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TITHI Painted some primaris aggressors, a death guard squad from the boxed set (also magnetized the champions sword arm and the special weapons troopers) and some more deathshroud (converted my spare death guard lord into a fourth member, now just need to do some gs work to make him fit in a bit better with his squad mates) also put together a box of blightlord termies


Not a bad day by my standards

Edited by treadhead

TL48HITH (the last 48 hours ITH) I have spent a solid 12 of them a busy bee frantically finishing my armies on parade centerpiece, and turned out pretty happy with it. (And yes, some of that time was Parade Day morning. Good times, good times.) It was quite fun. But it's been draining, with multiple projects IRL to handle and just general lack of time...I'm lucky to have a very understanding support group. 


May post pics of it if I have the time. Essentially what it was is a massive, reaver-scale necron with a massive tesla cannon. Quite pleased with it if I do say so myself.

Over the past few days in the hobby, I've been umming and ahing over how to build my Reivers, but did manage to build my Contemptor that's been sitting on a shelf, for oh, since Vandire was a High Lord. Then I realised how damned goofy the pose is, it looks like it's about to dance to Tchaikovsky. Hopefully, I'll be able to use this weekend to get the Reivers done and start work on a Devastator squad and an Assault squad for my CW's.

TITH I wrote some more background on the various large reptiles that inhabit the homeworld of my Space Marines.


And found some scientific names for them...like a dragon is a draconis but a wyvern is a draconis vipera (dragon viper).


Also worked on my Astra Militarum regiment background. Which then led to the aforementioned bestiary work because I needed to know what a wolf is called on a planet with dinosaurs. Which then caused the creation of a beast known as the Thorned Crocodile Wolf.



Today in the Hobby I built a set of specialist models for my Eclipse Marines, including a kitbashed Lieutenant I'm rather proud of; I basecoated my first in a set of Stormtalons; and I build a Biologus Putrefier I've been commissioned to paint up.

TITH I spent a great deal of time today assembling. It was a ton of stuff actually.



-5x Devastator Squad (Completely assembled from my bit box)

-5x Vanguard Veterans

-5x Sisters of Silence

-1x Land Speeder Storm


I was also able to paint the black, silver, and bronze on my Salamanders Razorback.

TITHI learned not to try and repose a Contemptor after gluing it together. At least I can salvage the arms and torso, but the waist down is just a write-off thanks to completely snapping the ball-joint of the left leg off. Ah well, at least I've got plastic crack to occupy me in the mean-time.

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