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ISTVAAN V (Come All Who Dare)

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@Edge - yeah brother of you want some sallies that's cool I think ill do an attachment of imperial army and mechanicum with my world eaters.


& as for completed models I know that people are progressing on there WIP threads and we will get there this is why I didn't want to force a time limit.

Just wondering if I can get a vote here,

1000 Heathens has helped me come up with an idea for my command squad and I just want to know the general census from everyone.


It's a space wolf that has turned after slaughtering his pack named Vjanik the wolf eater. He will be post istvaan v but his colour scheme will be world eaters with his Jarls Frost Axe and shield as a reminder of his betrayal.


Just want a idea how people feel about this before I start my WIP on him. I will use him just as a veteran for istvaan v but fluff wise and post massacre and extinction ill use his story.

As an assist, here's the short I wrote for Jaspcat. In my opinion, I'd keep the white and blue heraldry, but change the WE symbol slightly to a wolf's skull biting down on a world.


Keep the Wolf idea. It's solid, but it just needs to be explained very carefully...


Darkness. The smell of hot breath and old blood, not his but still familiar. A rattle of chains. Darkness, again.


Vjanik tried to keep his eyes shut, but the images, nay memories, that rolled in his mind were of far less comfort than the reality before him. A harsh voice, from the throat of a man who spent his whole life screaming in rage, filled his ears, "You're awake. What do you remember, little lost Wolf?"


He didn't want to speak to the bastard, but he felt compelled to voice his sins, to lift the weight of the horror from his spirit. Broken, scabbed lips parted from fangs as he raised his voice. "I... I remember breaking from the void. Our scout vessel was cast from the Soul-Ocean by a great riptide, so powerful that to remain would have meant death. I remember our auspexes screaming, ships of the XII falling upon us. Boarding pods broke the skin of our ship, and I and my kin rushed to halt the tide. After that..." Vjanik clenched his eyes shut again, a low growl of a pained animal emanating from him.


A snort from the harsh voiced one. "Having trouble retelling the tale? I was there, I could tell you..." Vjanik interrupted him as he snapped forward, held from the blue and marble traitor's throat by the chains around his arms. "Lydløs! You cannot understand, you are not Volk!" Vjanik fell back against the bloodstained wall again, his breathing becoming deeper and panicked with every second, a sub-sonic whine behind it all. His golden eyes turned up to look at his gaoler. Cast in the heraldry of the XII, the Eater of Worlds before him was not smiling or laughing at his misery. Instead, behind the tic-tic-tic of the Nails vomiting pure pain into his skull, Vjanik saw something far worse in his eyes.


Compassion. Understanding. Respect.


"Oh, I understand, and I'll never forget. The violence of the boarding action woke up the wolf in you; the real wolf. Not the demure creature your kind pretends to emulate, but the wild animal that is completely free. You tasted blood, and you were liberated. Not just my brothers died at your hands, but every one..." Vjanik thrashed against his bindings, doing anything to keep the words from reaching his ears, making as much noise as possible. It failed to help. ".... of your own kind. You slaughtered your kin, and ate their flesh, and howled with freedom, and only stopped when my men beat the consciousness from you. A dozen of my men died to preserve you from yourself." The son of Angron crouched down and looked Vjanik in the eyes. "You lost your mind. And you loved every second of it. We, cousin, are more alike than you realize."


Vjanik's face curled in misery and hatred of self, trying to look away. "No," a denial in the face of truth, a truth that he could still taste between his fangs. "I could never...I wouldn't..." The XII legion warrior placed his hand against his head, clenching his hair and forcing him to look. Not at him again, but at the grey-clad forms behind him, piled like cordwood. Vjanik looked straight into the lifeless eye of his beloved Jarl, the other eye lost along with half of his head, bitten away. Claw marks and toothed gouges covered the other bodies and their warplate. Cold blood still fell in coagulated clumps from massive wounds. Vjanik howled in sorrow, the sound filling the holding bay with misery.


Harsh-Voice spoke again. "You are cast out, orphan of Fenris. You are an oathbreaker. You are a kin-slayer. You are heart-sworn to Hróðvitnir, in your kind's tongue. You are an Eater of the Dead." A roar of a chainblade, a spark of hope that Harsh-Voice would end his torment. Instead, the chains holding Vjanik's arms fell away, cut in a hail of embers and metal fragments. The chainsword fell before him, teeth still smoking. "And you are a brother to the XII. Listen to the bloody howl in your heart, spit on you misery, twist your pain until it is a weapon, and make your choice, cousin." Harsh-Voice stood before him again, staring, the muscles in his face silent for the moment.


Vjanik reached down for the chainsword, and came to his feet armed. Dried blood flaked from his brow as he ran fingers through ratted hair, drawing it away from his eyes. Harsh-Voice still stood there, looking back at a kindred soul. "Make a damn decision, Gore-Wolf. I have a war to get back into."


Gripping the chainblade tighter, Vjanik made his choice. The mad wolf in his heart howled with glee.





.... or something like that. I'm tired, lol.

Great models & painting @shadesofgray - really like your stuff. How many units are you planning?


I'm working on my heresy world eaters at the moment; here's a link to my WIP http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/277275-heresy-world-eaters/


I'll post my  finished models later (camera is on charge)

Great models & painting @shadesofgray - really like your stuff. How many units are you planning?


I'm working on my heresy world eaters at the moment; here's a link to my WIP http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/277275-heresy-world-eaters/


I'll post my  finished models later (camera is on charge)

right now it is the loken abby fight. 5 terminators (complete), 30 marines (10 complete), then a couple rhinos, and contemptor dreads. Maybe a 30 man assualt order as well. the dreads and rhinos are on order. also ordering angron and fulgrim.

@Luther- no problem brother, I've just had four days off so I've managed to get a fair bit done. But now I'm going to have to slow down damn bachelor degree in engineering. Anyway I look forward to seeing the iron within become the iron without!

Interesting thread. I wasn't going to base my Alpha Legion at Istvaan V but I'm sort of reconsidering. If i do decide on Istvaan V i will post some stuff up.


I like what you guys have done so far, keep up the good work and i will be following with interest.

Love the boarding marines Jaspcat - I'm seriously tempted to get some now I've seen yours; although I pretty much love all the FW stuff!


I thought I'd post my completed Lord / assault squad sergeant to add to the WE numbers! So here he is.




I've magnetized his left arm so he can also carry a plasma pitsol if the powerfist / chainaxe combo isn't working




And here's one showing the bit of road that he's based on




Hope you like.


Love it now I'm going to need to purchase some assault marines!


Expect a influx of completed models very soon I've got around fifty in finishing stages I'm just busy with Uni studies at the moment.


Look forward to more updates from everyone


Now we're talking! Great looking models so far guys. It's funny how when I think of Warhammer 40,000, I think of the Heresy Era models now more then the stuff GW is currently putting out. It might be because there is a more 'unified' look to the Heresy models then the 40K models. The Legions were the Legions. There was no Golden Aquilias, Wolf Tail talismans, golden cups, or chaos marks, or any of that other crap to 'clutter' the models up with. Clean, simple, elegant. That's what attracts me to the Heresy.

Here are my first 5 SOns of Horus in their final glory.  The bases will likely get some more work once I figure out exactly what I would like to do with them.


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