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The art of sisters


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Didn't you know, marines get the genetic therapy to increase their size, strenght, durablity, to go bald, to grow a black carapace interface and live longer.  Sisters get the Avon Genetic Therapy that makes their hair go white, and keeps them young and beautful (minus scaring, bionics, and battle damage and the apparent broken nose) their entire lives.  They never get any wrinkles, but apparently a select few do put on weight and get promoted to mistress.

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Didn't you know, marines get the genetic therapy to increase their size, strenght, durablity, to go bald, to grow a black carapace interface and live longer.  Sisters get the Avon Genetic Therapy that makes their hair go white, and keeps them young and beautful (minus scaring, bionics, and battle damage and the apparent broken nose) their entire lives.  They never get any wrinkles, but apparently a select few do put on weight and get promoted to mistress.


Interesting... very interesting info.

However, just for the records, not every Space Marine go bald. It seems it depends on gene seed and the candidate own "genetic reaction" to the procedure, if I'm not mistaken... 

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Also, not all Sisters have white hair. :p There were two Sisters in Daemonifuge that had black streaks down the middle of their hairdos (plus, fairly sure Miriya is brunette).

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hey I was just joking lol.  Based on the comment of that canoness pic about her being still young looking.  My sisters wont have any white hair..well maybe Celistine but thats just part of the holy power she radiates lol

I was planning to mix the hair colors up, just because its natural.  

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I also do not think that white hair is due to old age. It might be dyed. The streak are for sure. I could imagine it for veteran sisters as a badge so to say.

The hairstyle might be due to monastic rules. (Or the creator of the sisters was a Rai Ayanami fan) :whistling:

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I also do not think that white hair is due to old age. It might be dyed. The streak are for sure. I could imagine it for veteran sisters as a badge so to say.

The hairstyle might be due to monastic rules. (Or the creator of the sisters was a Rai Ayanami fan) :whistling:



:blink:  I actually never thought of that, until now.  Now, I can't get the thought out of my head! :blink:


If my Sisters army ever gets beyond Celestine and a Canoness (which I need to get around to painting one day), my Sisters will have hair of different colours.  The Canoness of my DIY Order has flame red hair (no, not just like Asuka's :lol: )  I never did understand why in nearly every army painted by GW painters, every Sister would have white hair, especially as they are recruited from all over the Imperium.  I know many like a "uniform" look, but I'd paint them in all sorts of colours.

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There are a lot of people who seem to think that Ephrael Stern is the only Battle Sister. ^^; She's where the typical white hair came from. All the Sisters in the original codex art had black hair.

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My warrior nuns all have a nice faded blond colour. I cynically imagine this is because whoever was sorting the girls into units that day did so on the basis of hair colour. And it was easier to paint.

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These days, only my special weapon Sisters have helmets. >>


Mostly because I sorted all my helmetted Sisters out to use as Armour Wraiths (Rubrics) for my Thousand Son army. >< From a 1200 point army, I only managed to get 8 Rubrics. Not enough Sisters models have helmets.

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Didn't you know, marines get the genetic therapy to increase their size, strenght, durablity, to go bald, to grow a black carapace interface and live longer.  Sisters get the Avon Genetic Therapy that makes their hair go white, and keeps them young and beautful (minus scaring, bionics, and battle damage and the apparent broken nose) their entire lives.  They never get any wrinkles, but apparently a select few do put on weight and get promoted to mistress.

I think there's a few Space Puppy Marines who'd like to argue that reasoning.

Considering the amount of hair grow they got.


Also, that Avon Genetic Therapy doesn't sound half-bad, actually. o.0


Not your typical Repentia



By the Emperor, that's horrible...

I mean... just look at that eviscerator...

The rest isn't that bad, actually. ;)


Or the creator of the sisters was a Rai Ayanami fan)

One:  shouldn't the SoB have blue hair then?

And two: the SoB-æsthetics pre-date NGE by a few years.


All the Sisters in the original codex art had black hair.

-looks at the SoB codex cover-

Black, you say?

Either I must be colour-blind, or this is black hair on a SoB.

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Okay, yeah, I meant inside, lol. Was mostly thinking of this one;



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Or the creator of the sisters was a Rai Ayanami fan)

One:  shouldn't the SoB have blue hair then?

And two: the SoB-æsthetics pre-date NGE by a few years.

1st Edition Codex Sisters of Battle 1997


Neon Genesis Evanglion 1995! http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y74/Azatoth/onfire.gif

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Sisters existed in the fluff and the artwork long before they had their own codex :tongue.:

This, exactly.

Think there's a few pictures of them in the 2nd edition rulebook, so that'd be 1992 or 1993.

Possibly even earlier, depending on RT-era artwork.


Unfortunately, I don't have my 2nd edition books on hand so I can't check. :(

Edited by Onisuzume
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Sisters existed in the fluff and the artwork long before they had their own codex :tongue.:

1. the reference to Rai was meant more as a joke.

But as people take it so seriously, can you find an official miniature or artwork showing rank and file sisters with the bob cut before 1995?

As stated, dont take this too seriously please.


The earliest miniature incarnation of the SoB was in 1997. There were earlier minis for Psykers and Inquisitors from the 80s cataloge but not SoB. The cover of the SoB codex from John Blanche was the first in my moemory showing the SoB as a force with the bob cut in the back. Which came first Blanche#s vision or the miniatures in the workshop I truely do not know.

The bobcut itself is a nice proper style for a monastic order without to have to fall back to shorn hair in my eyes.


And just to put together the miniatures of our ladies: Collectors Guide to the SoB

Edited by Azatoth
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I suspect Blanche's vision came first - he's the artistic inspiration for pretty much the entire GW range, after all.




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I suspect Blanche's vision came first - he's the artistic inspiration for pretty much the entire GW range, after all.

That is from the 2nd Edition Book (The Black Codex), where under Imperial Agents is the first ever mentioning of the SoB.


But we are chatting jokingly here about the hair style, and that Lady does not have the later SOB hairstyle, it looks more like a nun's


Edited by *Furyou Miko
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I know what you mean, Fish. Some of his stuff is awesome, but most of it is... either disturbing or sketchy.


You'll probably find that a lot of what you see IS five minutes scribbles - that's how concept artists generally work, lol.

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Which would be fine if they left it to concept sections or art compilations :P


I wouldn't mind if GW put together a cohesive collection of the 40k artwork over the years as there's a lot of great material that is gradually being lost/forgotten. That and it would be nice to have it all in one place (future pieces excluded of course!).

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