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A Collective History: The Tyranic Wars, Crusade Era, 30k


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This is an unmolested Topic for the Alternative Heresy: The First Tyranic War.  Everything here will be pure Fluff of my own making with guidence and suggestions made on the other topic for just that. Please do not post on here as i want to Organize this in a efficient manner so that others can use it if they so choose.  Please do not post this on other Forums either as I want it to be B&C exclusive project.
I will try my best to Organize this in a way that's easy to navigate as it gets larger.








These are my notes taken during long hours and days of research into a recently opened File system deep within the heart of the Imperial Palace.  All events here are written as I myself have interpreted them for later dissemination of the reader or readers. Any mistakes are my own or failing that my transio servitor.  I am aided only by a few of my most trusted servants and associates, which due to the nature of this work, will remain unnamed.  This great endeavor I undertake is to illuminate those with sufficient clearance to the happenings of those dark times and to take heart from them to continue the war of survival or grant any knowledge it may possess a pone the reader.  I have hoped to describe events in great detail but as with such large events, many things have been lost or never written down.  Any gaps in continuity are simply unavailable at the time and will be filled in as i dig deeper into this File system or pull from other readily available sources.


As always, anyone caught reading or distributing this material without proper clearance will suffer Inquisitorial Mind scrubbing, termination, rendered into a servitor, and/or Inducted into a front line Penal Legion battalion.


Thought of the Day: Illumination is knowledge, Knowledge is Power, Power is Illumination.

Lord Inquisitor,


++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++=End Log=++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

"Towards the middle of the Emperors Crusades across the galaxy a growing darkness begins to seep out from the gallactic edges. The Warp begins to churn with warp storms and along the galactic fringes aliens and long lost empires begin disappearing or fleeing into newly conquered space. The Entities of the Warp in all there malice and might are but blinded and confounded before they turn from their interests of our galaxy and the Emperor. It is the beginning of the growing darkness, a new Dark Age, one which most have not encountered before, many will not live through, and none will see the end of in there life time. In the deep voids of space the dark comes, an all consuming hunger. There will be no respite and no mercy, only the eternal war for survival."
The Missing Legions: These Legions are just that "Missing" I will not guess if they feel a foul of the Chaos gods, Nids, or anything else. The Imperium has written them off as destroyed. Subsequently records of them and there home-worlds where either lost or destroy over time or are hidden somewhere no one has looked. They are forgotten as a tragedy best not dwelled on and have no part of the story to be. (If you wish to have one of these legions, be my guest, I'm just leaving them a blank slate because i cant be bothered and it leaves the door open for others.)

Magnus and his Thousand Sons: The thousand sons Are the smallest Legion having never numbered much more than 10000. Early in the Legions history a genetic corruption was found that regrettably caused crippling and more often fatal mutation in many aspirants during there transformation to Astarte's. This caused the Thousand Sons to be and still remain the smallest Legion to date. With the finding of Magnus, his genetic material along with the awesome intellect of the emperor repaired most of this genetic corruption. While the Legion was most safe from self destruction its numbers had become woefully understrength compare to what was required. To make up for this "small" number of Legionnaires the legion boosts their numbers artificially with specialist cybernetic and genetic augmented gen-stock battle servitors created by the Mechanicus and consented by the Emperor. These Artificial Astarte's although found to be effective have several drawbacks and complications which require a true Thousand Son Astarte's present to lead and guide them. If this is not available or taken away they will fall back to programmed subroutines or quit functioning until further instruction due to the A.I. limiters put on machines/Servitors. These are often referred to as Rubic Marines or Automaton Marines. Many of the Thousand sons although have inherited there Gen-sir's Psychic might. This has cause their relationship to be strained with many within the growing Imperium which many see them as little more than sorcerers of Old Night or worse. Despite this The thousand sons having proved to be true Astarte's they have been found wanting by their critic's and censured by the Emperor himself in the use of their Psychic powers at Nikaea. Magnus pleaded his case valiantly but ultimately looked to lose. In the high reaches of the Hall a real and present threat became evident to the Emperor and Magnus at almost the same time as a remembrancer, Space wolf, and Custodian guard battled what apeared to be a Thousand Son. The Emperor seeing this Thousand Son for what it was reacted quickly. The Emperor Using his God like might subdued and restrained this "Thousand Son" with little more than a thought and it was brought before him and Magnus. Little is known now of what happened but after this the Thousand Sons where a changed Legion. No longer did they follow all knowledge unquestioningly and those tombs and books that where collected on Prospero and other holdings deemed "forbidden" where destroyed by fire under the watchfull eye of the Custodian guards by Rubic Marines.

The Librarian program was dealt a blow as well, with every psychic Astarte being gruelingly tested and future members to put through sanctioned training in their abilities. Those that were to take these tests and failed invariably died as a result.

Magnus has seen much of the times to come and although restrained in his powers he has seen horror coming and a secret he may well wish he had not discovered for from it may come his and his Legions doom.

