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Today in the hobby I....


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I was given a lot of Chaos Space Marine miniatures-mostly Khorne beserkers and BP/CCW CSMs (I can make 75 guys), 2 DV Helbrutes and a Maulerfiend in horrific disrepair.  I'm sort of beside myself, having Rage-Quit chaos a bit ago and then my friend chuck was like "Hey man, my son didn't want these chaos minis, he's switching to slaanesh noise marines,"


So now I got Chaos again.  Well this time, I pretty much don't have an option but to go close combat, like I originally intended.  LOL.

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Today I got to use my new air brush set up and got two Rhinos and a Storm Talon base coated really fast. I no longer dread dealing with vehicles!


Also, I managed to get 29 Death Korps infantry off EBay to start collecting them as an allied force to my Minotaurs. Forge World's loss since they refuse to get their molds fixed. (Moulds for our friends across the pond who like all those extra U's ;) )

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(couple of days ago) Spent too long posting on the forums while on the loo. I was so focused on my post I didn't notice I hadn't changed position on the toilet seat for like 10 minutes, and when I stood up my legs were completely numb and I collapsed, smashing my forehead into the doorknob!


Mega pins and needles too, haha.

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I beat cron flying circus with pure khorne list. (Warp storm table  took out one of them and 5+ crons second turn right after the flyers all came on (total of 5 sixes to hit on the enemy). Slaanesh believe it or not.)

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