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Today in the hobby I....


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Purchased a Razorback at my FLGS.  Got home and opened it up to find that instead of a vehicle transfer sheet it had a Space Wolves one instead.  Well time to see if GW will send me one.  I like my white crosses.


A not so subtle marketing hint? :tongue.:


TITHI found the lost head for my NL Consul, as well as reposing the BaC Contemptor's torso and doing some minor work on the BaC Termie consul. Now to decide whether I want to use the original open hands on it, or slice off the combi-bolters and replace it with a closed Khadoran warjack fist I've got lying around.

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Purchased a Razorback at my FLGS.  Got home and opened it up to find that instead of a vehicle transfer sheet it had a Space Wolves one instead.  Well time to see if GW will send me one.  I like my white crosses.

Odd... Every Rhino, Razorback, or Drop Pod I've bought (about 10 all told) included both a C:SM sheet and a SW sheet. Maybe you just got a mispacked box.

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TITH I freaked out about all the news from the HH weekender. Ugly cried over how awesome Leman Russ looked. And started planning doing HH wolves.


Purchased a Razorback at my FLGS.  Got home and opened it up to find that instead of a vehicle transfer sheet it had a Space Wolves one instead.  Well time to see if GW will send me one.  I like my white crosses.



A not so subtle marketing hint? :P


TITHI found the lost head for my NL Consul, as well as reposing the BaC Contemptor's torso and doing some minor work on the BaC Termie consul. Now to decide whether I want to use the original open hands on it, or slice off the combi-bolters and replace it with a closed Khadoran warjack fist I've got lying around.

That's actually a damn good idea.

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Finally finished painting my breachers blue and I'm half way through the base coat of boltgun for the metallic areas:tongue.:


Painted a quad mortar but not it's crew:whistling:


Sorted out robouttes first, second and third layers of gold:biggrin.:


Ordered a wraithknight just so i can paint something other than blue:furious:  (Ulthwé craft world basic black with bone, classy:wub.: ) after which it's back to the last 16 man legion tactical squad


Sort of finished my first apothecary (I don't like the white tabard against the white legs:wallbash: but a subtle bit of wash here and there may change that)


Found the missing groin armour for my 2nd knight titan after 2 weeks of looking was kind of thinking the dreaded beast H'o'ov'er had eaten it:wink:

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Would you mind taking detailed measurements for me? I want to scratch build a daemon with the same proportions.


When I get it, which won't be anytime soon, you'll be first on my list :wink: I mean, they'll probably be people with it looong before me, so it'd probably be better to check in with them.

Edited by The Psycho
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Today in the hobby, I got two more plasma pistol Sister Superiors and the old Sisters Codex (I finally have that and the Witch hunters ones! :wub.: ). Just waiting on another Canoness (who will be my fourth! :laugh.: ), so I can start planning my Valorous Heart allied detachment :happy.:
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TITH I learned that stripping paint off of Veterans is a pain... so many details where the paint likes to stay. Really had to scrub them and that lead to arms and heads falling off. Going to have to sit down and rebuild 4/5ths of what I just pulled out of the cleaner. However... I'm one step closer to having a cohesive force following a single theme!

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