All is dust…
How prophetic those words seem now.
A wise man from ancient Terra said them, or words just like them. I wonder if he was gifted as I am. I say gifted, but with every passing day, I come to regard my powers as a curse.
I look out from the top of my tower, over a landscape of madness and storms of impossible energies, and I remember reading those words in a crumbling book on Terra. Over the centuries, I read every one of the texts from the forgotten ages that filled the great libraries of Prospero, but I do not think I really understood them until today.
I can feel it drawing near with every breath, every heartbeat.
That I still have either is a miracle, especially now.
It is coming to try and kill me, of course. I can feel it's anger. The power it now has is unknown to us. Power is fleeting, some say, but not this power.
Once acquired it can never be given back; hunger.
Its abilities are like nothing else wielded by man. It could kill me from the other side of the galaxy, but it will not.
It behaves to others as it expects to be treated.
That is its undoing.
I know what It has done. It thinks I have discovered its secrets, but I have not. Truly, I have not. None of our cabal have but we did everything we could to help save our brothers.
This is the greatest tragedy of the Thousand Sons. They will call us weak, but such an irony will go unrecorded, even in the lost books of Kallimakus. We have remain loyal, as we have always been.
What will history say of the Thousand Sons?
It will destroyed my Legion: The Legion I love, the Legion that saved me. It will destroy the Legion I tried to save.
Ah, but before it comes to destroy me, I do still have hope.


Prospero- Magnus the Red

"There are no beginnings and no endings, especially upon worlds of the Great Ocean. Past, present and future are one, and time is meaningless.  To talk of destiny and fate is foolish. Time, causality, the observer and the observed; we must treat our assumptions on all these matters with suspicion. We think of the past causing the future, but must that be so?"


-Ahzek Ahriman: Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons

Lorgar and the WordBearers: Updated to go along with current work in progress 2/12/14
  Forty-Seven Ten; Monarchia: The Ultramarines and the Wordbearers fall a pone the world and find the worship of the Emperor corrupted into what is then unknown: A genestealer Cult. The Wordbearers are chastised by the Emperor and the Ultramarines purge the planet of the cult and its "alien" leaders. The Wordbears are bitterly hurt but learn a valuable lesson. Many continue to secretly worship the Emperor as a deity, but others within the Legion bitterly take a darker path and begin to worship the old gods of there home world, gradually turning to chaos and holding meetings in private "Lodges" of there own making hidden and far from even the Primarchs attention. Erebus and Kor Phaeron become the most notably ringleaders of this dark change of heart within the legion. During a miscalculated attempt to sway Lorgar towards the gods of chaos during a confrontation by Erebus goes wrong as Lorgar's initial shock by Erebus's insinuations and twist of words turns into absolute horror at the realization of how far the High Chaplain has truly fallen. To compound his horror he quickly realizes that Erebus is not alone in his beliefs after Erebus being rebuked by Lorgar attempts to assassinate Lorgar with the backing of his old Mentor Kor Pharon and marines in terminator armor loyal to his cause. Wounded terribly by a psychic blast and bolt rounds, Argel Tal manages to lead a defense of Lorgar with the help of the Serrated Sun Chapter and deal Kor Pharon a seemingly mortal wound. Lorgar is convinced that a cancer has grown within his legion and maybe many others.

  In the confrontation and horror to come the WorldBearers tear each other apart as Lorgar attempts to cleans the rot within his legion. The
result is bloody and loses of the internal legion cival war are high, but Erebus and Kor Phaeron Escape with many Legion ships full of disloyal Word Bearers. Sending a warning to other legion Lodges, they flee to the outer unmapped portions of the galaxy and known warp rifts becoming something a much more powerful and corrupt enemy of the Imperium over time.

  Lorgar and the reduced Legion later being sent a mandate from Terra to lead a reinforce and recovery mission to the Istvaan system are unable to follow the traitors to seak retribution and mark their armor dark red along with their standard grey as a symbol of their shame, oaths of vengance, and continued faith to the Emperor.


On Kor Phaeron:
"I hate him. He wears that armour as a shield for one thousand weaknesses. I hate him, brother. Impurity cannot be forgiven.’
-Xaphen:Chaplain 7th Assault Company:

Angron and the World Eaters: Angron and his band of Gladiators are saved by the Emperor. The Emperor fights along side Angron at Desh'ea. Angron With his Eaters of Cities along with The Emperor and a large contingent or his Custodes Body guard lay waste to much of the Army sent to destroy them. Simultaneously the Warhounds strike the hives and cities of the planet. whole populations are extinguished by blade and bolter. What is left of the army that confronted Angron and the Emperor flees to find no where to run to and are destroyed. Gladiatorial Slaves that are set free or break free turn on their captures. The world is drowned in blood over the next week.
Angron and the other slaves Nails can not be removed without killing them nor would they allow them to be removed. But with so many of the Devices now readily available to study by the Emperor and the Mechanicus a remedy of sorts is discovered. A limiter is Installed into the device. Initial attempts at this vary in success. Eventual success is achieved rapidly. The Emperor Forbids these devices to be used again although over time many Warhounds under go the surgery.
Many of the Slave Gladiators in which Angron led live and those that can be come Astartes undergo initiation testing and indoctrination. Those to Old or Female become proto-marines and/or weapons/battle Instructors.
Angrons planet is left desolate. Any and all materials recoverable are removed. Any survivors of the ruling class are sentenced to become servitors for the Legions fleet. The Irony of this is not Lost on Angron. Six months after The Emperors fleet arrives He leaves not only with one of his sons but with bolstered and fully resupplied fleets and Legion. Angron's home world is left a corpse-world and declared "exterminatus."
With the death of his home-world Angron promptly changes the Honorific of the Warhounds to that of the WorldEaters, in honor of their unwavering slaughter of those that enslaved him and his brothers/sisters.

