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YITHI Took a variation on my gk list out for a stroll and beat one of the tau players at my local gaming group 7-10, The game was called during the middle of turn 5, Due to time and no way of beating the score.


All in all a good fun game with plenty of tense moments, key dice rolls spinning inordinately longly, great ideas and screw ups on both sides, This was the second time I've fought this guys tau and both times commander far sight got introduced to Draigo's titan sword.:biggrin.:


Side note: Paladin's are such a useful unit for the grey knights (imo) fire magnet / fire base and a beat stick all in one, I was glad I fielded a ten man unit of them:wink:


Now all I need to do is work out a counter for the flying circus of tyranids with the gk and I'm golden

YITH I took a new Ultramarines list out to see how it coped in our FLGS's current campaign.


What a great game versus a chaos space marine player who despite being shot off the board bar half a squad of havocs and 3 cultists gave me a real close run game.


Both of us played 1k CAD lists and with surprisingly very similar amounts of power armour, terminator armour and vehicles he took objectives early and held on for dear life as I shifted to one flank and rolled up the table to take his army out bit by bit. With some horrendous rolling on my opponents end (he seems to have a talent for rolling ones) I managed to win by a point with my assault Marines consolidating out of combat into his DZ for linebreaker.

Tith pre-ordered some  new toys posted some partially painted Marines . Jumped out of my seat as  two Birds plowed into the patio Door.:dry.:  Stupid:censored:  Birds. And put together a new Squad.


Sunday: Acquired cabin of crashed Aquila lander from old 40k boxed set.
Monday: Horribly ill.
Tuesday: Loyalist force in team game horribly battered 12-17 by chaos scum in 5 turns of Maelstrom mission 4 (might have pulled it back if we'd had more time, but, then, might have been thrashed even worse, I suppose). We had to set up without much cover against a force that included two Leman Russes, and about 900 points of our stuff (out of 3000) were in reserve (including my terminators, who mishapped, albeit only back into Ongoing). My Deathwatch men beat up a couple of tanks as well as a bunch of infantry goons and a Helbrute (thanks to some heroic meat-shielding, er, I mean, distraction tactics from Blood Angel allies). Lone Wolves did some killing (but also some dying) and while the Excelsior was useful as usual, the Primaris was popped on turn 2 by an enemy flyer. Not the force I would have chosen for this opposition normally, but I thought we were doing a re-run of the previous game v dark eldar...

Today in the hobby, I continued to work on painting my Silver Eagles demi company. 3 tactical squads down, now I'm working on my devastators. I also had Strike Force Ultima arrive in the mail... adding even more grey plastic sprue to my back log. 

TITH   I am really moving along now.   My  idea of building a mini while at work on breaks ... I now have finish building 3 Genestealers in a week.  :thumbsup:

Not even thinking about unpacking my paints at this rate.



edit: spellins

Edited by Space Truckin

Today in the hobby I realized this month marks my 10 year anniversary of being a member of the B&C :)


Oh, and I bought that new Prospero discounted models box. And another three units of plastic tartaros on eBay. And finally, took one look in person at that awful exclusive model and politely refused :)



am recovering from more knee surgery and am more than a little woozy.....


when more lucid, I checked my computer an apparently have bought burning of prospero, the ltd edition ultramarine herald, an extra set of custodes and a new laptop charger that I didn't need.


Damn drugs

when more lucid, I checked my computer an apparently have bought burning of prospero, the ltd edition ultramarine herald, an extra set of custodes and a new laptop charger that I didn't need.

Damn drugs

friends don't let friends get high on painkillers and then give them access to resin sites and a credit card...


TITH after i got bored with painting i went through my paint box and threw out three old but near-full pots where the paint had turned into solid rubber bullets.

Edited by paulJam


Worked on paint job and internals for the crashed Aquila lander I acquired a little while back.

Broken pilot? Check.
Instrument panel? Check.
Hatch and internal bulkheads? Check.

Feeling fairly pleased with myself (but it doesn't make up for not having an actual Aquila, which I could have done a few years back).

Also started to assemble a Goliath and played a couple of games with a nonsense army - 1k Champions of Fenris, battleforged. Plan was to infiltrate scouts in order to hold objectives. More difficult when you have no cover.

Command tanks (necessary to counter flyers, and the Excelsior had Legacy of Keylek from IA2 second edition) and four squads of Space Wolf Scouts, all with at least one additional man. Three were led by Wolf Guard chaps, one of whom was the warlord. One squad had plenty of plasma, several had power weapons, one a combi-melta and meltagun, and one cameleoline, some sniper rifles and a missile launcher.

First game was against tyranids. Apparently a flying hive tyrant is less effective when it zooms over to your lines into the mouth of a BS5 grav cannon with Ignores Cover. Opponent gave up when I destroyed his carnifex after it failed to beat up the Land Raider in close combat. He had three or four more victory points, but I was about to smash what was left of his force.

Second was against Khorne Daemonkin. Slightly lucky to not take a big hit to the Primaris turn one after he stole the initiative but all good. My turn sees me do one hull point to his maulerfiend with my melta scouts, to be followed up by the Excelsior with the grav. Three hits at BS5. No glances with first rolls. No glances with re-rolls. No damage from four plasma shots (except to my own man).

After this utterly critical fail, he goes on to smash my army into bits, starting with the Land Raider (four hits, four penetrates, no saves). I could give more detail, but it was a bit sickening. Turns out that the other guy he played gave up after turn two (I stopped at the end of my turn four, so I felt a bit better about it, but not much).

Edited by Brother Sefiel

Today in the hobby, I did inventory of all my crap to try to gain a better picture of what direction I'd like to take my forces.


"When did I buy these?" was the phrase of the day. May be time for another downsizing :)

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