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I recently discovered the existence of Resione Tough 74 resin, which is a purpose-made resin for making action figures from; not only is it extremely hardwearing, but it also doesn't "powder" with friction. I've got some coming in the post and to that end am trying to design a fully printable* 1/18 Firstborn Space Marine to go with JoyToy's figures. This is what I have so far, currently just blocking in details; note that the head and shoulder pad are placeholders as they are not my files, and are just there for scale/reference. I'm planning on doing the actual head to resemble the 2E "angry" helmets, as it's not massively different designwise from modern Mk. 7 but just different enough to be interesting.





*Aside from 1mm wire to reinforce joints.

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My little bits of hobbying for the last few days
Friday - priming!!!  



I know not htat exciting for many but for me this is actual progress/getting over the hump of building stuff to actually being able to paint things!

That should keep me going for a good little while. Random Necron added side project / tester

(I also found a half finishd box of grots I've added to the painting pile)

Finished the last details from the second termagants squad.



Started basing the termagants - base colour and  initial technical paint layer.

tonight will hopefully see these finished and varnished 

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So this weekend I finished off my parasite and tyrannofex and started work on my cat cops. 




What I found funny is that my colour scheme for my guard, but with the scheme for my wolves' weapons equals the colour palette of the MegaKat City Enforcers from SwatKats. Which i was going to paint them as anyway, but tickled me that it ended that way. 

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Scored a bunch of terminator bits someone at the local GW was just gonna throw away.  Assault Cannon, Heavy Flamer, captain combiweapons, pfists and chainfists for days.  Been planning to grab a starter set, possibly split it with a friend that's interested in starting 'nids or build an opposition force for quick pickup games of Boarding Action.  There'll be weapons for converting the captain, adding a chainfist to the squad (I know it's not good, but I liked to have one in there for flavor), and magnetizing the assault cannon guy with a heavy flamer option.

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TITH I converted an Intercessor into a Devastator using a Lascannon from the Heresy Heavy Weapons Kit.  I'd been intending to do it for a while but I finally found/made an excuse today.  I'm taking a technical writing class at the local community college and had to write an instruction manual for something, so I decided to write instructions on how to do that conversion - which involved going through it myself to make sure my ideas actually worked.


I think I said in here that the arms ended up being a little too short and I was going to have to lengthen them.  I ended up cutting them under the pauldron to insert a 1mm plasticard spacer, so the conversion is essentially hidden and didn't need any sculpting over.  I'll post pics and the final draft of the instructions here later, sometime next week I suppose.

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Not a lot from me - only managed about 15 minutes each day the last few days. chipping away at the little jobs. Basing done on the gaunts but till need to varnish them then add a bit static grass etc

I have also 'provisioned' a 4l really useful box (stolen from my garage where it was being used for a load of random knick knacks). Cleaned it out a bit ready to make a magnetic storage box for the models I am currently working on.

The next bit after that will be figuring out where I can then store that easily for access without it cluttering up the living room

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I looked at my growing pile of Death Korp of Krieg resin models and decided that would put off any work on them, again. Maybe tomorrow will be different...

Edited by Pulse
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