"Of all my Son's it is you Angron that makes we want to weep, you that this world has so mutilated not in body but in mind. I do not say this from pity, but from the love of a father that has failed you, from what should have been, what could have been, and what may have forever been taken from you. The only thing I know you crave more than this, Peace. For this they will learn the error of there ways and the concequences of there actions one and all...."

-The Emperor -The planes of Desh'ea

The Latter Crusade Events: Prelude to the rising storm.(post Ullanor)

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Horus Lupercal and The Sons of Horus
  Whilst many were resentful of Horus' new title of Warmaster, there are none who could doubt the fresh string of victories - Ullanor, Sixty-Three Nineteen, Murder. Even at the Interex empire, where the Sons of Horus watched peace talks break down, none bore a heavier heart than Horus Lupercal.  Shortly after the bulk of the legion was called back to the Imperial colony on Davin in response to an emergency  transmission, where they found the once arid moon covered in great marshes and an unknown, deathless enemy. Whilst his Sons fought these creatures, Horus himself fought his way to the very center of the cancer and the sight there shocked him to his core.  Before him stood the once planetary governor, now huge and bloated, and impossibly - an athanme of the Interex. Before Horus could react to this the creature attacked, and yet even in his new form, the once-man could not hope to best a Primarch.  Broken and dying the traitor confessed of how Erebus had given him the blade and how it had whispered horrors into his mind slowly corrupting him and driving him mad.


  Back aboard the Vengeful Spirit,  Horus tried to locate and bring Erebus and his Word Bearers to question but they had by then fled and in doing so implemented their guilt. Enraged Horus informs Lorgar and he is horrified that the Old Faith remains in his Legion, and this changes quickly from shock to rage when he confronts Erebus and Kor Phaeron and seeing he will not be swayed attack him. Repainting his armor in crimson to show his Fury, Lorgar prepares to bring his Legion to bear against their traitor brothers, but before he can, the Nids arrive.


  A small few members of the Legion also corrupted within by the secret lodges join the Word Bearers, to the shame of Horus and the Legion. After this event Horus proclaimed his remaining Legionnaires true sons to him and changed the Old Legion title of "Lunar Wolves" to "The Sons of Horus" in honor of there loyalty to him and the Imperium. For their part, the newly named Sons of Horus continue on in the Great Crusade, shaken by the concept of Traitor Marines, but stronger in the face of the biological nightmares to come.


Sanguinius and the Blood Angels

  Horus hearing of potentially dire event in the Signus system sends Sanguinius and the Blood Angels Legion to Investigate and restore The Imperial Truth. This however turns out to be a system wide Chaos incursion,  planned by Erebus' rebels as part of an iconoclastic revolution, but now a last ditch hope to turn a legion to the side of Chaos. The Blood Angels survive, but only just, and discover in themselves a great flaw - a Red Thirst. Horrified, they are eager to make amends for their depravity against the newest threat: the Nids, only to discover that in a few individuals the flaw now runs even deeper.


  Before battle some Legionnaires begin to suffer bouts of insanity, reliving past battles from memories, sometimes not even their own or battles never fought. These deluded and desperate warriors are formed into Death Companies,which in the throws of their insanity induced rages sunder all before them.   All those who survive the battle and do not come back to their senses are granted release from their living nightmares by Sanguinius himself wherever possible.  For those that come back to reality and fight off the insanity with iron will and stubbornness to cling on are changed becoming much more and far less than what they once where.

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7. FULGRIM and the Emperors Children.
In the Laer Temple he doesn't take the sword, he simply kills the xenos. Later, when Eldrad meets with him and tries to warn him of the Horus Heresy he still kills the Farseer's retinue but without his Chaos power he loses most of the Phoenix Guard, which makes him bitter and strongly anti-xenos. When the Tyranids enter, Alien-Hating Fulgrim leads the assault but loses many to his unwillingness to abandon ground(Istvan 3/5). Fabius with a few other Senior and not so senior Emperors Children begin Genetic Manipulation on themselves using sourced DNA from Erebus .(Tyranid) The resultant abominations and mutations can not be concealed for long. Fabius, his supporters and his abominations flee before the wrath of Fulgrim.

PETURABO and the Iron Warriors: Updated to go along with current work in progress 2/12/14
  Simply having the Imperium acknowledge his skill - he and his Iron Warriors are tasked not just with sieges and fortifying missions, but
are also called upon for great innovations and testing of new technology. When the Tyranids appear his Iron Warriors fight and they
build fortresses and research labs along the Imperium. Notable Delaying actions from they're many Fortresses are The battle for Istvan V, Tallarn, Battle for the Sharden Hold, and the Feast of Terra(Battle for Terra.) Although Paranoid and Rivals of the Imperial
Fists still they become close to the Mechanicum and the Iron Hands Legion after later events tat cement pacts in battle and mutual benefit.


