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Today in the hobby I....


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Finished assembling and converting a wraithknight. Made some new warpwanes to match the eldar titans and shaved some 40 ish of the small bumps off to make a cleaner model.


Started snipping a death company box and a tactical squad off its sprues and washed and started cleaning a mk iv squad.


Plan on making a 5 man death company, 5 man assault and a 10 man tactical squad out of them.

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Today in the hobby I...


...had an unexpected conversational segway as a discovery of and discussion about Forgeworld prices on my fiance's part led into cutting down our wedding guest list and other wedding related itinerary so that we could better afford our separate fandoms and hobbies.


I don't know what just happened but, uh, thanks Forgeworld for putting the finances of a wedding in check?


Now all I need to do is convince her to let us honeymoon in August so that I can get in on next year's ETL :wink:
Edited by The_Chaplain
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Finally bit the bullet and ordered a DV librarian from eBay. I'm broke, but it's so cheap! Now I'm trying to resist the bikers. I've been jonesing to get the Ravenwing Command Squad box and the Dark Vengeance RW bikers are closer to that aesthetic than regular bikers, so I might actually use them for a command squad to flesh it out. Has anyone tried mixing them in to see how they look? 

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Today in the hobby...


Finally placed an order (and paid) for a Lucius Titan.


Too bad its a present for a buddies wedding...just you wait until everybody shows up with pans and dishes and he sees the Titan...


Also got an Imperial Knight and some FW goodies for myself :tongue.:


oooooh, I'm getting married next year.......now to find friends like you.....



And Mr. Chinese delivered just this weekend the goodies!


Anyone wanna bet what my friend's face will be when he starts pulling out bagged-resin pieces...and finally realizes its a Titan? :P


Also washed my Imperial Knight kit and started assembling...first full resin kit ever assembled and I'm scared stupid with snapping some part when re-posing some minor warps with hot water...


Boy am I enjoying it :)

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Today in the hobby I...


...used up my first round of paint pots since I returned from a decade-long hiatus.  This is also the first time I've exhausted a pot, rather than have it dry up on me - but that may be due more to Citadel improving the design of their pots over the past ten years than any increased fervency on my part.  :tongue.:

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Today in the hobby I...


...used up my first round of paint pots since I returned from a decade-long hiatus.  This is also the first time I've exhausted a pot, rather than have it dry up on me - but that may be due more to Citadel improving the design of their pots over the past ten years than any increased fervency on my part.  :tongue.:


I doubt it. They still dry out like crazy... Congrats! I've never done that either in all my 25 years of painting. Come close but never scraped the bottom. 

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Don't worry, my insanity is a gift from the dark gods. (I am super excited about the ETL, insane in a good way, although the penance vow I just made means there may be casualties).

Edited by Teetengee
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