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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Dark Angels Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Metallic is not a problem as long as you treat it with nuln oil/Declan mud eq.


To me, the main problem is color like green/red etc because even though lots of cult places used to be painted in middle-age, modelingwise, I tend to find that it gives a really "toy" look to the fortress...


That's why I've finally chosen the white stone aspect.


And don't worry for the amount of points, it's much like a squad of termis ;-)

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Well here's my second oath of a Predator Annihilator with Lascannon sponsons with a points value of 140pts

Sorry, let me rephrase - I, Razblood, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1x Predator with Lascannon turret & sponsons from Codex: Dark Angels of a total value of 140 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


I do have some more lined up for further vows, which prompts a question. Are we limited to 5 vows in total?

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I, joshuarad2, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to insert Captain Demetreus Falourn into the mighty body of a deathwing venerable dreadnought armed with dual twin linked autocannons for 145pts to continue on in the hunt for the fallen in the name of the Lion and the Emperor on or before August 15th.  Success will bring Glory to the Pueri Ex Deus Chapter and the Dark Angel Legion and failure will force upon me the Badge of Shame until the end of the year.


My new forge world dread

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Earn your pearls while you contribute to the ETL II 2013


Find out more at Path to Retribution


Few are the brave souls

            On the path to redemption

Many a brother fell afoul
           Of duty and dereliction


Now the time is forlorn
            To bring light from dark

The sons of Lion reborn

            Need no validation

Let us not a moment mourn
            Those left with no benediction
Gather your strength to adorn

            Your will to bring Retribution





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@ Galthan Ironsturm: Congrats on your completion - your status is updated! Going for another one?


@ Master Avoghai: if you place the banners in your sig the other way around then the two half watermarked DA symbols will match to create a whole. ;)

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@ Galthan Ironsturm: Congrats on your completion - your status is updated! Going for another one?


Thanks Captain !


Yes, the Legion can count on me!




I, Galthan Ironsturm answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a Chaplain-Investigator with plasma pistol (125pts) and a Company Master with Thunder Shield & Power Glove (130pts)  from Codex Dark Angels V6.0 for a total value of 255 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring Glory to the my Chapter and the Dark Angel Legion and failure will force upon me the Badge of Shame until the end of the year.


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I need to apologise guys, I really should be on my second vow by now, but everytime I sit down my toddler finds a way to interrupt me. Everything at least is started, but at the rate I'm going I'm not going to get anywhere near the intended 4,000pts.

Anyone have some tricks up their sleeve to help me out? I'm down to 1.5hrs on weekend days while he naps.




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I'm not the best painter in the world, but I can put the paint on when it comes down to it.


I assembly line paint 95% of what I work on.  I take X number of models and each one gets the color that is open, when it needs it, where it needs it.  At the end, I do touch ups and finishing touches.  This keeps me from wasting time switching paints on a single model.  


I also have a mobile paint tray (it's a large metal candle dish) that holds my current project and the paint I'm using.  If the kid wakes up early, I can pick it up and put it out of the way before he makes it to my desk.  Saves me from him knocking things around.


Hope it helps.



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Im in the same boat as you Jono, been putting my son to sleep around 8-9pm and painting like mad til I too fall asleep.


Assembly line painting is the way to go, just plan out your paint order of colours so your not having to retouch as much, ie light colours first, dark ones later

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I'm here to try to make up for a pitiful LPC effort now that I'm not doing 15 hours a day at work.


I, CovertToaster, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete Belial and command squad with Champion, CML, and SoF from Codex: Dark Angels of a total value of 525 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels Chapter and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.




And don't worry it's all been base coated and had one layer of colour on the armour as of this afternoon.

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Vow 1 complete....official pictures will be uploaded this evening, and I will edit them into my original vow post. Vow 2 will start in a couple of days smile.png

Completed photos.....(more photos will be in my wip thread...see sig!) smile.png



I need to apologise guys, I really should be on my second vow by now, but everytime I sit down my toddler finds a way to interrupt me. Everything at least is started, but at the rate I'm going I'm not going to get anywhere near the intended 4,000pts.

Anyone have some tricks up their sleeve to help me out? I'm down to 1.5hrs on weekend days while he naps.



I've got a 4 year old and a 2 year old......they both go to bed at 7pm. Once we've had dinner, I install my wife in front of the TV with a glass of wine and 'retire' to the conservatory to get out my paint station. I can usually get around 1.5 hours in until about 9.30pm, at which point I do the dutiful thing and join the missus in a glass! biggrin.png
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Vow 1 complete....official pictures will be uploaded this evening, and I will edit them into my original vow post. Vow 2 will start in a couple of days smile.png

I need to apologise guys, I really should be on my second vow by now, but everytime I sit down my toddler finds a way to interrupt me. Everything at least is started, but at the rate I'm going I'm not going to get anywhere near the intended 4,000pts.

Anyone have some tricks up their sleeve to help me out? I'm down to 1.5hrs on weekend days while he naps.



I've got a 4 year old and a 2 year old......they both go to bed at 7pm. Once we've had dinner, I install my wife in front of the TV with a glass of wine and 'retire' to the conservatory to get out my paint station. I can usually get around 1.5 hours in until about 9.30pm, at which point I do the dutiful thing and join the missus in a glass! biggrin.png

That's funny. It reminds me of one of my Co-Worker's "birds and the bees" story. It started something like this:

"Well first, you get a couple glasses of wine into mama..."

Always made me smile.

But I concur that children make painting harder. I've been on a push to get my hobby cupboard cleaned up, been a year since I've cleaned it out and it's full of junk. I'll be back to painting soon. I've gotta get those three pearls...


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Well I might fail my vow but I hope my op sorts my vision and I can contribute to the glory of the 1st. I noticed a deadline of the 15th of June to enter I hope I have enough time :).


I Arkley answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Terminator Squad, 1 Tactical Squad & 3 Company Masters from Codex Dark Angels of total value 860pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Dark Angels and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end

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@ facmanpob: That's great - congrats on your completion! thumbsup.gif you can add the completed pics in the post you announce completion too, since that's the post I linked in the first page. Look forward for your second vow!

Many thanks, Captain....photos are up in my completion post smile.png (and more will be up in my GotC wip thread soon)
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