Salamanders/iron hands/ Raven guard: Updated to go along with current work in progress 2/12/14
  The same as normal up till Istvaan III in which the are formed in a join Legion responce task force sent to help already engaged Legions against an massive unknown alien fleet. These Legions take the brunt of the casualties during actions in which they fight valiantly to reinforce the four present Legions, but are overwhelmed by the shear numbers and calamity.

  The battles in the Istvaan system was decisively not in Horus's favor. The might of the largest Nid fleet to be offically identified at that
date and having been bolstered by the consumption of much of the Istvaan system and previous systems the losses suffered to the legions at Istvaan V mount as legionairs are lost in battle on the planet and in space plus the consideral loses incured during the disasters that befell the Istvaan V battle and subsequent forced order to withdraw that was given as the situation became untenable.

This also helps me with a bit of the fluff for these two massive events.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Night Haunter and the NightLords: Updated to go along with current work in progress 2/12/14
  After a confrontation with Dorn over atrocities committed by the NightLords, NightHaunter is knocked unconscious and his humbled before fellow legionnaires before forced to return to Terra for censor. On Terra The Emperor helps to release NIghtHaunter from some of the pain and burden of his ghastly visions of the future and given a chance at redemption. He is given a prophicy of his own from his father: Stay the NightHaunter, a monster, and loss everything including his mind, or to
rise to his true purpose and become who he is supposed to be, Konrad Curze, Primarch.

  With Help from his First Captain, Night Haunter is no more, and sets on the path of organizing and setting his own Legion on this new path. Many refuse to bend their knee to the new Primarch's cause and are mercilessly culled from its ranks. Many senior Legionares are put to the sword for defience and those able flee from their legion as dogmatic selfishness, or realization that the Legion is no longer a home for their sinister desires flee to become renegades of their Leion and the
Imperium. It is estimted that a full 1/3 of the legion fleed of where culled in this manner. With the rot nutralized or contained within his own Legion, they now walk a pon a new path but are still mistrusted by many other Legions and over the coming conflict will be tested from without as well as within.



Major Event 1:  Cheraut system Confrontation.

Curze, Strode away from Dorn hauling one of the few remaining prisoners upright. He picked up a fallen bolt pistol and thrust the gun into the prisoner's trembling hands.
Curze leans down and says, 'Kill me.'
The terrified man shakes his head, the weapon shakes in his hands.
'No?' says Curze. 'Why not?'
The prisoner tries to speak, but is so terrified by the proximity of the primarch his words were unintelligible.
'Are you afraid you will be killed?'
The man nods and Curze addresses his warriors, 'No one harms this man. No matter what happens, he is not to be punished.'
Curze turns and walks back towards Dorn with his arms stretched out to either side of him presenting his back to the prisoner.
No sooner had he turned away than the gun had been raised and the hard crack of a bolter shot split the air as the explosive shell ricochets from Curze's armor.

Curze spun on his heel to smash the prisoner's skull to splinters with his fist but with blinding speed Dorn catches Curzes Fist before it lands within his own stony grip.
"You asked for THIS!  YOU!  Your words, he is not to be punished! That includes you brother!" Roars Dorn
'You see,' says Curze
'And what was that supposed to prove what?' asked Dorn, his features contorted in barely restrained rage.
'That any chance mortals get they will choose the path of dissent. When he thought he would be punished, he dared not shoot, but the moment he believed himself free from consequence, he acted.'
'We lay waste to his planet, YOU kill his comrades and friend in front of him. What man would not?,' said Dorn

Curze tries to turn away from him before he could elaborate, but the Imperial Fists' primarch holds his arm firmly.

'Your warriors will stand down and withdraw, Curze. That is an order, not a request. Leave this planet. Now.'
Dorn's eyes are as hard as granite and Curze knew he had pushed his brother far enough.

'When this campaign is won, you will answer for your actions.  You have crossed the line and I will no longer countenance your barbarous methods of war.

You and your Legion will be brought before the Emperor to explain yourselves.
'No,' says Curze, angrily shrugging off Dorn's grip. 'You think these people will bend the knee meekly to us because we show compassion? Mercy is for the weak and foolish. It will only breed corruption and eventual betra.....

With a swiftness none could see Rogal Dorn, Primarch or the Imperial Fists Legion, struck Curze with a savage blow from his powerfist.

Curze caught unaware sails backwards towards the stunned onlookers landing in an armored unconscious heap in front of the stunned prisoner still holding the bolt pistol he had been given to murder Curze just a short while ago.

Dorn looked to the man trembling with the bolt pistol still in his grip.  " Do you still wish vengeance?  If so kill him now, but be warned, Vengeance is a two sided sword.  Vengeance does not come with out a price."

The man points the bolt pistol at Curzes slumped form shaking with effort.

