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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Liber Astartes Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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I agree with the Captain. It can put people off if they feel they have to go to far beyond their usual limit.


Participants are the answer, to your problems, if you feel like you cant paint no more and you feet are moving to the floor. Keep on dancing, prancing, moving, grooving...


good tune that a cookie for anyone who knows the original.


Every little vow counts

Every little bit hurts (Ill give you that one)


Im off now the liquor is winning again

Part two


ETL pt 2


Brother Cole followed Staff Sergeant Issac into the hanger. Brother Issac let out a hum of satisfaction upon seeing the polished shine of the first companies Drop Pod. Cole knew that as a young Sergeant, his Squad leader had deployed numerous times in that pod. Seeing it properly maintained brought pride to the old veteran.


As they based through the first bay, their own pod came into view. Finally rebuilt, the vessel had been fully repaired and repainted. Ladders and step stools surrounded the pod, atop each stood one of the six chapter serfs from earlier, lazily cleaning at the sides.


"Are you miserable failures being serious right now?" Brother Issac yelled at them.


"We were mearly cleaning the holy vessel for combat my lord" the serf who's foot had been crushed earlier said as he limped down from his ladder towards the two Marines.


In a heartbeat Cole lifted the disgraceful serf off the deck by his neck, slamming him to the deck using only a fraction of his strength so not to kill him. "That's Lord Staff Sergeant, indignant whelp" the Astartes spat.


The Eagles Eternal where not normally aggressive towards the civilians of the imperium. But these serfs had taken the same vows as every other Marine in the chapter, more was expected of them than civilians. And the second company expected more from their serfs than those of nearly any other company.


"My lord corporal" one of the others chimed in. "Repairs to the holy vessel are finished, we are preforming the pre combat cleaning as is customary. How have we displeased you lord Corporal?"


Cole maintained his grip on the crippled serf, who uselessly struggled to free himself. Brother Issac looked around, "where is Tech brother Morrell?"


"My lord staff Sergeant" the same one spoke up, "once Tech Lord Morrell was satisfied with the function tests, he set off to the armory. I believe he mentioned something about diagnostics on the holy predators. He did not give us further instruction, so we took a break"


"Tech Brother Morrell determined that repairs were necessary to the Predators. Had you done your duties you would have stayed with him and would be helping him at this vary moment" hushed silence fell upon the serfs. They knew they had made a greave mistake.


Cole had had enough of this group. "If I may staff sergeant. This one has been nothing but a bad influence upon the others. I suggest a sixty one oh five for him, and half rations for the others. That should fix these discrepancies." The mans eyes widened even as Cole lifted him to his feet and released the pressure around his neck.


"Lord staff sergeant, that is not necessary. It will not happen again we assure you."


"No I believe it is necessary. You've grown lax in you're duties and that is unacceptable. Inform the med bay that they will be receiving a patient for servitor enhancements. I will write the sixty one oh five myself. Should there be any further issues with this ill inform the med bay that they will be reviving two sixty one oh fives."


"As for the rest of you.... There are three tanks in the armory that require you're attention."


"This conflict will be won, for the glory of the Emperor, and the Eagles". Pivoting on their heals, the two walked out of the hanger. Brother Cole dragging the crying man behind them.

Things are looking slow here guys... Let's see some new partiicpants before Wednesday's weekly update!


Also check out the new cover art in p.1 courtesy of The Shadow Guard! Hope you like it!

I, War Angel, continue to answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a second attachmet of the following units from Codex: Space Marines for a total value of 250 points on or before August 15th:


One Predator Distructor, and One Whirlwind

Success will bring further glory to the the Eagles Eternal and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end!


I managed to get a good spray of primer on everything so I'm confident that I'll be able to paint these. I am a little erked that while looking up the points cost, I noticed its now standard for these tanks to have smoke launchers and search lights. My two tanks have neither :(



Must admit I tried too.  Problem we have is that as we sucked last year and because of the whole codex restrictions a lot of people are vowing their DIY Blood Angels etc successors with their parent legion, or with the codex thy use for counts as.

I , Tdf4638, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete three Attack Bikes with multi-meltas from Codex: Space Marines of total value 150 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Emperor's Judgement and the Liber Astartes and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


I've been looking through my models and I've actually got five units that fit the criteria for ETL, so I'm going to do them one at a time so I don't bite off more than I can chew. Just so you know, my Emperor's Judgement are purple.

Brothers, I have an announcement. I've decided that as a bit of extra reward to those within the Codex Chapters, i'm going to make an additional vow.

Before ETL started, I was pondering what I wanted to get paint for it this year. I knew I wanted to do a few characters and a few units. The first two units, Sternguard and Legion of the Damned, were nothing special. But for my third unit I wanted to do a Deathwatch Kill Team that I could use as allies for my various Imperial forces. This Kill Team, however, won't be done as part of ETL, as although i'd like to think I could get three 10 man units painted, in reality it'll be one 10 man unit and a number of individual characters, because i'm a slow painter and am going for quality over quantity (ie, the Artisan banner).

So far no real connection to ETL, or you guys.

