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TITH i got a couple 1k games in at the club.

Lost both games. First one miserably as i was playing fluffy narrative list against very competitive guard army.

Second one to necrons though i dodnt mind that cuz i like crons but my opponent was a complainer that liked to complain so much that i started feeling bad for moving my models. Forced enjoyment out of that game by dedicating myself to taking out select units which gave opponent the ultimate win but me the warm fuzzy satisfaction of getting rid of what i wanted.

Today in the Hobby, I worked some more on my second 20-man Tac Squad and have really been wishing there were Mk.III Legion specific torsos as well. (been using the WB specific Torsos for Artificer Armor on my Mk.IV Sergeants...Not sure what to do for Mk.III yet.)


Next up is either a 10-man Support Squad w/Flamers or a Heavy Support Squad w/Missile Launchers....and the need to buy more Mk.III and IV pauldrons. *laughs*

Today in the hobby, I discovered just how much I hate resin cables that need to go from the weapon to the backpack. Thought I had it heated up and bendy enough, but nope! Snapped in half! Here's to hoping the repair holds when I try again with that particular piece. *grumbles*


TITHI Am now (thanks to Reldn) dreading doing the ammo feeds for my volkite culverins and rotor cannons:wink:


I had the same issue, but I found that by gluing one end to the back pack and then putting card between ammo feed and marine body


I then heated the ammo feed with my wifes hairdryer, until it was wobbling in the breeze ( goes like limp spaghetti) takes around 20 seconds if that.


It gave me a good 10-20 seconds to shape the ammo feeds and meant I did not burn my hands to bits in the process.


Got 5 squads done in about 15 minutes.


Worked a charm on re-glued and re-heated ammo feeds :P

Yesterday in the hobby I played my first game of 8th Ed, having finally (after a year and a half...) found the gaming club at uni; Primaris marines really play like I feel marines should, shrugging off small arms whilst advancing to seize objectives and raining down bolt rounds on the enemy. Also, that Raven Guard hit modifier makes flyers very resilient against Guard. :wink:

TITH I got a couple of new painting brushes while at work.


I noticed them yesterday in a cabinet in the lab but didn't say anything. But today a colleague asked if she could take one for herself and the person responsible actually gave us a bunch of them so I took some for myself as well. :D

YITH I received some paints from Warcolours. Today I used them a bit and though they're not quite as matte as GW paints, so far I like them. Very smooth. Can't really judge their colors yet as I only have a few, but may buy more.


And TITH I painted some more on my Javelin. The Attack Speeder, not the AMC car. :P I was more of a Barracuda fan.

Today in the hobby, I realized that I have another use for all those Genestealer Cultists that came with DW: Overkill: I've got another Necromunda Gang right in front of me already! I also picked up Gang Warfare and the House Orlock Gang...Eyeing the Tactics cards next.


Sadly, I also have to take a bit of a break from my Word Bearers until I receive another batch of Mk.III Pauldrons. I think I'm good on Mk.IV now at least.

TITH I went to my local GW and asked the lovely young lady behind the counter how to actually play the game. We had a quick 30 min rundown of the basics and if I’d known it was that easy I’d of been back years ago I reckon! Also spent £150 in there too on some bits and bobs Edited by Fr33Dom

TITHI finally finished assembling all the Primaris barring the sword-bearing Lieutenant from the Dark Imperium set. Awfully tempted to use the box of Intercessors I got and build them up as a tactical squad, since it seems normal marine arms and shoulder-pads fit them.

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