Dorn looks at the man knowingly "I will warn you, not even I know what would happen if you where to kill him.  Many may agree with your action, but I do not think his Legion would look kindly on you or this world if you where to kill him in cold blood.

I would not be able to stay there wrath here nor the rest of your world if they so choose to take vengeance for there loss.  As i said Vengeance is a two sided sword, choose carefully"

The life of Cruze held in the hands of the prisoner for several seconds before he dropped the bolt pistol the the dusty ground.

"I can not" the prisoner says as he sobs uncontrollably into his own hands.

Dorn looked from the man to the surrounding Night Lords

"There is your lesson, remember it well!  This murder and destruction will stop!  In the name of the Emperor you will pay  for these crimes you have committed once we return to Terra.  The emperor will make final judgment on all of you. Mercy is not for the weak, but the cost of vengeance is most assuredly for the fool. Fear is not enough to quell the strength of men. Remember that well. Take my brother an be gone from this planet and when my brother wakes tell him of what happened here and that he is ordered to make ready to meet our father back on Terra....."

Situation change 2: NightHaunter

the door to his chamber – his prison – slid open and a warrior in gleaming, midnight-blue armor entered. Through the door, he could see the purple-armored figures of Fulgrim’s Phoenix Guard, their golden halberds and copper scale cloaks glittering in the wan light of the star-fort.
Dorn and Fulgrim were taking no chances with his confinement.

‘Sevatar,’ the Night Haunter says to the staring warrior. ‘You shouldn’t be here.’

‘My lord,’ the First Captain says to his father.
‘You shouldn’t be here,’ the primarch says again. He was Curze now, no longer simply the Night Haunter. He stands in midnight clad, in reflection of his son. His hands are barbed by the murderous scythe-length claws constructed for him in the laboratory-forges of distant Mars. ‘Tell me why you came.’

‘What kind of question is that?’ Sevatar leans on his spear, the chainblade resting on the rockcrete. ‘You are my primarch, father."

‘Because I am your primarch.’ Curze shakes his head, his smile as dark as his deeds. ‘And I lead a Legion of foul-hearted wretches with no sense of loyalty to me, or to each other.’

Sevatar shrugs, with a grind of armour joints. ‘And yet, I am so very popular among my brothers. The mystery of it all fascinates me.  Why do you dwell on these moments, lord? What calls you back to the past, when the future is still threatened?’

‘That’s why I enjoy your company so much, Sevatar. You tell the driest jests. ‘What news?’ asks Curze

Sevatar scowls. ‘I’ve gathered the Legion, Lord Curze.’

‘The Kyroptera stand ready once more. I intend to lead the bulk of our forces to Terra.

"The rest will dissolve into the void, harassing supply lines, burning worlds, carving fresh skinning pits at the heart of cities. Just like the old days."

‘The Master of the Fists sends ah, word, my lord. A lesser being than a primarch would he dead thrice over with the wounds you where dealt by him.’
Curze returns his gaze to the tracts of stars beyond the skin of the station, all too aware of the severity of his wounds, still feeling them within his own body.
‘Then I must await the judgement of my peers, is that it?’
‘With respect, my lord, you did draw the wrath of your brother Primarch.’

In truth he had little memory of what had occurred after Dorn’s damning blow... the present had faded and the future had seized his mind with agonising visions of a galaxy locked in a cycle of unending war where the alien, the mutant and the rebel arose to feast on the rotting carcass of the Imperium.

This then was the future the Emperor was creating? This was the ultimate destiny of a galaxy where the fear of punishment was not the agent of control.

‘Then this is the moment you foresaw?’ Sevatar asks

"No"  Curze admits unguarded.

‘My sources tell me there is talk, and not idle talk, of recalling the Legion to Terra to account for our methods of war.’ says Curze

‘Then what is our course, my lord?’ asks Sevatar

‘Ready our ships, captain,’ said Curze. ‘We return to Terra.’
‘You have been ordered to remain in seclusion, my lord,’ pointed out Sevatar.

'When have i ever been in anything else Sevatar?"

Terra: Judgement:

He was waiting for them.

The god stepped forwards, his arms open wide. He drew breath to speak.
The first syllable struck the Night Haunter with the force of a spear through the heart. He went to his knees, gasping for breath that wouldn’t come, saliva stringing from his bared teeth.

His whole life rushed out in a torrent,burning, images of murder hammering against the back of his eyes.

He felt a hand on his head. The pain died in a pulse, restoring his sanity in a moment of mercy.

The Night Haunter looked up, to see the Emperor, his Father, resolve into the image of a man.

‘Be at peace, Konrad Curze. You have arrived, and I intend to rectify this situation one and for all’

The Night Haunter reached up to rake his sweaty hair back from his gaunt features.

"I know full well what you intend for me.’

"You do not my son!" The words coming forth from the Emperor in not only physically but as a psykic bow wave.

Curze staggers under the power unleashed.

"These visions have mislead you. You think you are the only one that can peer into the possible futures?  The future is never set my son.  Head me now, You who have taken up the mantle of Judge which is now under judgment.  You will stop this insanity, you will bring your legion to heel, and you will stop these slaughters in my name and the Imperiums.  Your Brother has taught you a valuable lesson, learn from it.

