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TITH I played a great 2K match against a mate of mine, Sons of Horus/Black Legion and Alpha Legion, vs. Space Wolves and Ultramarines.

It ended in a tie, with Pallus and Kantaar the Unbowed with squad Arras cornering the Bear of Mehras after the Alpha Legion drew him in.


TITH I started on my Vanguard Battalion of Raptors Astartes.  They seem to be the ideal chapter for the sort of warfare and operations suited to Phobos armor and abilities.  I plan to have 3 squads each of Infiltrators and Eliminators, 2 squads of Reivers, a Librarian and a Captain.  Right around 1500 points.

Today in the hobby I also performed some minor tank surgery. My almost 1 yr old nephew quickly grabbed a sicarian autocannon, somehow managed to snap off the magnets on the right side. He was laughing wearing a yellow shirt as well.... 

TITH I had quite a surreal moment. Outside of this forum I don't really talk about the hobby to people anymore, no one really knows I post online at the local store and I rarely talk to anyone there anymore. I'm a bit of a ghost these days when it comes to interacting with people in the real life aspect of the hobby (a hobby hermit) which is a shame because I do kind of miss that and working with others a lot these days as it was always fun and provided incentive to get stuff done in the past.


I went in to pick up some paints today at my local GW and started chatting to one of the staff and we got onto the subject of truescaling, he was very passionate about the subject. We briefly discussed various techniques and for the tiniest of moments, for almost a split second I so very nearly blurted out how I helped pioneer it but modesty took over as it felt such a cheesy thing to do and I didn't want to come across as an arse.

I'd like to think it would have been like Luke Skywalker meeting Ben Kenobi for the first time but in reality I seriously think he'd probably have replied "who?"


But it was really nice to see all the work and research I'd put into that aspect of the hobby manifesting with such passion in someone else to be honest.


It might be time for me to find a gaming club again and get back into the community instead of shying away from it all I guess. Might be an opportunity to meet people I've spoken to on here for years in person instead of hiding away in my hobby room. 

TITH I had quite a surreal moment. Outside of this forum I don't really talk about the hobby to people anymore, no one really knows I post online at the local store and I rarely talk to anyone there anymore. I'm a bit of a ghost these days when it comes to interacting with people in the real life aspect of the hobby (a hobby hermit) which is a shame because I do kind of miss that and working with others a lot these days as it was always fun and provided incentive to get stuff done in the past.


I went in to pick up some paints today at my local GW and started chatting to one of the staff and we got onto the subject of truescaling, he was very passionate about the subject. We briefly discussed various techniques and for the tiniest of moments, for almost a split second I so very nearly blurted out how I helped pioneer it but modesty took over as it felt such a cheesy thing to do and I didn't want to come across as an arse.

I'd like to think it would have been like Luke Skywalker meeting Ben Kenobi for the first time but in reality I seriously think he'd probably have replied "who?"


But it was really nice to see all the work and research I'd put into that aspect of the hobby manifesting with such passion in someone else to be honest.


It might be time for me to find a gaming club again and get back into the community instead of shying away from it all I guess. Might be an opportunity to meet people I've spoken to on here for years in person instead of hiding away in my hobby room. 

I believe we are still in the same town, i will DM you the details of some of the local clubs who will be happy to have you :) (i would have been the fangirling luke skywalker if it had been me )

TITH, I picked up some new chaos goodies for a diorama, but I ay have ignored my L&T work in order to work on my Sons of Horus (which are weirdly unrelated at the moment).

Still got a head to do and the feed lines for the moritat.


Post Scriptum:

Alright, got a question for thee! I'm stuck on a head option for a Terminator lord/Praetor, so, any thoughts?


Edited by Vykes

#3 make the model look more fluid & flowing as though he's finishing the swing of the hammer, the other two look a bit stilted... almost like the hammer should be an axe thats being ripped backwards to clear what its been stuck in.

TiTHI changed my username. I decided I was a bit long in the tooth to be called Flame Boy, and it was never a great name to begin with. :p

YiTHI continued painting my Big Mek in mega armour. I'm still not terribly happy with him but I'll keep at it.

TITHI finished working on my Blanchitsu tech priest for my local GW's store anniversary. It has deviated a bit from the original tarot card I drew for the event, but there's no way my converting/kitbashing would have sufficed for that. Quite pleased with it as a potential addition to the Inquisimunda Mechanicus warband I've been plotting for a while.


Viridia, I utterly love that Blanchetiite Tech priest. Asymmetrical, bestial, tech-fangled, it's perfect. Absolutely rocking!

TITH, I worked up a second pair of Russ's Wolves, worked on filing a height map for a Necrotite Stargate diorama, and finally finished my Loyalty and Treachery vow.

I wanna say I'll take a break but honestly I'm working up a bunch of Blood Angels already while some putty cures on the diorama.


Edited by Vykes

All my codices arrived...


I now have the entire 4th and 5th editions of WH40k.


Sort of. They accidentally send 3rd ed TAU, and I don't have both Tyranids. And I'm still missing a couple of supplements.


(Specifically: Cities of Death, Planetary Empires, Planetstrike, Apocalypse Reload)


I abslutely don't blame them for sending the wrong ed, I paid a token penny plus postage, and they're charities anyway that sell on Amazon.


Still a little annoying to a completionist!


Need a new goal now...



3rd is gonna be more expensive. The books go for more, and there are more of them. And I have less to begin with.


Anyone know how I can guarantee which copy of 'Nids I'd get? Is there some kind of hidden ISBN?



Also started painting the tanks I got from Conquest. Painting them on sprue this time. Trying to model some curtains, to make a baroque interior befitting the BT, because I'm weird. Also printing some interior panels because I'm a cheater.

Edited by DBadger

YITHI Helped my nephew spray up a redemptor dread and three reivers from the conquest magazine


TITHI base coated, metaled and golded (or should that be gilded:wink.: ) my newest custodes contemptor (achillus class) also finished the armour on my first smurf smash captain plus thought of a name for him "Iratus smurfius" yup angry smurf:facepalm: (what do you expect it's 5 am here lol)


Next up I'm planning on doing some work to my fun army (band of bezerkers for those moments when i don't fancy being strategic or subtle) and getting my hands on the new abaddon model

YITH, had a great time at Salute - picked up some cool bits for various things (a great 'grab bag' from Anvil!), some stuff for modeling and painting generally (some fluorescent paints and weathering pigments), and was great to catch up with Dragonlover too! 

Today in the hobby I finished painting my last poxwalker. Every Death Guard model I own is now painted and ready for basing.


I'm pretty excited - I've been in the hobby for 18 years and this is the closest I've ever come to having a fully painted army battle ready!

TITHI finished Primaris Ezekiel:



Today in the Hobby I fought 2 knight armies...


... I don't want to talk about it. I want to drink. 

Welcome to the club of "People Whose Day has been ruined by Knight Armies".

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