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ISTVAAN V (Come All Who Dare)

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Hi, i'm just going to post some of my completed stuff in this thread since they're related to istvaan 5 as well :3


Starting with my dreadnought:


My work pace is quite appalling when it comes to anything hobby related, but the ongoing progress of my stuff can be found here: http--,,--//www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/276089-dread-legion-of-the-warmaster-sons-of-horus-dev-blog/
Looking forward to sharing more with you soon!



I would like to thank noctis for this campaign banner,

When I have a chance ill place the coding up on the first page and I'd like everyone to place it in their signiture.

  • 4 weeks later...

I have now finished my first two Iron Hands 20-Man Legion Tactical Squads:










(Sorry the last photo is a bit blurry!)

Wow Urza, I love those IHs! I've never been much of a fan of the legion (I find the monochromic Black/Greys/White scheme a bit bland), but I love yours; the subtle battle damage and the blue spot-color work really well.


Oh, and the cogwheel purity sceal is brilliant!

Thanks! I'll try to get some more pictures up at some point.


I have attempted a different colour scheme out on each of the squads - the first squad is in normal Iron Hands colours, ie black with bright silver trim. The second squad has been painted in their new Forgeworld 'Heresy' colour scheme, which is a dark silver (Iron/Steel), with black shoulderpads and bright silver trim.


I'm undecided as to which scheme looks better, so I think I'm going to alternate each unit between the two schemes from now on.


Next up, I'm working on a Predator Talon next (3 x Predators). They are normal 40k Predators, but I am planning on magnetising the weapons and having a Heavy Conversion Beamer on each one as it's primary weapon. They will hopefully make a pretty fearsome Tank Hunting Unit! I also have a Praetor/Centurion in the works to lead the army.

well, there might be some more green in the fray. My HH loyalist legion is Legio XVIII, the Salamanders. We are coming for you Jaspcat! do you wanna know what it feels like being between a rock and a hard place. you will know when your head is on the Anvil of War and we bring the mighty Hammer of Vulcan down upon you.


Prepare yourselves traitors, We are the the Sons of Vulcan, the warriors of Nocturne, The Salamanders.



We are Legion, and we are coming.



Out of curiosity, where did you find the scheme from Forgeworld?


It was on the posters that were available at the Horus Heresy Weekender. Notice the difference in colour between the black Shouder Pads (Pauldrons) and the dark silver of the rest of the armour.




Also, they had several Iron Hands squads on their Istvaan V display table that were painted in the new scheme - most notably their Siege Breacher Squads.

In case you guys may have forgotten, the ONLY Iron Hands at the Istvaan V dropsite were the Morlocks.  THEY had the iron colored armor (the color of un-burnished Iron), not the rest of the legion, as they were black with metal trim.  As Forge World is only focusing on that in the book, It would be easy to imagine that the coloring is for the Morlocks, not the entire Chapter.  Now, they may well have changed the canon on how they looked, but given the previous models they have painted, I doubt it.

We weren't forgetting. Although technically the Morlocks are an entire Chapter within the Iron Hands Legion. I get what you are saying, but due to 30K terminology versus 40K terminology, it could easily be misinterpreted. English is such a generalized and yet, specific language after all.


And weren't the Morlocks all in Terminator armor?

No. They were all Veterans. Veteran =/= Terminator armor, however Terminator = Veteran.

In case you guys may have forgotten, the ONLY Iron Hands at the Istvaan V dropsite were the Morlocks.  THEY had the iron colored armor (the color of un-burnished Iron), not the rest of the legion, as they were black with metal trim.  As Forge World is only focusing on that in the book, It would be easy to imagine that the coloring is for the Morlocks, not the entire Chapter.  Now, they may well have changed the canon on how they looked, but given the previous models they have painted, I doubt it.


The Morlocks are the Terminator Honour Guard of Ferrus Manus. They are comprised of the Terminator Veterans of The Avernii Clan Company. They are to Ferrus what the Pyre Guard are to Vulkan, and the Deathshroud are to Mortarion.


All Morlocks are Terminators, however not all Avernii are Morlocks.


There was nothing at the Heresy Weekender to indicate that the Avernii Clan exlusively wore the iron-coloured armour - in fact their Istvann V display had power armoured Marines in both the standard black with silver trim colours, and the new iron-coloured armour. More importantly, all the Iron Hands Terminators on their Istvaan V display were the standard black with silver trim colours.


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