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For me the paintjob is a big part. Does your warband worship a certain god? If you agree with GW just add spiky bits! Hard to say without knowing where your loyalty lies. you could look at adding chains which you can do with any cheap jewelry. Gw does also sell a vehicle upgrade sprue for Chaos if that helps.
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I've seen an excellent Word Bearers one that was draped with scrolls, and a Tzeentchian one that was a cross between the Storm Talon kit and a Lamassu...


What (renegade) chapter/legion/warband is it for? That might provide inspiration...

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By his avatar and warband name (Brotherhood of Blood), I'm gunna go out on a limb and say Khornate. The chaos vehicle upgrade sprue is always a simple was of making things evil. Likewise a bunch of Khorne iconography. Also, using the chaos 'equivalent' of loyalist weaponry - I don't know what loadout you're giving it, but if you take the assault cannon, perhaps you could model it using the reaper cannons from your terminators (you're not actually using them, right?) plus those draconic heads that come on the upgrade sprue to stick on lascannons and the like.

There's way more creative guys out there who can help you, as you've almost certainly thought of this stuff yourself. Also, loads of dead loyalists/guardsmen on the base devil.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it's Khornate and you're looking for inspiration I would look at Firefly and Serenity with the Reavers, Skulls strapped to the front, bloody sigils, 'flying without containment', so battle damage, scorches, like it's been to hell and back and it's bought things from hells gift shop

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no they cant, but im gonna use it when i play my csm as regular marines that went renegade. i dont have the money to start a new army. 

If it's Khornate and you're looking for inspiration I would look at Firefly and Serenity with the Reavers, Skulls strapped to the front, bloody sigils, 'flying without containment', so battle damage, scorches, like it's been to hell and back and it's bought things from hells gift shop

i miss that show. i was gonna try a Khorne flyer but my inner nurgle took hold. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are looking to work with greenstuff then you might consider creating organic wings or putting the weaponry into mouths or claws. Maybe making it a sort of heldrake/stormtalon crossbreed would work too. If you want a smaller enterprise than such a huge conversion but still want to do some scultping you could always create an eyeball or three somewhere on the front of the ship, perhaps replacing the cockpit or that stubby tech bit at the very nose. Also the lascannons (if you were using them) can be given the beast end treatment of the landraider lascannons.

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