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The art of sisters


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The mouth is well within the variables allowed by human individual differences.


The midriff is the only thing to complain about on that one, other than that it was posted a few pages back. :tongue.:

I forgot about it being posted here already. Joys of long running threads: it's easy to forget what's there. :P

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Ratlings and Ogryns aren't really mutations in the usual 40k term, more like evolved into a subset of humanity as they're stable. Emperor approved, so long as they earn it in the Guard naturally :wink:


As for these art works they are really very good, the artist is clearly talented and hard working. That said I think everyone would be better off if he draw some pin up girls as he seems to want to do. Nothing wrong with that if that's what he wants of course, but I like my 40k to be a bit more than slapping some power armour on something (or skulls, purity seals etc) :tongue.:

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Isn't this how all priests of the imperial cult act? I'm genuinely asking


I thought any battle sister would have the same reaction I feigned


Being a mutant or Xenos is HERECY right? Or did I miss a memo?

Edited by Servant of Dante
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Every hospitaller started somewhere, without a single shred of battle experience.


(The fights for the last cookie don't count.)

Indeed. I have a feeling that their rather kind personalities and unending faith in the Emperor likely net them their jobs anyways.
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Except that chick in the Miriya books with the Yui-Gi-Oh name like Serenity or Verity who stops counting how many times she gave the Emperor's mercy because that makes her feel depressed. Pansy.

Miriya may be the maverick who's on every space wolf's locker poster, but at least she gets that sisters are supposed to be so brutal no heavy metal does them justice.


Edited by Knight of the Raven
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What do you expect from a character whose only purpose was to be a love interest in a black library novel?


Miriya's whole maverick thing really ticked me off though. How the hell did she make it to the rank of Celestian with such half-arsed and hair-brained plans?

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What do you expect from a character whose only purpose was to be a love interest in a black library novel?


Miriya's whole maverick thing really ticked me off though. How the hell did she make it to the rank of Celestian with such half-arsed and hair-brained plans?

Was Verity Miriya's love interest? Because at best it seemed like they were just in a kind of sibling relationship instead a possible lesbian romance.


And Miriya needed a lot of refinement. I'm not sure why some writers feel the need to make their protag a loose cannon renegade cop stereotype.

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They end the book holding hands staring into space on their way to face a new mission together, Verity having given up all of her prestige and reputation to stay with Miriya. It was blatantly obvious fanservice, and I hated it.


Miriya was... ugh. You just don't get to be a high-ranking battle sister by being a loose cannon renegade cop stereotype.


You get sent to the Repentia.


You certainly don't get given your choice of highly prestigious missions.

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They end the book holding hands staring into space on their way to face a new mission together, Verity having given up all of her prestige and reputation to stay with Miriya. It was blatantly obvious fanservice, and I hated it.


Miriya was... ugh. You just don't get to be a high-ranking battle sister by being a loose cannon renegade cop stereotype.


You get sent to the Repentia.


You certainly don't get given your choice of highly prestigious missions.

True. My rejected short for BL had lesbian back story but that was a drunken fling with a noble's wife that got the protag stuck in a dead end job while everyone else is promoted or transfered off planet leaving her as the last Arbite on that world.


Her wrecklessness was punished, not rewarded and it established her as someone human by showing a crippling flaw she fought against.


You can make people who follow the rules be interesting protags just by making them flawed and putting them through hell. At least that's my take.


And no, I didn't tell BL that the Arbite in the story was guilty of adultery. :P

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Lesbians can serve a story just fine (in my case I was using it as method of adding a Great Shame to the character that was also to be used as a major temptation from the Slaanesh Psyker) but yes, generally it's done for shameless pandering and fanservice and not to actually serve the story in anyway.

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