Your visions have been subverted, If you do not break this path these visions have set you on you will lose all you wished for and all you have.  Temper your vengeance with wisdom.  Set your priorities in order and push back the dark you so dispised as a child, do not become that darkness. This will be the only warning i give you Konrad.

I have already lost sons, I do not wish to lose another."

‘That is not my name, father. My people gave me a name, and I will bear it until my dying day.’

"That is as much a lie as it is the truth my son. There is a future for Konrad Curze but only madness and the loss of everything for the NightHaunter.  That is the future I have seen for you. Choose wisely."

Epiloge: Konrad Curze

The Night Haunter turned, seeing a figure clad in ceramite the colour of clean midnight, the armour plates cracked by painted lightning. The warrior stood alone, watching in silence, his black eyes never judging, never accusing.
‘Sevatar,’ the Night Haunter said to the staring warrior. ‘You shouldn’t be here.’

"I get that a lot father" Sevatar reply's with a smile.

‘Lord?’ he asked after several silent minutes had gone by.
‘Speak, Sev.’
‘Why do you hate us?’ He asked it quietly, carefully, with no hint of offence or malice. The words still stopped Curze in his tracks, causing him to turn.

Sevatar spoke just as casually as before. ‘Why are you the only primarch to hate his own Legion? What have we done to you?’

‘Look around you,’ Curze said.

Were my people happy? Did that even matter? I made these people human, despite their feral drives. I made them civilised, despite their baser instincts. I raised them above the level of beasts. That was my responsibility to them, as a superior being. And I fulfilled it.’

. ‘And see how my people rewarded me. I was gone only a handful of years before everything soured. My own homeworld poisoned my Legion with recruits who were worthless as soldiers. Rapists. Murderers. Thieves. The scum. The dregs. The detritus.’
Sevatar almost laughed. ‘Sire, you are no different. The Legion is disorderly and vile because it is cast in your image.’
‘No.’ Curze drenched the single syllable in regret. ‘No, you don’t understand. I’ve never claimed to be perfect, Sevatar. But I became the sinner, the monster, the Night Haunter, so my people would never have to.

And look at the result. Look at the recruits from Nostramo, less than a decade after I departed. Look at the filth they sent me. Look at the disgusting dregs of humanity my own Apothecaries infused with my genetic material and reforged into transhumans.

The Eighth is poisoned, Sev.  Generations of men who are murderers in my image, yet devoid of my conviction. They are killers and abusers because they want to be, not because someone had to be.’

This will not stand, by the Emperors Decree and now my own. Those that will not fall in line will be dealt with.  I will no have the VIII Legion become a byword for carnage and as sadists like some damnable Orks.  Gather the Legion Sevatar, we are going home.  It is past time I dealt with this problem and cut out the cancer in our Legion....."

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Alpharius and the Alpha Legion: Updated to go along with current work in progress 2/12/14
  After Ulanor Alpha Legion operatives, mostly humans and a few Astartes, are corrupted during the first contacts with Genestealer Cults due to lack of understanding. With their gene-code in the hands of the Tyranids and therefore compromised the Alpha Legion suffer a series of crippling defeats during the first few years of the war - in fact many reports and vid captures seem to prove that Alpharius was killed and his body seemingly lost, but later seemed to be seen leading his legion. However with their numbers shattered and their gene-code compromised the legion is withdrawn from 'front-line' duties - instead Alpharius leads his legion further down the road of Stealth and Subterfuge - the Alpha Legion soon becomes an infiltration/counter-espionage/surgical strike force, to the point that its elite 'Deathwatch' Veteran Squads are often later requested to fight alongside other legions and a fledgling organization known as the "Inquisition."

Substantial remain strength of the Legion take part in the fleet defenses around Prospero and Istvaan V respectfully.


Dark Mechanicus: The sleeping Dragon awakened.

  A number of Imperial worlds suddenly fall silent - their last transmissions speaking of impossible pylons and improbable ships rising from the ground. The reports are troubling, but for now the Imperium considers the Crusade of greater concern.
Soon though, ships appear above Mars without tripping a single sensor in the Sol system. Panic sets in as the alien fleet begins to destroy all before it and as Necron troops deploy onto the surface. They are the Moirae Dynasty - renegades who have decided that in the face of the new Tyranid threat they must turn once more to the C'tan. They succeed in locating and awakening the great Void Dragon - last unbroken C'tan - and his revival causes massive upheaval across the Red Planet.


  Having claimed their prize the Necrons and their fleet retreat and begin to build a new empire on the edges of Imperial space. But worse is yet to befall the Mars, almost half their number see the Void Dragon's influence over their technology as proof that it, not the Emperor, is the Omnissiah. This causes and ideological war with their brothers in order to gain control of a number of ships and resources that will see them flee to their new C'tan god. With them turn many Titan's of various Legions and whole sell destruction and battle ensues on the surface of Mars.
Sorely pressed Mars requests help from Terra and a detachment of the Imperial Fists are sent to help squash any remaining Necron and Traitor Mechanicus Forces.

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  • 8 months later...