The Vow

What i've decided to do is open up half of the Kill Team's details to public opinion. The top five participants in terms of total points of completed vows from the Codex Chapters (Liber Astartes, Index Astartes and Ultramarines) will each get to pick a member of the Kill Team and choose some details about him. In order to count the vows must all have been completed to ETL standard (so, for example if you complete your first four vows but not your fifth, it won't count). I want this to be something for the people who make the really big effort for ETL and contribute a lot to the Codex Chapter faction and to encourage everyone to get all of their vows finished.

My additional vow will be that once ETL is finished I will paint up these five members (along with the rest of the Kill Team) in a reasonable time frame and post pictures for all to see.

The top 5 will get to pick the from the following options:

- Chapter of Origin.
The Brother will be a member of the Deathwatch, so will be painted in the Deathwatch uniform, but will have one shoulder pad painted in his parent Chapter's colours, with either a molded or free hand Chapter symbol. This may be from any Chapter*, not just Codex Chapters. You can pick your favourite Chapter**, the Chapter you vowed for ETL or another different Chapter. It can be a Chapter from one of the other forums, whether the main Chapter or one of their subsequent foundings. There are however, two restrictions on this. The Chapter must be loyalist. Sorry Astral Claws, Soul Drinkers etc, you'll just have to pick a different Chapter. Secondly there is only one member of any given Chapter within the Kill Team. I've already picked two members, but one is a home brew and the other is from a Chapter none of you will pick in a bazillion years, so no worries there. If your favourite Chapter is already gone, then i'll ask you to pick another one.

- Rank.
There are four ranks available - Assault Sergeant, Assault Brother, Tactical Sergeant, Tactical Brother. All of the ranks are limited (only one of each Sergeant, four Assault Brothers and three Tactical Brothers). There is also a Librarian leading the entire Kill Team, but he is already spoken for.

- Load Out.
There are various load outs available. Obviously there will be a limit on load outs depending on the Rank your Marine is within the Kill Team. For example, a Tactical Brother can't be armed with a pair of Lightning Claws. But, there are enough options that everybody involved will get the chance to pick a Marine with some kind of unique weaponry.

- Backgound.
I've not decided whether i'm going to give each Kill Team member a back story and if I do, it'll likely be a collection of random ideas about where the Brother came from and some details about his character etc, rather than an elegantly crafted piece of prose. I'm opening this up to you guys as well. If you want to do some background for your chosen Kill Team member then go ahead. It can be as detailed or as vague as you like and i'm happy to discuss ideas and work on it with you.

- Conversion.
I'm hoping to do some small conversions to these Marines. At the very least they'll all get a Deathwatch shoulder pad and elbow shield. Where appropriate they'll have Deathwatch specific weaponry as well. I want to make each squad member as unique as possible, so if you have some ideas for conversions or elements that you'd like included in the model then i'm happy to try my best to incorporate them. This will be things like weaponry, helmets, armour Mk, trinkets and honour badges. I'm going to reserve the right to choose poses myself, as I want to keep the two parts of the Kill Team coherent. I'd also like most of the Marines to be helmeted, but if it's appropriate for your Chapter of choice I don't mind doing one or two unhelmeted squad members.

- Name.
As long as it's in keeping with your chosen Chapter and not the name of a well known character, anything goes. I will be naming the other members. I already have Brother de Firenze as one member.

Rules & Restrictions

Choices are on a first come, first served basis, starting with the Frater that completed the largest vow. If your Chapter/Rank/Load Out of choice is already gone, sorry, but your going to have to choose a different one.

Participation is voluntary. You don't have to choose a Chapter for this Kill Team. If your in the top 5 but don't want to take part that's cool, i'll just default down to the top 6 etc. If you just want to pick some of the options (for example, Chapter of Origin, Rank, Name and Loud Out, but not Background or Conversion) then that's fine too. I'll just finish off the rest.

The squad is still mine. I'm not actually giving away any Deathwatch Marines. If your in the top 5, you just get the option to choose some details about one member of the Kill Team, not actually get the model for that member of the Kill Team. I know most people will realise that, but I wanted to put it in black and white to avoid any confusion.

The Kill Team is actually an 11 man Team, but I want to keep some of the choices open for myself to pick Chapters, based on ones I like or cool conversions I want to do. I'll make my choices after everyone else though. One way or another, there will be a Dark Angel, as they are the hosts of ETL it seems only fitting that one is included, whether as my choice or someone elses.

Remember, this is just for fun and to help get people enthused for ETL. So if you'd like the idea of a member of your chosen Chapter gracing the gaming tables of sunny Manchester (no really, it's sunny here today), get vowing and get painting smile.png.

* with regards to Liber Astartes. I'm not sure what to do about homebrew Chapters yet. I like some of them but there may be some I don't like. I'll probably open it up and say homebrew allowed, with the caveat of if I really don't like your chosen Chapter I reserve the right to ask you to choose another.... I don't particularly want Brother Sparkleocalypse of the Groovy Unicorns gracing my table anytime soon. But there's definitely some very cool homebrew Chapters that you guys have come up with that i'd be honoured to have serving in my Deathwatch Kill Team.

**I already have parts for a Ravenguard conversion for one Deathwatch member. Yes, i'm talking to you! tongue.png


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