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Hey, all!

I've got my first game of 6th edition with my Death Guard in around 12 hours.

Here's my opponents list:

"chaos lords termie armour, L claws + sigil of C, com
familiar, vet, I got blood, gift of mutation mark of T.


12 marines + 2 p guns + mark of S + icon.

12 marines + 2 p guns + mark of K + icon.

10 termie vets with p fists L claws + auto cannons + mark of
T and icon.


2 helbrutes with las cannons + H. Flamers."

Now, I know I'll use my Plague-Marines to focus on his troops with the help of my Terminators and Lord (maybe, if they aren't busy), and Havoc Launchers on the Rhinos, wiping them out and making objective taking easy (hopefully winning the game). The Hellbrutes don't worry me, as I'll be using two Obliterators/a Landraider, which should be able to take them out, as well as Meltaguns in one Plague-Marine squad and the Power-Fists in each squad.
Truth be told, it's that big unit of Terminators and Lord that scares the beejesuz out of me. I know that they will either be slow moving up the field or deep-striking, and depending on which one, I'll treat them differently. I obviously can't ignore them completely, but my opponent will be hard-pressed to threaten all the objectives with them, if any at all.

I think I'll be starting with my Landraider of Terminators and Lord aggresively positioned, flanked by two Rhinos holding Plague Marines. The last Plague Marine squad will be Objective camping, supported by the two Obliterators, probably in cover.
Any hints/tips for me? Thanks in advance.


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I would think that he would deep strike with the termies and lord. Attempt to hold obj w/ the marines, and attempt to force you off objectives with the brutes.

Make sure you keep your armour as covered as you can so you don't lose early mobility and watch the cross fire.


Seems like it will be a fun game. 

Good luck.

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Hey guys,
Thanks for the replies!

He didn't actually end up fielding this list (and boy was I glad!), but I see what you mean about bunched up deep-striking and Obliterators; those Raptors never saw it coming! 

I'll be posting up the battle-report/story, so keep your eyes out for it on the Legio Morbidus sub-forum.


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