Lion El'Jonson and The Dark Angels
  Luther along with the Dark Angels on Caliban find out about the ongoing Tyranid fighting and try to rush to Terra but are quickly embroiled in keeping the peace on Caliban as a Genestealer cult rises up to destroy and attack supply lines and settlements.The DA's on Caliban are stuck in a rapidly deteriorating gorilla war. They win many battles but not before they are cut off by a Tyranid battle-fleet and whole scale war comes to Caliban. The DA's fight like Hero Knights of old but at a great cost to the fleet and numbers. Caliban itself becomes a ruined mess and the already deadly world turns into an unlivable Death world which keeps the DA's on Caliban busily fighting for survival until the Lions returns. In the meantime the whole world turns irrevocably against them.

  The Lion comes home to find his Legion protectors fighting a war on the planet that they can not win with an alien battle fleet in orbit. Pragmatically The Lion calls for an immediate attack on the Nid fleet while the last fortress of the Dark angels repels thousands of alien organisms. Personal relays to Luther tell him to abandon the world and retreat to orbit with all available resources prior to orbital virus bombing. Luther Horrified at the prospect of his homeworld being utterly destroyed defies the Lion by raising the Fortresses Powerful Void
Shields. The Lion Enraged by Luther's defiance of his direct orders Virus bombs Caliban. The survivors within the Fortress seek protection from the biological nightmare as Caliban is ate by the bio-weapon. It is unknown as to why the Lion completes the Destruction of Caliban with the following fire storm but Caliban's already unstable tectonic crust unravels under the nightmare of fire that consumed it. Deep within the Planet a nightmare of the Neverborn is released and escapes to haunt the Dark Angels for Millennium to come.

  The Fortress of the Dark Angels protected by its giant Void shields mostly comes out of the disaster unscathed however the Dark Angels
within the Fortress are not so lucky and when brought before the Lion his wrath falls directly upon them. The Lion ordered all of the survivors executed but many within the legion disagreed with such a harsh verdict and the Lutherans where helped to escape aboard many
ships. Of these ships many where destroyed before they could escape but most slipped away into the blackness of space. Unwilling to have the situation squander any more time and resources Lion decreed they were now and forever be known as the "The Fallen", struck from Legion Record and forever hunted under penalty of death.

  No one knows how many Astarte's where set adrift in this way, many such as Luther and Cypher where said to be among the Fallen. The truth is only known by the Lion and the Dark Angels and they keep to their own secrets.. All that can be guessed at is that the number must have been substantial to have tempered the Primarch's rage at the prospect of the first legion imploding in a bloody civil war. As for the Fallen they are now Renegades of the first Legion, As to what they do with their new found status no one is sure, but they collectively call the Dark Angels under the Lion "The Unforgiven" in what they see as a grievous crime against not only their Honor, but their Legion, homeworld,and the Imperium. So the seeds of hate are scattered between what were once brothers, which over time will haunt and twist both until the end.


Roboute Guilliman and the Ultramarines:
  The thirteenth Legion spread far and wide during the Great Crusade carving from the stars a large empire within the Emperor's Realm, in the Emperors name. They became the most numerous Legion, taking far fewer casualties and conquering alien worlds and brought human held worlds into the Emperors realm. This took the thirteenth Legion to the outer
edges of the galaxy where they began running into planets that seemed to have once been teaming with life but were now nothing but dust and utterly void of life.

  Among this Desolation the Ultramarines discovered an Alien Empire called "the Tau" that spanned many light years of systems and had incorporated many other alien and human races within itself. Early attempts at communications broke down under outlandish claims by the aliens leaders. Early military victories where achieved by the Sons of Guilliman but where eventually driven back by combined alien forces and shockingly superior technology. Further contact with the alien empire was thwarted by a summons of all legion assets back to Calth for a muster of the Legion.

  The realm of Ultramar was under attack by yet unknown alien fleets uncountable. A desperate rearguard action was made by many elements of the thirteenth along with small strike forces from brother Legionnaires of the Word Bearers and World Eaters to buy time for the Legion to repel the aliens. The Ultramarines never wavered from their duties but where over match by the sheer scale of the invasion of alien ships and as such sorely pressed in their attempt to buy time at Calth.

With the timely arrival of the bulk of the World Eaters and Word Bearers around Calth the Ultramarines, under command of Guilliman himself, prepared their defenses and themselves for what later became known as one of the most horrifying battles in Imperial history.....

Jaghatai Khan and the White Scars:
  During the Great Crusade the White Scars where left ti clean up after Ullanor, hunting down and destroying the remaining fragments of the Ork empire. This took several years before finally completed. Unorthodox and Solitary in their ways of fighting, many of he transgressions and happenings of the rest of the galaxy went unknown while the White Scars
in turn were left to themselves.

  Among a few of the Legions the White Scars kept their Librarian programs active. From these still active Librarians dark dreams began to manifest of oceans teaming with void-sharks, thrashing and devouring all. Jaghatai Khan listening to his most trusted seer's and advisers pulled his legion from the worlds of engagement. Soon after or during this time psychic messages began to scream across the void varying in importance and often as not a contradiction to other messages received, yet all were equally disturbing. screams of agony telling fo the Warmasters death or worse Betrayal, Sanguinius his beautiful brother battling horrors without end, Astarte's killing each other, Betrayals and Butcheries on grand scales. Of all the messages The Great Khan took special interest in the message of his beloved brother Magnus who seemed to caught in a desperate battle on Prospero. Unable to determine which messages where truth or not Jaghatai Khan set on a course to help his dear brother Magnus in his time of need.

