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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Blood Angels Strategium+++

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Who needs the Emperor when one has brothers such as all of you.


If we all complete our last minute vows, then all the world will know that we, the sons of THE Angel, never quit.


I never dreamed we could muster a counter assault. Never underestimate marines with a pure warrior's Blood legacy in their veins.


Honour to you all.

You're 2.2k pts behind the Codex and 2k pts behind Chaos. So Blood Angels, what are going to do?

Is that based on current completions, or assuming everything gets completed? Because I've got just shy of 700 points incoming :P

It's points completed so far. Obviously there is the potential to lose some as subsequent vows of may fail... But look fwd for your 700... C'mon guys you have build up momentum - and you got until Thursday...

OK, think I can do this.  Not much, but all I have "ready."


I the Mad Greek answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one Devastator Squad with Heavy Bolter, Plasma Cannon, Missile Launcher, and Las Cannon from Codex Blood Angels of total value of 150 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Bulls Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end




As they say: nothing ventured, nothing gained...


I Brother Maikel answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete

a Stormraven Gunship with Assault Cannons, Typhoon Missile Launcher, Hurricane Bolter Sponsons, and Searchlight

from Codex: Blood Angels of total value of 256 points on or before August 15th.
Success will bring eternal glory to the Blood Angels and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


For the Emperor and Sanguinius!




More pics of the finished models in my WIP thread if anyone's interested.

I hope this modest completion helps us to pull a decent position in the final rankings, with an obvious preference for first!

Excellent sockwithaticket! 320pts for the BAs at a crucial point! Will you go for second vow? Only if you're condident you'll make it though - a failure in the second vow will nullify the first one too!

Vow 4 Complete,


Not as mighty as Gondow though - awesome work brother!!


Here they are;


Capt with Power Sowrd and Power Fist










Baal Predator with Heavy Bolter Sponsons




I'm going to take a deep breath now and try and decide whether I can squeeze in a 10 man sternguard squad in, hmmm decisions decisions...

Same here! :lol:


Congratulations Phadeout, I have to say I was a bit worried... But now you guys have sealed all 3rd and 4th vows... There are couple of 5th vows that need completing and a three second vows...


Good luck guys, the BAs are on the ascendance!

Good job everybody so far. I've finished my 5th and last vow yesterday but pics will first be uploaded tomorrow.

Here's the baal outflanking, tank chocking and flaming the enemy.

The gunslinget is the red model closest to the Baal.



@Taranis: great battle scene! Look fwd for the detailed pics of your vow :tu:


@ Chaplain Admetus: go for it! Clock is ticking and BAs need the completions big time! :lol:

Please note that the first page shows things as they were on July 12. After the loss of all the posts between July12 -Aug 04 there was no point updating the first page as there were no posts to link to. I hope the posts will be recovered but the first page is not, I repeat not, credible anymore. All we have now is my private records which have kept all the information intact and which I'm constantly updating with completions and new vows.


No need to worry Wolf_Pack, i got you down for a 1,380pts vow completed and a 1,600pts vow still pending. I suggest you also read the "Special Update 2" a few posts back (here for easy access).


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