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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Liber Astartes Strategium+++

Captain Semper

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Some news form me brothers! an update of my Vanguard with pictures will be coming soon and I have now attached the 2 chainfists needed on my Terminators, so they'll be getting their basecoats very shortly. An update should be posted later this evening. :D



So I have updated the matrix.


The format is as follows: change from last time is will be noted in (xxx) format


Forum total pointed vowed points completed vows tota

Black templar 36,214 (+5,378) 0 (+ 0) 36 (+ 9)

BloodAngels 30,226 (+1,871) 245 (+ 245) 35 (+ 4)

DarkAngels 35,617 (+5,705) 4,226 (+1,786) 55 (+ 7)

Index Astartes 21,581 (+6,848) 1,301 (+ 140) 33 (+ 8)

Liber Astartes 9,995 (+ 0) 70 (+ 70) 10 (+ 1)

Space Wolves 24,836 (+9,708) 0 (+ 0) 30 (+13)

Ultramarines 5,440 (+ 925) 230 (+ 230) 12 (+ 2)

Chaos Legions 37,646 (+5,233) 2,946 (+1,795) 44 (+ 9)

Grey Knights 3,300 (+4,706) 0 (+ 0) 8 (+ 4)

Sisters of Battle 4,956 (+1,142) 0 (+ 0) 8 (+ 1)

Imperial Guard 7,806 (+ 170) 0 (+ 0) 6 (+ 1)

Adep Mechanicus 375 (+ 0) 0 (+ 0) 1 (+ 0)

Horus Heresy 6,852 (+6,198) 920 (+ 920) 13 (+ 5)


total points vowed points completed vows total

total for Codex chapters 43,864 (+ 7,773) 1,601 (+440) 55 (+11)

total for Vive Imperium 21,313 (+ 6,073) 0 (+ 0) 25 (+ 8)

Total among all forums 248,512 (+47,925) 9,938 (+5,186) 291 (+64)

My apologies for not making an update sooner than this one. There has been a lot going on with me finishing up stage 1 of my vow, work, starting a business and designing the bases and such for it. Also having been hit at work and not being able to see out my left eye was no help.

The current standing for the top 5 factions with the most points vowed are as followed:

1: Codex Chapters (Liber, Index, Ultras)

2: Chaos Legions

3: Black Templars

4: Dark Angels

5: Blood Angels

Last time I posted the Dark Angels were 500 points behind us from total vows, now we stand with over 8,000 pts ahead of them and barely over 6,000 pts over the Chaos guys

We are starting to get some activity in the Liber and Ultras forums again. Thanks to the Real Marine (or at least the only one I’m aware of) in the Liber forum, WarAngel has giving you guys your first completed points (BTW WarAngel did you make your second vow yet because it has not counted if you did). And over in the Ultras, Thanks to diceman they got their first completed 230 pts!

We are all going great with this challenge. There is still 10 days (11 depending on where you live) to get some new recruits. So do what you can to get them in the challenge.

Until the next update, This is JIRT out.

I belive my most recent vow was overshadowed and missed...

i believe you are correct good sir.


Semper could we please get this man credited for a his latest vow!

I, War Angel, continue to answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete a second attachmet of the following units from Codex: Space Marines for a total value of 250 points on or before August 15th:

 One Predator Distructor, and One WhirlwindSuccess will bring further glory to the the Eagles Eternal and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end!


I managed to get a good spray of primer on everything so I'm confident that I'll be able to paint these. I am a little erked that while looking up the points cost, I noticed its now standard for these tanks to have smoke launchers and search lights. My two tanks have neither :(


Just so you don't have to dig for it. And now, back to work

Well I have attempted to make a start on my vow (as numerically its bigger then my failed vow last year, but now after the wedding we are moving so my modelling stuff has to get packed up.  At least I have made a decision that will speed up the whole commitment: No sculpted Tabards.  I have decided to go a more Fire Angel look then Black Templar look for my knightly guys.  At the moment they look mostly like normal marines but hey, I am recycling here.

I recon0321, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete


3 tactical squads


from Codex: Space Marines of total value 570 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory for the iron defenders and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.



Hi guys, had almost completed 2 tac Squads, 2 dreads, a drop pod and a vindi. But I've decided to change my color scheme :( I almost made it 3 weeks...... I will post up some new pics asap once I have a squad done in the new colors.

Lord Lee.

Also great work everyone.

Hi Semper, did you catch my vow?


I , Tdf4638, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete three Attack Bikes with multi-meltas from Codex: Space Marines of total value 150 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Emperor's Judgement and the Liber Astartes and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

And Lord Lee kept his promise! biggrin.png You're in War Angel - good luck with your second vow!



Introducing the “Oath of Moment” banner! (read more inside)


@ Uberlord Gendo: Indeed this is where you place your vow - if you want to join the Liber and the Codex faction. If you use a different list for your force, you must place your vow in the appropriate Strategium of other forums. Look forward for it!


Now remember - just a week remains before the doors close forever to new recruits. So step forward brave Captains time is running up!


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