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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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I, Demitra, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete two Tactical Squads (one with Veteran Sergeant, Plasma Pistol, Plasmagun, and Plasma Cannon; another with Veteran Sergeant, Flamer, and Missile Launcher) and  from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 365 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels chapter, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Squad the first (195):




Tabard = veteran.


Squad the second (170):




I wasn't going to pledge this one with a veteran, but then I saw the crux on the backpack and was convinced.


Starting small, but there's plenty more on the painting table for when these are done. 


edit: WIP thread here

I, Galthan Ironsturm answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Land Speeder Typhoon with HB and Sammael from Codex Dark Angels V6.0 for a total value of 275 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring Glory to the my Chapter and the Dark Angel Legion and failure will force upon me the Badge of Shame until the end of the year.



[EDIT 05/26/2013]

The modular Typhoon :



but it'll have to wait for next Thursday Sammael, as they had in stock!




* * *


Half-vow :


Vow 1 Completed!


If interested I'll be posting more pictures of them on my blog here later today.


Also Vow 2 won't be coming for a few days (maybe even sometime next week). I have to figure out a list I want to take to the NOVA Open and since most of the stuff I'm leaning towards taking isn't painted I want to wait till I finalize it before I start vowing any more models.

Well, well, well... two more completions bringing it to a total to three! That's a lot of progress considering we're less than a week into the event! Well done brothers.


Also Galthan Ironsturm? you're in! :)


Fantastic going DAs - swift and to the point - like the RW! :D





I, Retaliation, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one Company Master (storm shield, power sword, artificer armor, Lion's Roar) for 160 points, one librarian (auspex) for 70 points, 3 RAS members (plasma gun, veteran sergeant) for 105, and 5 company veterans (plasma pistols x4, 1 meltagun/bomb) for 165 points from the Codex Dark Angels with a total value of 500 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Emperor's Penguins and failure will doom me to bear the Cone of Shame until the year-end.


Vow before (company veterans will follow when they arrive in the mail)







With the successful completion of my first vow, I will as below;


I, pbenner, answering the call of ETL II, hereby swear to paint three squads of Deathwing Terminators, on or before August 15th, 2013.  Should I fail, I will wear the banner of shame until at which time they let me out of Cell 42...



Sergeant w/Powersword and Stormbolter
Chainfist and Stormbolter
Powerfist and Assault Cannon
Chainfist and Stormbolter
Lightning Claws
Sergeant w/Powersword and Stormbolter
Lightning Claws 
Lightning Claws 
Lightning Claws and Cyclone Missile Launcher
Powerfist and Stormbolter
Sergeant w/Powersword and Stormbolter
Powerfist and Plasma Cannon
Powerfist and Plasma Cannon
Lightning Claws
Lightning Claws
Lightning Claws
Lightning Claws
Powerfist and Stormbolter
Thunderhammer and Stormshield
Thunderhammer and Stormshield
For a grand total of 980 points.
Pictures are in my previous thread.
EDIT: *****I Realized that I do not have enough Sergeant Models to do the vows that I want to do, and unless I pull back here, I won't get all that I want done, done.  NO CHANGE IN VALUE OR MODEL COUNT, JUST UNIT SIZE AND LOADOUT.*****

@ Arkley: Sorry to hear that man... I'm sure everything will go fine and you'll be back to normal in no time! Hang in there! :)


@ Retaliation: Your vow is in mate - good luck!


@ Stobias: Please step this way, Master Ezekiel would like a word... Then Master Asmodai will like to chat too... and Master Boreas... and Master Seraphicus. And the Reclusiam training cadre... It's going to be known as the "Long Talk"! :D


@ Paul: Way to go! Another completions for the DAs - and a sserious follow-up vow too! Well done! May I also say, I see a marked improvement on your painting. Keep it up!




Unfortunately I am unable to join the 1st Legion in this journey.


Failure of my right Optical Len has me needing a trip to the Apothecary.... (Laymans terms I have need of eye surgery on my right eye as my depth perception is screwed).

Good luck with that bro I am sure it will be alright. Look at the bright side though. Newly repaired eyes more skillful painting :D (not that you need it anyway but still)

I Razblood announce completion of my first vow in the E Tenebrae Lux II of 1x Tactical Squad with Razorback totalling 285 points.



I am yet to designate a company for my force, hence the lack of company badge.

I am considering my next vow and will return with it soon :)

I, Rindaris Synth'rad, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete that which is lised below from the Codex: Dark Angels of total value of 564 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to The Ebon Dawn and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Ravenwing Black Knights x6. Huntmaster with power weapon, 2x grenade launchers. 264 pts

Techmarine on a bike with PFG. 100 pts

Custom Sammael on Sableclaw. 200 pts


I want to do more, but realistically this is a good goal for me for 3 months. I havn't been on B&C much lately, for awhile honestly, but I do want to change that :) A good vow might just be what I need.

@ Razblood: Well, the 1st is mobilizing... Nothing can stop us now! Well done mate, look forward for your follow up vow.


@ Rindaris: Your vow is in! Good luck  - and who knows? you may even make a follow-up. :)





I, Farfromsamanswer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and do solemnly swear upon the honor of the First, to complete Second Company Grandmaster Sammael on Corvex worth 200 points on or before August fifteenth.  Victory heralds eternal glory for the Unforgiven, while failure exists only in the mind of the weak.


I know, I know.  You'd think the first character I would have painted would be Sammael.  However I always felt I couldn't do my namesake justice painting wise, but here it goes!  I was orginally going to commit a large vow including Sammael, but did not know how long it would take to bring him up to a high standard.  So to be safe I'm going to finish him, and then judge how much I can do with the time left.  


The First moves forward, not one step back, and never to the side! :cuss

I, Biggabertha, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete: One Librarian, one Tactical Squad with a Dedicated Transport and one Scout Squad from Codex: Dark Angels of total value 500 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Librarian 75pts

  • Force Weapon
  • Storm Bolter
  • Auspex

Tactical Squad: 250pts

  • 10 Men
  • Flamer
  • Plasma Cannon
  • Power Weapon
  • Razorback
  • Twin Linked Assault Cannon

Scout Squad 175pts


  • 10 men
  • Storm Bolter
  • Missile Launcher
  • Flakk Missiles
  • 4 Shotguns
  • 4 Sniper Rifles
  • Power Weapon
  • 5 Camo Cloaks




The notorious Brother Darklight of the Black Templars dared to challenge the First, the Honoured, the Sons of the Lion!!!


This will not do brothers... We will make the insolent eat their words (and paint a ton of DAs in the process)


Is there anyone among us that will return the challenge?





I Captain Semper, Member of the Inner Circle, Master of Recruits, vow that if Brother Darklight has his way, I'll paint Grimaldus and his servitors. Yes, I'm THAT confident that the First will not be humbled by those fanatics!


For the Lion!


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