  Translation to Prospero was difficult and dangerous but the White Scars made remarkable time coming to their brothers aid. On arrival the White scars found Magnu's World engulfed by monstrosities of all kinds. Among the desperate defenders the 6th Legion, the Space Wolves, where fighting and tearing desperately at the enemy along with the Thousand Sons and remaining planetary defenses yet failing to halt the alien fleet. Prospero itself was a raging battle with cystic growths being thrown into its atmosphere in the millions while entire area's of the planet burned like the flames of hell. Hidden from their sensors a smaller fleet appeared suddenly with out notice with the markings of the Alpha Legion on their hulls. The alpha Legion strike force with out word launched itself into the rear of the alien fleet and receiving again a personal psychic plea for help from Magnus himself the Great Khan ordered his Legion into battle along side their fellow legion brothers. So The battle for Prospero began in earnest with the life of the Thousands Sons Legion and their home-world in the balance.

Lemon Russ and the Space Wolves
  The savages of Fenris, The wolves of the stars, The wolves of Russ. Death promised and the cold dread whispered of the Wolf Kin. The wolves of Fenris, Savage warriors and Merciless Destroyers of all that stand against the Emperor. During the Great Crusade where destruction was often a means to an end, Many dreaded to call for the aid of the commonly called "space Wolves. Where they walked Destruction and Carnage soon followed, the executioners of the Emperor, Loyal and ever ready to dependence the Emperors wraith where ever needed. Many an Imperial Commander where loath to call a pone the wolves as when let loose carnage and destruction followed. They where and are warriors of no half measures and dealt with opposition brutally and directly in the form of death. Once unleashed where unrelenting and and nonnegotiable until pacification was reached.

  So it was was until the Tyrannic invasion of the known galaxy the wolves where sent to censure their misguided brothers the Thousand Sons of Prospero. Russ the Primarch of the Space Wolves and Magnus where never close but Leman Russ did not hate his brother. Sanctioned for the breach of the Edict of Nikia, the personal responsibility of compromising the psychic shields of Terra, and the Destruction of the Emperors work, The Wolves where sent to bring Magnus before the Emperor for Judgement and if they resisted to destroy them for breaking oaths to the Emperor. As for so many of these times, unknown to Russ during warp Transit the Tyrannic Invasions had begun across the Galaxy. On countless Worlds human and alien races fought and died against these intergalactic devourers. The psycjic power unleashed by Magnus and his sons shown like
a beacon within the warp and so it was that the Thousand Sons brought its own judgement on itself ini the form of the Tyranids. The Hive Mind of a massive Tyrannic fleet sensed the psychic flare of Magnus's doing following it like a guiding light towards Prospero ready to devour all it found.

  Russ and the Wolves of Fenris fleet having reentered into real space at the edges of the Prospero system not alone in judgement of Magnus. Combat stations through out the Fenris fleet, always on high alert, blared out their warnings of alien proximity contact. Such was the size of the alien bio fleet that it unconditionally dwarfed the combined might of the wolves fleet. Russ knowing to directly assault such a fleet would be testament to suicide even for his mighty legion ordered a
lightning attack to break through a week point on the outer perimeter of the aliens fleet. In doing so the Space Wolves reached the relative safety of Prospero's fleet, orbal defenses and Star Fortresses but the cost in personal and ships where not light and many a wolf sang out his death song over coms during that time as many ships where crippled and then boarded by monstrosities of all kinds.

  The situation facing Russ in these hours where testing for even a being of his stature. Communications with Magnus where established quickly and with Russ's course of action set before him ordered the unconditional surrender of Prospero to him. Magnus and his sons where to be brought back to Terra to answer for their crimes and if they resisted authority
was for them to be put to the sword for defiance of the Emperor and the ruling counsel of Terra. With destruction looking his planet and his legion directly in the face without the aid of his brother Magnus relented to the terms. The wolves of Fenris ironically with the acceptance of these terms had turned from destroyer to defenders of Prospero.

  Long Estranged as brothers and Legions, circumstance and threat of mutual destruction, distrust and grievances of the past where set aside. The Wolves and Sons would fight together as one for the first time in many long years. Both would be tested to their Limits in order to Survive against such a formidable fleet which had descended a pone them. Which no quarter given and none asked in return, the fate of both legions would rest on the outcome of this desperate battle and both would be changed by it forever.

Rogal Dorn and the Imperial Fists:
  Rivals of the Iron Warriors the Imperial fists are called back to Terra to fortify the Imperial palace. The bulk of the Legion is delayed in the warp for considerable real space time by a sudden warp becalming until unlikely Intervention is received. This leaves much of the Legion completely unmolested and a considerable imperial force but at the same time ignorant of the calamities going on while trapped in the warp.

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