vanguard/Ranger box that only includes 9 standard backpacks and 9 don't-need-to-modify radium carbines for a basic unit that needs 10 of each).

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I think the assumption was that you'd never build a vanguard squad without at least one special weapon, and... I'm not sure why you would? My problem with the kit is the fact that it only has one arc/plasma when the squad can take up to 3 specials, which has driven me to buying arc rifles from france on ebay (or it did, before the start collecting box flooded the internet with admech components)

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It's only really an issue if you only want one squad, or want to min-max on a single troop type. If you're building a Skitarii army you'll probably want at least 3-4 infantry squads. Rangers want an occasional arquebus or nothing, Vanguard want max arc or plasma, so it all works out in the end.
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Min-maxing vanguard is probably why I've been suffering shortages.


On topic: today I've been removing studs from BaC Mk.IV legs. It takes some time and patience, but I'm pleased to see that it's completely possible to get a smooth finish on the greaves and kneepads. I plan to replace the studs on some of them the old fashioned way once I get hold of some suitible material (water filter beads, I believe) because I don't mind them being there, I just can't stand the ones with a glaring lack of undercut.


Should have my first BaC squad built soon, the Ultras for the boardgame. Doing a full set, and using the Word Bearers as convenient practice (and extra manpower) for my main XVII legion project.


The Mk.IV tac kit is so nice. I don't think I can go back to the 40k one, at least not without parts from this one thrown in.

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I think the assumption was that you'd never build a vanguard squad without at least one special weapon, and... I'm not sure why you would? My problem with the kit is the fact that it only has one arc/plasma when the squad can take up to 3 specials, which has driven me to buying arc rifles from france on ebay (or it did, before the start collecting box flooded the internet with admech components)

I know the feeling - I need more Arc Rifles! Quite a few more actually...


TITH, I've been planning for Loyalty and Treachery.

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TITH I painted the base silver on the rest of my Vanguard and washed it all, painted the base gold on my Captain and washed, received the twenty MK IV marines I ordered and finally managed to get hold of some Macragge Blue spray. It's sold out everywhere, but my local GW manager had 3/4th of a can left that he'd been using, and kindly gave it me for free. What a legend, especially as it means I can start cracking on with my Arcology XIX log.

Edited by kobrakei
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TITH I painted the base silver on the rest of my Vanguard and washed it all, painted the base gold on my Captain and washed, received the twenty MK IV marines I ordered and finally managed to get hold of some Macragge Blue spray. It's sold out everywhere, but my local GW manager had 3/4th of a can left that he'd been using, and kindly gave it me for free. What a legend, especially as it means I can start cracking on with my Arcology XIX log.

Dave's like that :smile.:


Yesterday in the hobby, I managed to get a little more done on my Penitent Engine. I'm surprised I had the time after trying not to tear my car asunder fitting a heater resistor pack! :laugh.:

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Today in the hobby, my nephew and I painted the names of our marines on the back of their bases so I can finally get the names right during me and my nephew's games of sort-of-space-crusade without having to check my modelling threads on the B&C mid-mission. :laugh.:


It's much more gripping when it's Vakar the Vengeful and the hero known as Barlevant fighting off endless waves of enemies while everyone else secures the objective, instead of just White Hawk #4 and Champion of Athlum #2. :biggrin.:


Furthermore, it's given me the Hobby Bug again - as soon as it stops raining, snowing or otherwise precipitating, I'm gonna spray some assault marines and get back to painting! :happy.:

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TITHI finished the last of my three 16 man legion tactical squads base coats, The 2nd contemptor dread is fully base coated, As are the breachers, The quad mortar and I even did a cataphracti terminator just for giggles, next up is painting them all blue :furious: several times:blink.: (really need a better blue method or just to find a decent replacement for ultramarine blue:laugh.: ) after which it's on to the apothecaries, Invinctarus suzerains and Roboutte Guililiman :biggrin.: 

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TITH I finally got around to trying box standard cheap acrylic paint (cheap poster paint) on some scenery.


Don't think I'll be looking back if I can mix the colours I'm after up. :D

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Today i finished my prep for the Australian Epic Championships this coming weekend. 3000pts of Vraksian Renegades and 4000points of Heresy Era Dark Angels for the 30k Big Bash game.

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TITH I began discussing with a few friends the possibility of starting up some kill team games to get a few others who interested in the hobby to start playing / modeling.

Not sure what I'd want to run but I'm thinking Guard since it's an army I haven't done before.

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