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Oh my...!

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Yay, we exist!  That being said, watched the whole thing and it pretty much matches how I feel against Tyrannids every time I play ;)  Probably why I field Retributors with heavy bolters and have one of my Seraphim squads with inferno pistols and a plasma pistol.  I always seem to be stuck in battles with big monstrous creatures that I can't do anything about (effectively) or face things like the Doom that are nearly invincible against what I have to throw at it.


I think the Sisters player might have done better to be aggressive as opposed to castling.  He made excellent use of the Rhinos as cover but a lot of his firepower was wasted as he never really got to fire his basic bolters against their primary targets.  Not sure how much of a difference that might have made really.  To be honest, the Exorcists, Celestine and melta weaponry is pretty much the Sisters only answer to monstrous creatures and he didn't have enough big guns to counter the four monstrous creatures that the 'nids player had.  So good to see that Sisters exist, but kind of meh otherwise.

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St Cel vs. Teragons.  her Power Weapon beats thier armor.  Her 'always wounds on ___' beats them even if they are powered up to toughtness 9, her inti means SHE WILL GO FIRST.  I norm put some shots into them to weaken them up, then I flame them (trying to hit as much around it as I can.  Assault.  This deals with the issue REAL fast.  When I play vs. Nids, tend to kill Tervagons 1 per turn.

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Yeah I just finished it myself. Having seen his list, I feel like he had way too many troop sisters. 2 Exorcists was a great idea, but I would have taken some heavy bolter Retributors and a Multi-melta Immolator/buttload of meltas dominion squad, at least. Also too bad the Seraphim derped so early, they are a fantastic harassment unit and can dish some ridiculous damage with their faith points. 

I did a number on a nidzilla army a couple weeks back, the guy got scoring unit on his warlord so the hive tyrant ended up scooping the relic and just weathering all my fire, sneaking away under cover of night for the win. I massacred his gaunts and genestealers... Tyranid swarms seem easy enough with loads of flamers, but not that many monstrous creatures. MOAR MELTAS.

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I dont use Seraphims much at all anymore.  I love them but they cost soooooo much in points if you put the flamers and the extra models.  I would rather have a dominion squad or a retrib squad.  At that pt lvl, I almost always have 3 squads of basic girls.  I like the number of shots and the ability to have more scoring units.

I dont use Seraphims much at all anymore.  I love them but they cost soooooo much in points if you put the flamers and the extra models.  I would rather have a dominion squad or a retrib squad.  At that pt lvl, I almost always have 3 squads of basic girls.  I like the number of shots and the ability to have more scoring units.

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What I meant by "Too many troop sisters" was simply so much redundancy. Maybe it's just my play style, but I plan to have 3 troop sisters, seraphim, heavy bolter retributors, exorcist or 2, maybe some pen. engines, probably some repentia, and a small group of dominions with melta/large group of dominions with flamers.
That gives me a lot more variety on the special rules.. twin linked, rending, rerolling wounds, AND preferred enemy, instead of just a bunch of squads rerolling ones with some big guns in the back. 

I agree, way too defensive, granted there was some really nice rhino play. And I guess maybe he didn't expect to face all that many monstrous creatures? A lot of the nid armies I've seen do pretty well lately are mostly horde, 2 or 3 big MCs as hq's or support. Or maybe he figured the exorcists would perform better. This is of course just retrospective from someone who wasn't even in the game...

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Some of my best games involved me simply maxing out the number of legs I put on the table. You want your anti-material and your anti-monster, of course...there's something intrinsically fun in massive piles of rapid-fire. That's something that Sisters can pump out like no other army.
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Yeah, I definitely see the value and appeal in massed fire, but like I said, just my preference. I like the synergy the special units have, the variety of rules you can put on the table if you spread it around. No denying the basic Sisters are huge bang for your buck shooting, tho.

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i laughed when the guy rolled his 4 SoF 6++ saves ... those are some blessed rhinos the punishment they were taking

I usualy manage that sort of rolling for my pen engines when they get hit then get there sweet revenge in CC

then follow up with 1s for armour saves on my SoB squads furious.gif

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Volume of shots. It's my favorite way to deal with things like Hammernators: the warm, loving embrace of the Emperor's Holy Rapid-fire. 2+ saves are really awesome, but you're going to fail one out of six. Conservatively one out of seven. Heck, I'll give you one out of eight. That is how many bolter rounds I am going to pump into your unit of terminators.
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Who takes Hammernators without some form of assault vehicle? Knocking them out of the Crusader or Storm Raven, especially at range, isn't exactly a trivial task.

For starters, I've seen players footslog units of ten Hammernators without an assault transport of any kind. If they get to mid, they control the table. Shooting the crap out of them is one way of dealing with that. (I have engaged Hammernators in melee; that's way worse for my marines than pumping volley after volley of bolter rounds into them.)


If the Hammernators stay in their AV14 assault vehicle the entire time, they're a non-issue; when they climb out, fill them with bolter rounds.


If you actually did forgo taking any and all anti-material weaponry (I don't think anybody was advocating this, but just in case) you can do what Ork players have done for years: ignore the Land Raider. It can't score and can only contest one point; that's like the Ork player mantra. (That, or power klaw party.) Otherwise, pop it open and deal with the Hammernators.

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Some of my best games involved me simply maxing out the number of legs I put on the table. You want your anti-material and your anti-monster, of course...there's something intrinsically fun in massive piles of rapid-fire. That's something that Sisters can pump out like no other army.

I'd argue that the new Dark Angels can do it at least as good, if not better thanks to the Friendship Standard. msn-wink.gif

Although technically, its not rapid fire anymore.

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The Dark Angels still need to answer for that missing Black Templar ship. The Inquisition has many questions to ask of their brooding Primarch and their personalized hunt for their "Fallen". Also, that green is totally tacky; that shade went out with the Ninja Turtles.
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Although they are the same price per tac marine as our basic Battle Sisters, which is just taking the mickey.

We cost one point more, actually.

And for the cost of 10 basic marines, you get a 10-girl squad with flamer and meltagun, oh and faith for free.

So yeah, still a better deal, if not as tough.

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