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The art of sisters


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Heh, thanks! I'll get to work once I get home. Need to dust off my scanner. Or my tablet. One of the two. Probably the scanner as I'm still a bit hopeless with digital art...


Actually, you know what would be awesome? If someone did a tapestry featuring Sororitas. Probably far too labour-intensive to be practical but it would be neat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry if these have been posted before, didn't go through the thread but tried the search engine.

Thought these screenshots from the Witchhunters mod for the first Dawn of War game might be interesting. About 10 years old now, but still looking pretty good, considering it's for a strategy game. Questions of style aside, the textures were also of better quality than those of the official SoB race from the Soulstorm addon.







If I remember correctly, this tank was based on a conversion for a special White Dwarf mission



Edited by JaqTaar
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's . . . really different! I imagine her armour is supposed to be black, and the dark blue is just to show the light reflecting off it, which would make her OML colors (like 90% of all Sisters art).


It's a little weird, but I like it :smile.: definitely hasn't been posted in this thread before.


Edit: just noticed the title. I don't like the implication that the Sisters are the Emperor's harem, essentailly, because that's stupid. I saw this as depicting paternal love, which I like thematically for the Sisters.

Edited by Servant of Dante
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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know of any Sisters art from GW from before the second edition codex (aside from Sister Sin and the Rainbow Warrior ofc :D)? I've been feeling more into the really early 40k art recently. I'm willing to do some digging myself, but figured I might as well ask to see if anyone already knew of any pieces. 

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