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Today in the hobby I....


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Today i finished my prep for the Australian Epic Championships this coming weekend. 3000pts of Vraksian Renegades and 4000points of Heresy Era Dark Angels for the 30k Big Bash game.

that's at cancon?

as it so happens i will be in our glorious capital visiting the fam that weekend.

today in the hobby i learned that cancon is on.  Mard, many thanks.

i also finished off some painting that i'm not allowed to talk about.

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Glued my warhounds hips on backwards, so the groin plate mount is on its butt... Superglue debonder time! These ball joints are going to make me cry. Edited by Firenze
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Glued my warhounds hips on backwards, so the groin plate mount is on its butt... Superglue debonder time! These ball joints are going to make me cry.

no need to debond it: just devote to chaos and add some mutations!
It is a heresy era traitor titan.... It is an idea XD Edited by Firenze
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Today i finished my prep for the Australian Epic Championships this coming weekend. 3000pts of Vraksian Renegades and 4000points of Heresy Era Dark Angels for the 30k Big Bash game.

That's true, IT is this weekend :)

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My friend just said I shouted somethin that sounds like '*cuss* off Matt Ward, you cant buy chips with 15p' in my sleep. Edited by SlaveToDarkness
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YITH I worked some more on my Vanguard and Jump Pack Captain for my Pinion Demi-Company, hopefully completing them by the end of the week. I also ordered a Plastic Terminator Captain off EBay for £20 so pretty happy with that.

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@SlaveToDarkness - that is so Adrian Mole.


I chopped up more heads and filled some more of gaping hole on the back of my chaos spawn.   Other than that still tying to decide whether to go back to lurking.

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An inquisitor, his servo skulls, an array of initiates and sword brethren, a land raider, two land raider crusaders, and Grimaldus himself are now ready for painting. Lets see how many months this ends up taking.
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TITH I re-visited the Contemptor Dreadnought. In two 1500pt 30k vs 40k games and they were absolute beasts! In regular 30k games they just die the first turn but this day my 2 Contemptors with Kheres and DCCW w/H flamer vs. Imperial Guard were awesome and they have had me fall in love with them all over again. I remember in one of the HH novels that one of the Primarks got a shudder when they thought of the destruction that they wrought and today I saw that with my own eyes!

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This week in the hobby I had an eBay score of a decent painted Knight Paladin arrive and got the itch to get a brother in arms for it and ordered a new Cerastus Lancer.  Haven't played a game in ages but now I might have to make it a point to get one in.  My DA and a pair of Knights will go far I think.

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TITH I decided I'd actually follow through with something I've wanted to do for awhile now. A crusade force of different chapters and forces of the Imperium. The core of it will be my own DIY chapter with a few chapters from fluff added in as reinforcements, and then assassins and my small Guard forces. Eventually I'd like to add a Knight and some Inquisition, but one step at a time.

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TITH I finally received the (correct) airbrush stencils from Blubot.  Crosses galore and some shields.  Not very good for painting on a round surface like shoulders, evidently, but they'll be great for vehicles.


...whenever I finally conquer these mold lines and get to painting them. :P

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TITH I finally received the (correct) airbrush stencils from Blubot.  Crosses galore and some shields.  Not very good for painting on a round surface like shoulders, evidently, but they'll be great for vehicles.


...whenever I finally conquer these mold lines and get to painting them. :tongue.:

I'd love to see those stencils in a photo as well as the end result Firepower-- a few of those look mighty spiffy! 

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Well in a fool's errand to airbrush on a cross to my Emperor's Champion's shoulder, I ended up with a cockeyed mess that I now have to paint totally over.  Guess I'm going with my normal bone shoulders after all. :(


Also TITH, I put down the groundwork on my experimental Blood Angel successor test model thingy.  Including yellow shoulders which turned out surprisingly well.

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